This Game is Unusual

Chapter 777 This is the red name

After finishing the report, Xiao Zhi sent two copies to Liu Yi of the All Living Army and his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji respectively.

Xiao Zhi took out the tablet again, and checked the relevant information of Xuanming World.

The latest information shows that in the past few days, the population of another big city in Xuanming World has been collectively relocated, turning it into an empty city.

Also in the past few days, in the Xuanming world, there are three more Qingyun four-in-one formations and one more Zixiao six-in-one formation.

Most of the relocated population was resettled to the coverage area of ​​the Zixiao Liuhe Formation, and some of the population was dispersed to those sparsely populated areas.

In those sparsely populated areas, there is often no human habitation for more than ten kilometers or even tens of kilometers. Even if there are strong players coming to such places, they will not waste time going to such places.

'Xuanming World is still continuously strengthening the defense of this world, have they realized something? ’ Xiao Zhi looked at the information on the screen and couldn’t help muttering in his heart.

Just then, his cell phone rang and someone called him.

Xiao Zhi picked up the phone and looked at it. It was his exclusive correspondent who called him.

"Hello." Xiao Zhi chose to connect the phone.

On the other side of the phone, the voice of his exclusive correspondent Liu Ji came: "Xiao Zhi, there are already detailed investigation results about your assassination case, and the relevant content will be sent to you later."

"Okay." Xiao Zhi said.

There are a lot of things going on these few days. If his exclusive correspondent hadn't mentioned it, he would have almost forgotten about it.

After hanging up the phone, not long after, Xiao Zhi's cell phone kept ringing, and he received more than 20 messages in a row.

Xiao Zhi opened the message and read it.

The person who assassinated Xiao Zhi that day was called Qian Xiaofei. He was a lunatic and an extremist. The detailed investigation results showed that this was indeed not Qian Xiaofei's personal behavior. As a result, behind this Qian Xiaofei, there is still a team composed entirely of extremists. company……

In order to investigate the assassination case of Xiao Zhi, the All Life Army and the Ministry of Security dispatched a large number of security forces. A total of 179 people were arrested across the country, including extremists and several inner ghosts who were suspected of being mentally controlled... …

The information sent by Liu Ji was very detailed, and all the documents related to the assassination incident were sent.

It can also be seen from this that Xia Guo's government attaches great importance to this matter.

In an extraordinary period, after the interrogation, these people were sent directly to prison and locked up.

However, including that Qian Xiaofei, no one was killed...

After Xiao Zhi read the materials at a glance, he let out a light breath.

Anyway, this thing is over.

At this moment, Liu Ji sent another message to Xiao Zhi: "Xiao Zhi, it has been said above that if you have objections to the punishment of those people and feel that the punishment is light, we can respect your opinion and treat all of these people with respect." Sentenced to death."

Xiao Zhi shook his head and smiled, then typed and replied: "I have no objection, that's all."

In that assassination incident, he was not in danger, so he didn't have much hatred for the person who assassinated him.

That Qian Xiaofei, whose parents, wife and children were all dead, went to extremes and became crazy. This is actually a pitiful person.

After typing and replying to Liu Ji, Xiao Zhi put the phone aside, and gently rubbed his temples with his hands.

At this moment, his cell phone rang again, and someone sent him a message again.

Xiao Zhi picked up his phone and looked at it. It was Liu Yi who sent him a message this time.

Liu Yi: "Xiao Zhi, the red light you described in your report, after discussion by the staff group, feels that this is a bit like the red name in the game."

Game famous?

Xiao Zhiwei was a little surprised, but when he thought about it carefully, it was really similar. He typed: "You mean, in the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, too many monsters were killed, so I became popular." name?"

