This Game is Unusual

Chapter 771 The Weakness of the Centipede Demon Venerable

The cold wind is howling, a scene of ice and snow.

A big, fat man with dark skin was standing in the air, his eyes were shining with golden light.

This is Xiao Zhi in the form of a Kun.

Although the Kun-human form is not as fast as the Peng-human form, it has the strongest control over the water field.

Thousands of feet away from Xiao Zhi, a huge bluish-gray centipede, more than a hundred feet long, was winding high in the sky, exuding terrifying energy fluctuations all over its body.

Not far from this huge centipede, there is a cloud of dark clouds floating, and the dark clouds are rolling, which also gives people a huge sense of oppression.

It is the Demon Lord Centaur and Demon Lord Yanyun!

"Human beings! I'm going to tear you apart!" The hissing sound was like rolling thunder, causing an avalanche to occur in the snow-capped mountains below.

The huge blue-gray centipede meandered towards Xiao Zhi!

The tumbling dark cloud also rushed towards Xiao Zhi!

As soon as the battle started, Xiao Zhi encountered the joint attack of Yanyun and Centipede, two great monsters!

And this was also set by Xiao Zhi before entering this virtual battlefield.

In the virtual battlefield, he can set the number of enemies at will, let alone two demon masters, as long as he is not afraid of being abused, he can set ten or even a hundred demon masters as enemies.

The two great demon masters joined forces to attack, and the sense of oppression hit the face like a tsunami!

A dazzling white light shone on Xiao Zhi's body, and his body-protecting essence was naturally activated to resist the overwhelming sense of oppression!

At the same time, a ball of water-like blue light surged out from Xiao Zhi's body, turning into a dark blue water ball with a radius of less than one foot, wrapping Xiao Zhi's body inside.

This form is the most stable form in the field. In this form, Xiao Zhi's control over his own field will reach its limit!

At this time, Centipede Demon Venerable also expanded its domain. It was a piece of emerald green mist, and this emerald green mist spread all over its body. One look at the color, it is very penetrating.

The dark cloud formed by the Yanyun Demon Venerable has not changed. Its existence form is somewhat special. It is not known whether it is its body or its domain.

The distance of a thousand feet was crossed in an instant.

Xiao Zhi roared loudly, and the sad spring knife in his hand cast a thick shadow like ink, and the blade instantly swelled to a length of hundreds of feet, and with the force of chopping Huashan, he chopped at the attacking centipede monster!

On this virtual battlefield, Xiao Zhi behaved very bravely, and directly chose to face the two demon venerables head-on, and the first move was the ultimate move [Mie Shen Dao]!

With a clang sound, Xiao Zhi felt as if he had been cut on an iron plate, and his arm was numb from the shock.

The huge blue-gray centipede was only staggered a bit, and a not-so-big crack appeared on its head.

It quickly rushed over again, and the emerald green mist lingering around him covered Xiao Zhi like a living thing, biting Xiao Zhi with its ferocious mouthparts.

The tumbling dark cloud, followed by the cloud, surged towards Xiao Zhi.

The ball of water representing Xiao Zhi was first engulfed by the emerald green mist, and then engulfed by the rolling black cloud.

In less than 5 seconds, the picture in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes turned into black and white.

A line of prompts appeared in front of his eyes: "Player, you are dead, do you want to start again? Resurrecting and restarting requires 100 national war merit points."

Xiao Zhi ignored the line of text in front of him. After calming down, he began to summarize the battle.

This was the first time he faced the siege of Centipede and Yanyun, the two great monsters, and the result was not optimistic. Even if he tried his best, he only lasted for less than 5 seconds.

On this virtual battlefield, the coordination between Centurion Demon Lord and Yanyun Demon Lord displayed in this virtual battlefield is really good and tacit. The cooperation between them can be described as seamless.

Centipede Yaozun, this blue-gray big centipede, has a very strong defensive power. He Xiao Zhi holds the Lingbao-level Beichun Dao, and uses his current strongest attack method-the consummation-level ultimate move [Destroyer Knife] , under a full blow, it can only barely break its physical defense, and it can't seriously damage it at all!

In addition to the strong physical defense, this centipede monster is also very strong in melee combat. Although he has a huge body, although he can only attack normally, the power of his ordinary attack is not inferior to the ultimate attack of a human Nascent Soul cultivator. , that is to say, each of its attacks can be regarded as a killer move!

