This Game is Unusual

Chapter 776 Red Glow

This time, he waited until the next day, and the status of all living beings in the Sumeru Realm had been refreshed, and there was still no movement.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning.

It's been so long, and Zhenlan Cannian still hasn't appeared, so it must have failed and died...

No, there is also a possibility that it succeeded, and then it was unwilling to fulfill those promises to him, deliberately ignored him, and left.

There is also a possibility that it takes a long time to fuse the new body, and it is hiding in a corner now, merging its new body...

There are various possibilities, and Xiao Zhi has no way of judging which possibility it is.

As soon as the status in the Xumi Realm was refreshed, Xiao Zhi entered it consciously and started a new round of his journey of killing monsters.

On this day, in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, in the world outside the air wall, Xiao Zhi was flying towards a wandering Rakshasa. A little light.

Among all the worlds of Sumeru, the only thing that can penetrate the black mist is the light that blooms when treasures appear in this world.

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still resisted the urge to go over and take a look.

He is not strong enough, what's the use of passing?

This place is too far away from the air wall. Even if he is lucky, he can snatch this birth treasure. With such an eye-catching thing, the possibility of traveling thousands of miles alive and returning to the birth point is very slim.

That being the case, he might as well concentrate on brushing his own monsters, and keep out of sight.

In fact, these days, he has seen the scene of treasures being born several times.

The world outside the air wall is huge, much larger than the world inside the air wall, and the number of treasures born is naturally much more.

Xiao Zhi had never seen that kind of King Kong carrying the shards of immortality in the past few days.

Thinking about it, it should be a rare monster, and the number should be very small, but it is not something you can see just by looking at it.

Soon, there was a faint sound of shaking and explosions from the place where the light came from the left rear. This should be caused by someone scrambling for treasure.

Looking at the movement, the players participating in the battle for treasures are not weak, at least they have reached the Nascent Soul level!

In the world outside the air wall, Nascent Soul-level players are common. Xiao Zhi has encountered God-level players who are as powerful as gods.

Therefore, Xiao Xing walked in the world outside the air wall, but he was very cautious, maintaining a state of being invisible all the time.

Xiao Zhi just turned his head and glanced back when flying close to the ground, and then continued his journey of killing monsters.

Another Shura who walked alone died under Xiao Zhi's knife.

After easily killing the ground Shura, Xiao Zhi's eyes glowed with dazzling golden light, looking in all directions, searching for the next target.

When Xiao Zhi scanned the ground and looked up at the sky, his gaze couldn't help but focus!

It's the Flying Rakshasa!

Feitian Rakshasa is an upgraded version of Xingdi Rakshasa. It is also good at attacking at the level of spirit and soul, but its strength is much stronger than Xingdi Rakshasa, reaching the level of Yaozun!

Xiao Zhi had encountered one before, and it was very difficult to deal with, much more difficult than the Flying Yasha. That time, Xiao Zhi first performed a sneak attack with the divine concealment technique, and then used all kinds of methods to escape the danger. And dangerously killed it.

To do it or not to do it?

Xiao Zhi hesitated for a while, but finally gritted his teeth and made up his mind, do it!

This is a very rich sentient beings point, you can't miss it.

If the sneak attack is successful, kill the monster in one go. If the sneak attack fails, then don't bother to fight, just retreat and run away.

Having made up his mind, Xiao Zhi, who was in a hidden state, began to transform into another form.

Soon, he transformed into a big fat man with dark skin. This is the form of a Kun. In the form of a Kun, he has the strongest control over the domain and the strongest fighting power.

Concealing his figure, approaching in the air, and then from the back of the flying Rakshasa, a [Soul Eater Knife] slashed out!

[Soul Eater Knife] specializes in slashing souls, and is very effective against monsters like Flying Rakshasa.

This Flying Rakshasa's body was split in half by Xiao Zhi on the spot, making a shrill ghost howl!

Amidst the howling sound of ghosts, the body of the Flying Rakshasa that had been split in two came closer to each other again and fit together.

Xiao Zhi emerged from the void, and countless sword shadows slashed at the flying rakshasa, and the ghost also appeared from the void, holding a rapier, and charged at the flying rakshasa in the same way!

