This Game is Unusual

Chapter 770 God Demon Zhenlan

The woman's face that emerged from the ice and snow lotus stamen ignored Li Kuo, looked at Xiao Zhi, and said, "Xiao Zhi, did you find out a long time ago?"

Xiao Zhi said calmly: "I had some doubts and guesses before. What the ice glutton said should be true, right? God and Demon Zhenlan?"

The complexion of the woman's face changed: "You actually started to doubt me a long time ago."

Xiao Zhi sighed lightly, looked at it and said: "It's not that I want to doubt you, but what you have shown is really too obvious. A mere monster can have such great ability. Let’s just say, in terms of perceptual power, your mere remnants are much stronger than me, Nascent Soul cultivator, is that reasonable?”

Li Kuo, who showed his figure, was also staring at it with piercing eyes.

The complexion of the woman's face changed again, she was silent for a while, then she sighed, and said: "You are right, some of the things I have shown can easily arouse your suspicion, but there is nothing you can do about it. For example, perception, if I deliberately conceal my perception and let you do whatever you want, we would have been killed by the extreme environment in the cold mountain prison long ago, how could we survive to this day? I did this to protect myself. "

Xiao Zhi was silent.

The icy female voice was silent for a while, and said: "That ice glutton is right. I am indeed called Zhenlan. It is an idea left by a god and demon. Lanshuang Demon Lord is a disguised identity of mine."

It actually admitted directly...

This made Xiao Zhi feel a little surprised.

Xiao Zhi said: "The fallen Ice and Snow Demon God should have been killed by you, right?"

Zhen Lan was silent for a while, and said: "He did die in my hands, to be precise, he should have died in the hands of my deity. My deity fought a battle with this ice and snow demon god, and finally beheaded him. After killing here, my true self left this side of the world, but left me behind, let me stay here, and I will stay here for countless years."

"Why do you have to guard?" Xiao Zhi asked.

"After the fall of the gods and demons, there will be a slight possibility of recovery, and that's why I stay here." Zhen Lan said sadly.

"Can you contact your true deity?" Li Kuo asked.

Zhen Lan turned her eyes remnantly, and glanced at Li Kuo: "No, but if I dissipate, my deity should be able to feel it."

Xiao Zhi pursed his lips when he heard the words.

This should be true, he is a Nascent Soul, once the avatar dissipates, even if it dissipates in a different space, he will be aware of it.

Li Kuo asked again: "Why did that ice glutton hunt you down? Don't deceive us with the reason you made up before."

Zhen Lan was silent for a while, and said: "It is a glutton, a strange beast like glutton, which swallows everything. It relies on devouring to increase its strength little by little, and it keeps getting stronger. I am the mind of the gods and demons. If you devour me, your strength will become stronger, and at that time, no one under the gods and demons will be able to cure it."

Relying on swallowing, increasing strength little by little, and constantly becoming stronger?

Xiao Zhi couldn't help thinking of some game advertisements he had seen in the real world.

Start with a kun, evolution depends on swallowing!

In the real world, this game advertisement was once popular in the entire Xia Kingdom, as long as you go online, you can see it everywhere.

Xiao Zhi was attracted by this ad, and tried to download the game linked by this ad, but it turned out to be a shoddy Xianxia game. Others didn't know what to do. Xiao Zhi felt quite disappointed at the time anyway.

Such a good idea, coupled with this overwhelming publicity, as long as the game company develops this game with a little effort, it is destined to be a hit game.

Such a good idea was ruined like this.

Unexpectedly, in this world of sentient beings, there really exists a kind of alien beast that can continuously evolve and become stronger by devouring it. However, its name is not Kun, but Taotie.

Xiao Zhi was thinking about this in his mind, so he heard Zhenlan continue to say: "This ice glutton has been coveting me for a long time. At the beginning, its strength was not strong, and I easily repelled it, but it Its life-saving ability is very strong, and I failed to kill it. Later, it devoured more and more things, and its strength became stronger and stronger. As time passed, my strength became weaker and weaker. Under the ebb and flow, I gradually became no longer its opponent, and could only be hunted down by it."