Centipede Demon Venerable's field like emerald green mist is highly poisonous, and its blue-gray body is even more poisonous. This poison can erode human body, as well as true energy, paralyze the human body, and make people feel sick. In addition, it can also corrode the domain. The speed of this kind of corrosion is not fast, but it can be seen. When fighting this centipede monster, time dragged The longer it takes, the more severely it will be corroded by this poison...

Just now, the Centipede Demon Venerable used its sharp mouthparts to penetrate Xiao Zhi's water domain, allowing Xiao Zhi to taste the highly poisonous taste, the ecstasy... Xiao Zhi estimated that he I will never forget this taste in my life.

The domain of Yanyun Yaozun has a strong confinement ability, and it is not weakly erosive.

Xiao Zhi's domain was eroded by the domain of the Yanyun Yaozun just now. His domain was eroded to be riddled with holes and became extremely unstable, and then it was like a dam riddled with holes by termites. It fell apart quickly.

The body of Yanyun Yaozun is not a cloud, but a human figure hidden in the dark cloud. This human figure is only black and white, giving people an unreal feeling, like walking out of an ink painting generally.

The main body of Yanyun Demon Venerable also possesses a very good attack power, its attack power is not inferior to that big centipede.

At that time, Xiao Zhina turned into a big water polo to envelop his own domain. Under the toxins of Centipede Demon Venerable and the erosion of Yanyun Demon Venerable's domain, it soon became riddled with holes and then collapsed.

Backlashed by the collapse of the domain, Xiao Zhi lost consciousness on the spot, and then died.

Although he has two spirit treasures to protect him, this spirit treasure is not the absolute defense that cannot be broken in the game. It can only delay his death speed, but cannot protect him from death!

If it weren't for these two spirit treasures to protect Xiao Zhi, under the joint attack of these two great demon venerables, he probably wouldn't be able to survive for 3 seconds and would die.

So, what should he do so that he can persist for a longer period of time under the beating of these two demon venerables?

A frontal hard bar is definitely not acceptable, it is too fast to die like this.

After Xiao Zhi thought for a while, he started the next battle.

In the actual combat space of the sentient beings system, after spending a lot of national war merit points to manifest Centipede Demon Venerable and Yanyun Demon Venerable, they will always exist. As long as Xiao Zhi needs them, he can use them on the virtual battlefield He reappeared and came to be his training partner.

After spending a little national war merit points and restarting the battlefield, Xiao Zhi chose this time not the Kun-human form, but the fastest Peng-human form.

Xiao Zhi, who turned into a Pengren, played a battle royale game with the two monsters, Yanyun and Centipede, on the virtual battlefield.

This time, Xiao Zhi persisted for 55 seconds. After 55 seconds, the picture in front of Xiao Zhi's eyes turned into black and white again.

That line of prompts appeared in front of his eyes again: "Player, you are dead, do you want to start again? Resurrection requires 100 national war merit points."

Xiao Zhi still didn't pay attention to this line of text. After taking a breath, he began to summarize the battle.

His [shrink the ground into an inch] magic power, the timing of casting it was a bit wrong, and it was interrupted once, which was mainly caused by being a little nervous when he was being hunted down. If it weren't for this, he should still be able to hold on for a while.

In fact, there is no need to shrink his water field to be so small. After compressing the water field to the extreme and compressing it into a big water polo, it can certainly increase the stability and defense of the field to the maximum, but this is also greatly improved. Reduced other functionality of the field.

Such as the teleportation function of the domain.

How can you use it for teleportation when the domain is compressed to a radius of less than one zhang?

Is it possible to teleport within this zhang radius? What's the point of teleporting between square inches?

After thinking for a while, Xiao Zhi started a new round of fighting.

For the third battle, Xiao Zhi chose the bird form again. This time, he learned the experience and lessons from the second battle. In a critical moment, he also used his own water field to carry out short-distance teleportation. This time, the time he lasted was more than doubled compared to the second time, reaching 129 seconds, or It was 2 minutes and 9 seconds!

However, this is not enough, it has not met Xiao Zhi's expectations.

"Continue!" Xiao Zhi reset the battlefield and started a new round of battle!

Battle after battle, after each battle, generally speaking, the time that Xiao Zhi could hold on became longer and longer.