After a few minutes of fierce fighting, amidst the shrill howls of ghosts, the last remnant soul of the Flying Rakshasa was cut into nothingness, and the shattered body of the Flying Rakshasa also collapsed into a cloud of black mist.

At the end of the battle, Xiao Zhi fell from the sky like a meteorite.

During the fall, he hid his figure again and disappeared into the air.

After landing, Xiao Zhi flew close to the ground and continued to explore.

Faintly, Xiao Zhi heard the notification tone when the phone received an incoming letter. This was in the real world, and someone sent him a message.

At this time, Xiao Zhi couldn't 'log off' to check the information.

He ignored it and continued to explore the depths of the black mist ahead.

In front of him, a mountain peak appeared, which was a mountain peak wrapped in black mist. Xiao Zhi's [Diamond Eye] couldn't see through the layer of black mist above the mountain peak at all.

This is another player's birth point, and, judging by the height and scale of this mountain, this birth point should be very powerful, maybe a god-level player is sitting there!

Xiao Zhi was very cautious, and immediately bypassed the mountain far away, and continued to explore the depths of the black mist.

In Xiao Zhi's mind, there is now a map, which is a topographic map of the Xumi Realm that radiates in all directions from the world inside the air wall.

But all the areas that Xiao Zhi has explored are highlighted on this map, and the areas he has not explored are in darkness, as if shrouded in a layer of fog of war.

The Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings is really too big. Last time in the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings, Xiao Zhi explored in one direction for 30 hours at a time. He encountered several birth points, but he never came into contact with it. In the margins, nothing but black mist is still black mist.

In fact, Xiao Zhi is not only constructing a topographic map of the Sumeru Realm in his mind, he is also constructing a topographic map of the Mountain and Cold Absolute Territory in his mind, just in case.

He has never pinned his hope of leaving the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory on Zhenlan Cannian. He has been trying to find ways to understand the various situations in the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory, accumulate relevant knowledge, and do his best to leave the Absolute Cold Mountain Territory. Get ready.

As time went by, Xiao Zhi hunted and killed more than a dozen earth-like monsters, and he even killed hundreds of black mist monsters.

Xiao Zhi locked on another Xingdi Yasha located dozens of miles away. He was flying close to the ground, and when he approached this Xingdi Shura, the demon sent a thought to him.

"What? You said that my body is exuding a faint red light?" Xiao Zhi's figure suddenly stopped, and his face changed.

He stretched out his hand, put it in front of his eyes, and looked carefully. Looking closer, he could really see that his arm was emitting a very faint red light.

Not just his hands, but his feet, torso, and head, too.

After using [King Kong Dazzling Eyes], the red light became more obvious.

What exactly is going on? Could this be an unknown curse? On Xiao Zhi's face, he couldn't help showing a look of surprise and uncertainty.

He hurriedly closed his eyes, looked inside himself, sensed his own condition, and found nothing abnormal.

He radiated his true energy again, and his true energy exploded. He wanted to purify the red light, but it didn't work. He expanded his water domain again, used the domain to condense the purest water, and washed himself with water, but it was also ineffective.

After tossing like this for a while, Xiao Zhi suppressed his doubts and slowly calmed down.

This is the Sumeru Realm of all beings, not the world of all beings, nor the real world, even if it is really cursed by some monster, so what?

When the time is up and the status is refreshed, the curse will be cleared naturally. If so, why should he be afraid?

After calming down, Xiao Zhi continued to explore and continue to spawn monsters.

Although he no longer had doubts in his heart, Xiao Zhi still couldn't help but check himself every once in a while.

He found that the red light emanating from his body was becoming more and more obvious!

‘What’s the matter with this red glow emanating from my body? ’ Xiao Zhi stopped where he was, frowned, and began to recall carefully.

‘Could it be related to the Flying Rakshasa I killed? ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

‘That’s not right, Flying Rakshasa, I also killed one a few days ago, and there was nothing abnormal at that time. '

‘Could it be related to those rivers and creeks like yellow spring water? ’Another thought popped up in Xiao Zhi’s mind.