"Your strength is constantly getting weaker?" Li Kuo said.

Zhen Lan glanced at him remnantly, and said: "I am like a rootless duckweed without my deity. If my strength cannot be replenished, my strength will naturally become weaker and weaker."

Xiao Zhi thought for a while, and he wanted to ask: "You are the avatar of the god and demon, why did you hide it from us?"

But after thinking about it, he swallowed this sentence again, and there is no need to ask, lest they covet the good things on it.

This is a demon god, he knows the secrets and secrets, and there must be a lot of good things on his body, and he is so weak and has no ability to protect himself, which will inevitably attract people to covet him.

Not to mention other people, other monsters, Xiao Zhi asked himself, he has a heart for Zhen Lan, and he has a heart of coveting...

After thinking about it again, Xiao Zhi asked a more urgent question for him: "Will that ice glutton be found again?"

Zhen Lan was silent for a while, and said: "It should be. After losing Lan Shuang's body, my divine sense has been exposed, and it is difficult to cover up my aura. The damned guy is weak, I can still hide it from them, that damned ice glutton is extremely sensitive to the breath, I can't hide it at all, it can be a few hours at a time, or a few days at a time, it will definitely come again Find it, I can't hide it, unless..."

"Unless what?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Zhen Lan was silent for a while, and said: "Unless I can fuse my new body, my new body is carefully refined from various materials I have collected over the years, and it is even stronger than Lanshuang's body." Be stronger, as long as I can integrate my new body and hide my breath through the new body, it will be difficult for it to find me again."

When talking about this, Zhen Lan took a glance at Xiao Zhi, and continued: "The leaf at the bottom of the lake is the leaf of the tree of life, which contains a vigorous breath of life, which can make any flesh and blood except gods and demons Living beings can prolong their lives for thousands of years. In addition, it is also a holy medicine for healing for flesh and blood creatures. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you eat it, you can be cured. The Nascent Soul who was trapped to death, Just die because of it, Xiaozhi, as long as you help me fuse with my new body, I will enter the icy lake again, fish out this leaf of life and give it to you, how about it?"

Extend life for a thousand years? The sentient beings system has given accurate data, the leaves of life, rare treasures of heaven and earth, can prolong life by nine hundred years! When I come to you, it will be a thousand years old!

However, this little bit of exaggeration is actually nothing, not false propaganda.

Xiao Zhi said: "You mean, after you fuse with your new body, you will have the ability to go to the bottom of that icy lake to salvage things?"

"Not bad." Zhen Lan said sadly.

Xiao Zhi lowered his head slightly, lost in thought.

In his previous plan, he was focused on stability. In order to avoid any accidents before the "Slaying the General" operation, he first completed the "Slaying the General" operation satisfactorily. As for the matter of Zhen Lan's remnants, try to delay it as much as possible, and delay the matter until after the "killing the general" action.

Unexpectedly, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, so he tried his best to delay it, just to avoid accidents, but in the end, the accident still happened.

That terrifying ice glutton is an unstable factor, a ticking time bomb!

It might come over at any time, posing a great threat to Xiao Zhi's life. Under such circumstances, how would he carry out the action of 'killing the general'? !

After this ice glutton appeared, the procrastination strategy he had formulated earlier was meaningless.

At this time, Xiao Zhi thought of two solutions.

The first way is to help Zhenlan Cannian as soon as possible to fuse with its new body. With the new body to help hide its breath, it will be difficult for that terrifying ice glutton to find them again.

The second way is to give up Zhenlan Cannian, that ice glutton is aimed at Zhenlan Cannian, as long as he stays away from Zhenlan Cannian, no matter how strong and terrifying that ice glutton is, it has nothing to do with him up...

The first method needs to take certain risks. After all, if he helps Zhenlan Cannian to fuse his new body, he will have to face the two great monsters, Yanyun and Centipede, even if Xiao Zhi has information about his own strength. At the same time, facing the attacks of the two great demon venerables, he was not fully sure that he could resist them. If he couldn't resist, he would die on the spot. Once he died, there would be nothing left.

