This Game is Unusual

Chapter 81 Ten Elephant Real Power Art

Xiao Zhi had a feeling of enlightenment after reading the exercises one by one.

Before that, there was always a doubt in his heart, that is, according to what he learned from Li Pingfeng and the game forum, the three acquired skills of strength, physique, and agility, the results of cultivation, all have different effects. It is to make people become warriors, possess the true strength of warriors, and then become acquired ultimate warriors, mastering the secret technique of 'boiling blood'.

The real strength of the warrior, the secret technique of 'boiling blood', everyone is the same.

As for the others, the three basic attributes have obvious gaps because of the different cultivation routes and the different emphasis of the attributes.

For example, Xiao Zhi, who practiced "Nine Bulls Explosive Power Jue" and took the strength route, his strength attribute was as high as 306 points, but his agility was only 169 points. The attribute may be the highest, reaching more than 300 points, the strength attribute is obviously not as good as Xiao Zhi.

But warriors will use their true strength when fighting, and they will not only rely on their own physical fitness to fight.

When extreme fighters are fighting for their lives, not only will they use their true strength, but they will also use the secret technique of 'boiling blood'!

With the blessing of the martial artist's true strength and the 'boiling blood' secret technique, the difference in attributes between the players is almost negligible.

For example, Xiao Zhi, who takes the power route, can run faster than a racing car when running at full speed, and can catch up with Boss Ba, who is innate.

Acquired extreme players who take the agility route can also break wood with one sword, smash rocks with one sword, and twist ordinary weapons into twists when they burst out with all their strength.

The three major routes of strength, agility, and physique seem to have lost their proper characteristics and become somewhat homogeneous.

But when he saw these exercise secret books on the second bookshelf, Xiao Zhi suddenly understood.

The three routes of strength, agility, and physique are indeed different.

Every route has its own exercises and cheats.

If you want to learn the exercises of other routes, you can, but when you practice, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Therefore, players can only choose one of the paths to go. No matter how strong the cultivation qualifications and resources are, it is difficult to achieve everything.

At least in the same realm, the same rank, it is difficult to achieve triathlon, comprehensive.

It's just that these exercise secret books are too expensive, aren't they?

Xiantian skills are already ridiculously expensive, and most of these combat and auxiliary skills are even more expensive than Xiantian skills!

These are all money!

I thought that after killing Boss Ba, he was already very rich, but now that I think about it, he is still poor. After spending money to buy innate skills, the remaining money can't even afford a decent book of military achievements up.

Forget it, let's take one step at a time, buy the innate skills first, and talk about it after breaking through to the innate realm.

Xiao Zhi didn't waste any more time looking carefully at the secret exercises on the bookshelves one by one, but turned around and came to the first bookshelf, and picked up the "Ten Elephants True Power Jue".

He didn't go downstairs in a hurry, but stood where he was, flipping through the cheat book in his hand.

He wanted to see what kind of content was recorded in the cheat book.

The secret book looks a little old, it is a thread-bound book with a blue cover, on the blue cover, the five words "Ten Symbols of True Power", are vigorous and powerful.

While flipping through the cheat book, Xiao Zhi suddenly had an idea in his mind: If I stay on the second floor of the attic and don't go down, I will study and read this "Ten Elephant True Power Jue" here, is it right? Even saved the 100,000 yuan?

But the next moment, when he opened the cover, he was dumbfounded.

Under the blue covers, there were sheets of yellowed white paper with nothing on them.

Could this be the legendary Wordless Heavenly Book?

Xiao Zhi went downstairs, passed the secret book in his hand to the old man on the first floor, suppressed his anger, and said, "Why is there no word in this secret book? Could it be fake?"

"Of course it's fake. Could it be that you put the real cheats on it and let you steal it for free?" The old man sitting cross-legged on the futon had a calm expression on his face.

The old man reached out to take the secret book, glanced at the words on the cover of the secret book, and said calmly: "A copy of "Ten Elephant True Power Jue" costs 100,000 yuan."

He reached into his sleeve, and after groping for a while, he took out a jade tablet emitting a soft green light, and said calmly: "Pay with one hand, deliver with one hand, and bring the money."

Xiao Zhi was stunned on the spot.

It turned out that the real cheat book was not a thread-bound book with a blue cover, but a jade plaque.

Also, the old man took this jade tablet out from his sleeve, and his sleeve was obviously empty, with nothing in it.

Could it be that this old man has storage items such as the legendary Na Ring?

In such an important place as the "Zanggong Building" of the county government, there are no guards, only an old man is in charge here, and the old man also has the legendary storage props on him. This old man is probably not simple.

This old man, shouldn't he be a Taoist cultivator who has surpassed the innate realm?

But Wang Jiming said that in Linwu County, only a monk named Wei Ruhai exists.

However, Wang Ji is just a village warrior, and his knowledge is not very extensive. Just listen to what he says, and don't believe it all.

A few seconds later, Xiao Zhi came back to his senses. He took out the newly obtained County Hero Token from his pocket, handed it to the old man, and said, "This is the County Hero. If I buy cheats here, I should be able to get a discount." Bar?"

The old man took the token, looked carefully at the token, then at Xiao Zhi, handed the token back to Xiao Zhi, and said, "This is indeed yours, 95,000 yuan, bring it here. "

Xiao Zhi took out all the 10 gold ingots that hadn't warmed up yet, and handed them to the old man.

The old man took the 10 gold ingots and stretched his hands into his sleeves again. When his bony hands stretched out again, 5 silver ingots appeared in his hands. In front of Xiao Zhi.

Xiao Zhi took the silver ingot and the jade token, and walked towards the door of the attic.

However, he only took a few steps forward when he was stopped by the old man: "The cheat books that have been discounted by the county magistrate can only be used by yourself. You can stay here and study them, and don't take them out."

When Xiao Zhi heard this, he couldn't help complaining in his heart: 'It really doesn't take advantage of any loopholes. '

In desperation, Xiao Zhi had no choice but to choose a futon on the dim first floor of the attic, patted off the dust on it, and sat down cross-legged.

After sitting cross-legged, Xiao Zhi picked up the jade tablet and stared at it intently.

A line of text appeared in front of him like flowing water:

Prompt: "You are studying "Ten Elephants True Power Jue"..."

Reminder: "According to your roots, it will take you 10 hours, 17 minutes and 56 seconds to study the "Ten Elephants True Power Jue", please wait patiently."

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Zhi only felt in a trance for a while, and when he regained consciousness again, he was already in the real world.

Thank you Mu Youcai for your support.

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