Probably not, in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, the rivers and creeks that are like yellow spring water are all far away from him, and he has never touched them.

After thinking wildly in his mind for a while, Xiao Zhi put aside his distracting thoughts and continued to farm monsters.

Xiao Zhi took a look at himself.

Reserve of true energy: 5%

This reserve of true energy is no longer enough for the return trip.

Then send it back after the true energy in the body is exhausted... Xiao Zhi has a decision in his mind.

Soon, the true energy in Xiao Zhi's body was almost exhausted.

Xiao Zhi stopped hunting monsters and sat down on the desolate ground.

He couldn't help looking at himself again, and he found that the red light emanating from his body was a little more obvious than before.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help frowning.

On this day, he did not immediately send back to the birth point through the sentient beings system as soon as he exhausted his true energy as usual, but sat silently.

It wasn't until the true energy in his body was almost unable to maintain the [Shen Yin Technique] that he stood up and was ready to teleport back to the birth point.

Before teleporting, he couldn't help checking himself again.

It's a little different from what he thought, during the time of sitting dry, the color of the cursed red light on his body didn't get any darker!

Xiao Zhi took a closer look at himself again, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Once teleported back to the birth point, Xiao Zhi returned to the world of sentient beings consciously.

In the world of sentient beings, the first thing Xiao Zhi did after he opened his eyes was to take a closer look at himself.

His body is normal, and there is no such red glow.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart.

He turned his head and glanced at the void beside him. Sitting there was Li Kuo, the demon. Li Kuo, the demon, was recuperating at this time. Li Kuo seemed to be in good condition.

Xiao Zhi didn't bother Li Kuo. After taking his eyes back, he closed his eyes again, and his consciousness returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, the first thing Xiao Zhi did was to pick up his phone to check the time.

October 10, 2021 at 11:19 pm.

After turning on the screen, Xiao Zhi also saw an unread message.

Xiao Zhi clicked on the message and saw that it was Liu Yi from the All Living Army who sent him a message.

Xiao Zhi stared at this message.

The time for the "Slaying General" operation has been preliminarily determined, and it was set at noon on October 15th. Liu Yi sent this message to ask Xiao Zhi for his opinion and see if Xiao Zhi has any objections to this.

After all, Xiao Zhi is the absolute main force in this operation of "killing generals", and he still has the right to speak in this operation.

If Xiao Zhi has no objection to this, then the time has been set, and the All Living Army will unite with governments from all over the world to start preparations for the "killing general" operation.

After 5 days, start this 'kill general' operation...

Xiao Zhi counted the time silently in his mind, and typed a reply: "Yes, I have no problem."

After replying to the messages, Xiao Zhi started to order food with his mobile phone, went to the bathroom, and washed up. After he finished washing up, the food he ordered was brought to his room steaming hot.

Having not eaten for a whole day, Xiao Zhizhi was really hungry. After he sat down, he picked up the bowl and chopsticks and began to eat and drink.

While eating, Xiao Zhi picked up his phone and looked at it. Liu Yi had already sent a text message: "Okay, since Xiao Zhi has no problem with you, the time is set on the 15th, around 6:00 am on the 15th, you Come over to the headquarters of the All Living Army to discuss some details of the 'Slaying General' operation, and other participants will also come over when the time comes."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi replied.

After eating this sumptuous dinner, Xiao Zhi lay on the sofa to digest. While digesting, he wrote a report with his mobile phone, reporting what happened today, which has become a habit of his.

'Zhenlan's remnants still have no news...'

"I hunted and killed another Flying Rakshasa in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives. Its characteristic is... There are a few points to pay attention to when killing it..."

"My body in the Sumeru Realm of All Lives is now emitting a red light. It seems to be a curse that cannot be exorcised. I haven't experienced any discomfort yet..."

In the report, Xiao Zhi focused on describing some details about Hongmang.

Among the sentient beings army, there is a staff group, and the duty of the people in the staff group is to make suggestions. He told the matter about the Hongmang just because he wanted the sentient beings army to help him think about it and see if this is a real thing. what's the situation.

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