In the 10th battle, Xiao Zhi was on the battlefield, and under the siege of Yanyun and Centipede, the two monsters, the time he could last had already broken through the 3-minute mark!

3 minutes is still a little less.

Xiao Zhi was still not satisfied, and continued to restart the battlefield to start a new round of battle.

In one battle after another, Xiao Zhi gradually mastered a fighting skill, that is, the random switching between the form of Peng and the form of Kun.

During his golden elixir period, in the sea kun visualization picture he visualized, the kun fish soars in the sea as a kun, and after jumping out of the sea, it can turn into a golden roc bird flying against the wind and soaring ninety thousand miles!

Kunyu and Pengniao are the two sides of Kunpeng, they are actually one.

Based on this, Xiao Zhi was thinking, can he also switch between his Kun-human form and Peng-ren form at will?

Facts have proved that his conjecture is correct, the Peng-human form and the Kun-human form can indeed be switched at will.

In the form of the Kun, he does not need to withdraw from the form of the Kun, and then re-visualize the trouble of summoning the Pengniao and merging with the Pengniao to become a Peng. In fact, he can directly transform into a Peng from the form of the Kun. human form.

The same is true in Pengren form.

Not only that, the form of the roc and the roc bird can also be switched at will, and there is no need for a second visualization call.

The same is true for the Kun-human form and the Kun-fish form, as well as the Dragon-man form and the Qinglong form.

But it takes a lot of practice, a lot of practice, in order to be more fluent and free when switching forms.

After mastering these, Xiao Zhi will naturally have more means when he fights in the future.

In the 15th battle, Xiao Zhi persisted on the battlefield for more than 5 minutes before he was killed.

In this battle, Xiao Zhi didn't run away all over the place, and he slashed the centipede monster once the battle started.

The killing move contained in his knife is not the high-level magical power of the perfection level [Destroyer Knife], but the high-level magic power of the perfection level [Soul Devourer Knife]!

[Destroyer Knife] specializes in cutting the body, and [Soul Devouring Knife] specializes in cutting the soul.

When he went down with the knife, he severely injured the soul of the centipede demon on the spot, causing the centipede demon to lose a considerable part of his combat power. If the Yanyun demon had not arrived in time and protected the centipede demon, Xiao Zhi felt that he had caught him. Seize the opportunity, chop this big centipede a few more times, and you should be able to cut this big centipede over on the spot!

Although in this battle, Xiao Zhi was still killed in the end, but through this battle, Xiao Zhi discovered a great weakness of Centipede Demon Venerable!

This centipede monster's physical defense is very strong, but its soul is very fragile.

Prior to this, Xiao Zhi had fought many Yaozun in the actual combat space of the sentient beings system. The spirit strength of this centipede Yaozun was obviously lower than those of the same realm as it, even lower than Most of the monsters in the early stage of the Yaozun!

It was precisely because of its weak spirit that Xiao Zhi's [Soul Devourer] was able to hit it hard in one hit!

In the actual combat space, Xiao Zhi couldn't help but be delighted to discover this weakness of Centipede Yaozun by accident!

He couldn't wait to restart the battlefield again, wanting to confirm again.

The result was no different from just now, Xiao Zhi only needed to hit the [Soul Devourer Knife], and he could severely injure the centipede monster!

As for the Yanyun Yaozun, it does not have this weakness.

Its soul strength is not only not weak, but also very strong, Xiao Zhi's [Soul Devourer] can't do much damage to it at all.

In the actual combat space of the sentient beings system, after a few rounds, Xiao Zhi withdrew from it, and his consciousness returned to the sentient beings world.

He rubbed his head with his hands, and opened his eyes tiredly.

He was also a little tired from the continuous high-intensity battles.

As soon as he opened his eyes, Zhen Lan Cannian couldn't wait to show a human face from the stamen of the ice lotus, and said eagerly: "Xiao Zhi, what are you thinking? As long as you are willing to help me, you can help me now." Me, after my new body is fused, I will definitely enter the frozen lake again, fish out that leaf of life and give it to you, and I will never break my promise!"

Xiao Zhi was not in a hurry to answer, but continued to rub his head with his hands, and after rubbing for a while, he said: "Zhen Lan, let me risk my life to help you deal with that centipede monster and Yanyun Yaozun, it's not impossible, you have to promise me one more condition."

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