However, danger and opportunity coexist, as long as he can withstand the joint attack of the two demon venerables and successfully help Zhenlan Cannian fuse into a new body, the benefits will be visible...

The second method, at least before the start of the "Slaying General" action, he doesn't have to take any more risks, but after the "Slaying General" operation, he has lost Zhenlan's remnants, and there are dangerous mountains and cold mountains everywhere. , he is an outsider, and his strength is not particularly strong, so it will be very difficult to survive.

Even if it's a little wretched, if you can survive, it may be difficult to leave this mountainous cold domain...

Xiao Zhi fell into thinking, thinking about these things in his head.

The delicate woman's face protruding from the ice and snow lotus stamen was watching Xiao Zhi unblinkingly, waiting for Xiao Zhi to make a decision.

Xiao Zhi thought for a few seconds in silence, then simply sat cross-legged and closed his eyes.

It seems that he is closing his eyes and resting his mind. In fact, he used his thoughts to call out the actual combat space of the sentient beings system. He wanted to simulate the Yanyun Demon Venerable and the Centipede Demon Venerable in the actual combat space of the sentient beings system at the same time, and then fight with him. Let's see how long he can last under the joint attack of these two demon venerables, whether he will be instantly killed, and whether he can escape.

Before his consciousness entered the actual combat space, Xiao insisted on entering the inner space of the Nascent Soul located deep in his sea of ​​consciousness, and greeted his Nascent Soul.

In this way, after his consciousness enters the actual combat space, if there is a danger outside, his Nascent Soul will immediately take over the control of his body to deal with the danger.

In the combat space, line after line of options appeared in front of Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi directly chose to let the sentient beings system simulate the two great monsters, Yanyun and Centipede, for him.

Reminder: "Century Demon Venerable is in the middle stage of the Demon Venerable, and to manifest it in the actual combat space requires 100,000 National War Merit Points. The state of your strength is the state you saw the last time, may I ask whether it has materialized?"

In the actual combat space, through setting various parameters, the set enemy, no matter how strong the enemy is, reaches the peak of the Nascent Soul, and needs to spend very little national war merit points.

The situation is different if humans or monsters that have appeared in the world of sentient beings are manifested in the actual combat space. This requires the consumption of additional sentient beings points. The value will be more.

Because of this, Xiao Zhi had never manifested the Yanyun Demon Lord and the Centipede Demon Lord in the actual combat space before this.

Because it takes a lot of national war merit points to manifest them.

But that was before, as for now, the situation is different, he has to figure out how long he can last under the combined attack of the two great monsters, Yanyun and Centipede!

If, as he thought, he could last for a period of time and escape, then he would take some risks and choose the first method to help Zhenlan Cannian to fuse with its new body.

If under the joint attack of these two demon venerables, he can only last for a short period of time, or even be killed instantly, then even if he doesn't want to, he can only choose the second method...

"Realization." Xiao Zhi gave the sentient beings system an affirmative answer.

Reminder: "Player, the national war meritorious service under your name is greater than 200,000, and 200,000 national war meritorious service points have been deducted from your name, and it has begun to manifest..."

Prompt: "Successfully manifest the Centipede Demon Venerable."

Soon, a huge bluish-gray centipede with a length of one hundred feet appeared in front of Xiao Zhi, giving people a huge sense of oppression. Xiao Zhi, who was less than two meters tall, stood in front of it, looking like an ant Just as insignificant.

Prompt: "Successful realization of Yanyun Yaozun."

Almost in the blink of an eye, a tumbling dark cloud appeared in front of Xiao Zhi. This tumbling dark cloud was also incomparably huge.

Both the two demon venerables were manifested.

Next, it's time to set up the battlefield.

Setting up a battlefield that meets the requirements also needs to consume some national war merit points, but compared to the national war merit points needed to manifest the two demon lords, it is insignificant.

Soon, the battlefield was set up by Xiao Zhi.

This is a drowsy world, huge blue icebergs are connected one after another, and the biting cold wind is raging in this world.

The battlefield environment set by Xiao Zhi is very similar to the environment in the Mountain Cold Absolute Territory.

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