Liu Yi: "This is the guesswork of some young staff members in the staff group. This guess is based on the following two points. First, Xiao Zhi, you mentioned in your report that when you stopped hunting those monsters, your body The red light emitted will stop deepening. The second point, with Xiao Zhi, you are now hunting monsters and accumulating sentient beings. If there is no limit, it is possible for one person to destroy a world. This may not be sentient beings. What the world system wants to see, this red name setting may be a kind of restriction for Nascent Soul players like you."

Xiao Zhi looked at this text, thoughtful.

The phone vibrated slightly, and Liu Yi sent another message: "The people in the staff team said that it is very simple to verify whether it is a red name or a curse, and wait for the status in the Xumi Realm to be refreshed." After that, Xiao Zhi, go in and take a look. If the red light on Xiao Zhi disappears after the status is refreshed, then there is a high probability that this is a curse. If it emits that kind of red light, then this is most likely a red name."

"I see." Xiao Zhi typed: "I will go in and have a look after the status of all living beings in the Sumeru Realm is refreshed."

Liu Yi: "If it's really a red name, after the red name becomes deeper, you may be in danger, Xiao Zhi. The suggestion of the staff is to hunt less or not to hunt those black mist monsters, so as to reduce the cost of killing monsters." Quantity, see if it works."

"Okay, I see." Xiao Zhi rubbed his brows with his hands.

In the Sumeru Realm of all living beings, most of the things are not hinted, and everything has to be explored and guessed. If this is really a red name...

After chatting for a few more words, Xiao Zhi ended the conversation with Liu Yi.

Putting the phone aside, Xiao Zhi lay on the bed, closed his eyes and rested for a while, then consciously entered the world of sentient beings.

In the world of sentient beings, in the cold mountains, after Xiao Zhi opened his eyes, he took out the snow lotus petal as a keepsake.

It has been several days, and there is still no movement.

Could it be because I'm in a deep cave now and the 'signal' is not good?

With a thought in Xiao Zhi's mind, his figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, floated out of the deep cave, and then floated to the side of the iceberg.

Here the sky is high and the land is wide, without any obstructions, the 'signal' should be fine, right?

Standing on an ice rock, facing the bitter cold wind, Xiao Zhi took out the snow lotus petal as a keepsake from the storage ring and let it float by his side.

In this way, Xiao Zhi stood on the mountainside, maintaining a hidden state, and the cold wind blew for more than half an hour, but he still didn't see Zhen Lan looking for him.

At this time, the time has come to the early morning of October 11, 2021.

As soon as the state in the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings was refreshed, Xiao Zhi returned to the deep cave, and his consciousness immediately entered the Sumeru Realm of Living Beings.

In the Sumeru Realm of All Living Beings, as soon as Xiao Zhi left the birth point, he couldn't wait to start checking himself.

His heart sank quickly.

The red light is still there, and it shows no signs of fading.

The red light on his body can't be cleared even after the status refresh. It seems that the red light coming out of him is very likely to be the red name!

In those virtual games in the real world, it is impossible to get a red name for killing monsters. No matter how many monsters are killed, it is impossible to get a red name. Only by killing players can you get a red name.

Even in some virtual games, the red name can be washed away by spawning monsters.

In this living world, the situation is reversed, killing monsters and killing a lot, and even becoming famous!

This was something he hadn't expected at all before.

‘The red name is the red name, even if the red name is red, the blame still has to be brushed. ’ Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart.

I just don’t know what side effects will happen after getting a red name, and whether there will be any powerful NPC monsters, similar to the sword guards in a certain game, coming to chase and kill me...

‘Hey, I can only take one step and see one step at a time’ Xiao Zhi sighed again in his heart.

After staying in place for a while, Xiao Zhi changed into the form of a bird, and like a bolt of lightning, he spread his wings and flew towards the world outside the air wall.

After passing through the air wall and coming to the world outside the air wall, Xiao Zhi immediately cast [God's Hidden Art] and entered the state of God's Hidden.

He followed the advice of the staff group of the All Living Army, and stopped killing the black mist monsters he encountered along the way, and only killed the elite monsters of the land type.

Every once in a while, every time he kills a monster, Xiao Zhi will check his body carefully to see if the red light emanating from his body has deepened.

He found that as long as he didn't kill the monsters, the red light from his body wouldn't deepen, but it wouldn't get lighter either.

As long as he kills monsters, the red light on his body will deepen and become more obvious than before.

'It is already certain that this is the red name without a doubt. ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

'The more you kill monsters with this red name, the more obvious it will be. It will not fade away with the passage of time. So, what should be done to get rid of this red name? ’ Xiao Zhi frowned.

In a blink of an eye, a few more hours passed. During these few hours, Xiao Zhi killed more than 200 elite monsters of the Xingdi level, and also killed a flying Yasha of the demon level.

As the number of monsters hunted by Xiao Zhi continued to increase, the red light emitting from his body became more and more obvious. Now there is no need to observe carefully, because the red light that emerged is already very Obvious.

And the side effects of the red name also began to appear at this time.

Xiao Zhi found that after his red name deepened, the effect of his [Divine Stealth] supernatural power had begun to be reduced, because the state of [Divine Concealment] seemed unable to cover up the red light emanating from him. .

When he was not famous before, he maintained a state of invisibility. Even if he stood in front of the monster of the land and lay face to face with the monster, the monster would just treat him as air and completely ignore his existence.

Now it's different, now even the weakest yaksha, when he gets close to a certain distance, the yaksha of this line can also detect him, make a ghost whistle at him, and launch an attack.

Before, he could approach the Flying Yaksha silently through the invisibility state of [God's Hidden Art], instantly injure the opponent with a sneak attack, and then easily and quickly eliminate the opponent.

It can't work now, now he was detected by the Flying Yasha even hundreds of feet away. After all, this is a demon-level monster. If you don't use this method of sneak attack, Xiao Zhi wants to kill it. Need to spend some hands and feet.

The Flying Yasha that I encountered today, Xiao Zhi joined forces with the demon, after a fierce battle, managed to kill it.

'After my red name, my divine invisibility technique has become less and less effective in front of monsters, so what about the players? In the eyes of players, what state am I in now? Has my hidden state become ineffective for players? ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Because of the red name, he is in a bad mood now.

At this moment, several players appeared in Xiao Zhi's field of vision.

There are five players in total, four men and one woman. The strength of these five players is not strong, none of the Nascent Soul level. The strongest male player only has the strength of the Jindan peak. A female player, even only has the strength of Jindan early stage.

There are also Golden Core players in the world outside the air wall, and there are quite a few of them.

In the past, even if the strength of these five players was relatively weak, with the mentality that more things are worse than less things, Xiao Zhi would avoid them from afar and concentrate on killing his own monsters.

But now, because of the matter of Hong Ming, his thinking has become a little different.

‘Whether my hidden state is still effective for players now, it’s useless for me to think about it here alone, just try it in the past and you’ll know! ’ Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

With that in mind, he rushed towards those players.

Soon, Xiao Zhi approached these players.

1000 zhang...500 zhang...300 zhang...

At 300 feet, none of these players responded, so Xiao Zhi continued to approach these players.

"Stop! There's something!" The strongest male player shouted, his eyes glowed with dazzling white light, and he stared at Xiao Zhi's side with piercing eyes.

After being shouted at by him, the other four players also displayed their pupil-like magical powers, and looked at Xiao Zhi's position in unison.

"What's wrong?" A player showed a puzzled expression, this is a player in the middle stage of Jindan.

The other players also showed doubts.

"Can't you see me... Only the strongest person can see me..." Xiao Zhixin said.

He displayed the supernatural power of [shrinking the ground into an inch], and his figure flashed, shortening the distance between him and these players to within 100 feet in an instant!

Immediately, all the players changed color!

The weakest female player even screamed: "I see! It's red... a red ghost!"

While screaming in horror, the female player instinctively backed away.

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