This Game is Unusual

Chapter 82 Some Thoughts

The times of the real world and the world of sentient beings are synchronized, and it is already night time.

On the screen of the mobile phone, the game screen has been blurred, and there is only a countdown, which clearly exists in the middle of the screen.

The countdown is 10 hours, 17 minutes, and 56 seconds. Below the countdown, there is an option to interrupt.

Obviously, Xiao Zhi's consciousness was kicked out of the "world of sentient beings" by the game system.

After turning on the light and lying on the bed for a while, Xiao Zhi got up with some difficulty.

After lying on the bed for so long, his body was a little stiff, and his bladder felt like it was about to explode.

After running to the bathroom, Xiao Zhi heaved a long sigh of relief.

As soon as he sat down on the sofa, hunger pangs hit him.

Hungry, very hungry...

Soak some instant noodles. Instant noodles can only fill your stomach, and the nutrition may not keep up with it. You can’t eat your body down. After all, the body is the capital of the revolution.

How about some takeout? He was getting tired of eating takeaway every day.

Xiao Zhi picked up the old mobile phone and checked the time. It was 8:10 in the evening, which was not too late.

Calculated according to the time, it will take around 6:30 tomorrow morning for the character to finish studying the innate skill "Ten Elephants True Power Jue".

For these 10 hours, in the world of sentient beings, he can't do anything.

Taking advantage of this time, he can go outside, have a good meal, and then have a good sleep. When he wakes up, the character has almost finished studying the "Ten Elephants True Power Art", and stepped into the innate world. environment.

In a restaurant not far from the rented house, Xiao Zhi ordered himself a fish hot pot and a large table of dishes.

The weather is getting colder and colder now, and eating a hot pot is also a good way to warm up your body.

While waiting for the food to be served, Xiao Zhi casually glanced at the restaurant.

It was meal time at this time, and most of the tables in the restaurant were occupied.

Some came to eat with a family, and some came to eat with a few friends. Xiao Zhi also saw several couples. Looking around, he was the only one at Xiao Zhi's table.

However, his table ordered the most dishes.

No way, rich, willful!

He has more than 2 million yuan in his WeChat. Even if he eats and drinks like this every day for 10 years, he can't finish it.

This is the benefit of being rich, there is no need to tighten your belt and live carelessly.

The waiter who served the food was very qualified. Xiao Zhi ordered so many dishes by herself, she opened her mouth, but didn't say much.

On the other hand, some guests at other tables paid attention to Xiao Zhi's side frequently. Is this person a big eater? Why did you order so many dishes by yourself?

Xiao Zhi ignored them, and asked the waiter to bring him a few bottles of beer, and then started to eat.

In fact, he doesn't like drinking very much, but prefers drinks like Coke.

It's just that drinks like cola will bloat your stomach if you drink too much. If you drink cola at the table, you won't be able to eat much food, and you will feel full and can't eat anymore. wasteful.

Wine is different. Drink slowly and eat food slowly, even if you eat for 1 or 2 hours, there is no problem.

While eating, his old mobile phone on the table vibrated slightly, and a WeChat message came.

Xiao Zhi clicked to open it.

It was Li Pingfeng who sent him the message.

Li Pingfeng: "Xiao Zhi, what happened?"

Xiao Zhi took a piece of hot fish, put it in his mouth and chewed it, and replied: "The result is not bad, my reputation as an acquired extreme warrior is still useful, a guerrilla came out from the county government, and brought me The matter of the bounty has been settled, and I am now in the 'Zanggong Building' of the county government, comprehending the Xiantian Gong."

"Damn, this is the enlightenment? I thought this matter could not be solved." Li Pingfeng sent a voice, a very surprised tone.

"Brother Zhi, is there anything you can't handle?" Xiao Zhi snorted, and also sent a voice over.

"Hahaha, my brother in society, people don't talk harshly." Li Pingfeng laughed a few times: "I'm curious, what is the name of the innate skill you practice, can you tell me?"

Xiao Zhi poured himself a glass of beer, took a sip, and said, "I'm eating now, it's inconvenient to talk like this, let's make a voice call, and I'll explain it to you in detail."

Xiao chose a corner location in the restaurant, which was a little far away from other tables. As long as he spoke in a low voice, the guests at other tables could not hear what he was saying.

Xiao Zhi picked out some important things about the trip and told Li Pingfeng.

Li Pingfeng was on the other end of the phone, listening with great interest.

After talking for more than ten minutes, Xiao Zhi finished everything he was about to say.

After listening to it, Li Pingfeng said with emotion: "It turns out that in addition to innate skills, there are auxiliary skills and military achievements. Different cultivation routes have different auxiliary skills and military achievements suitable for cultivation."

"Indeed." Xiao Zhi replied.

After Li Pingfeng was silent for a long time, he said, "I have some ideas about this world of sentient beings. Xiao Zhi, do you want to listen?"

"Say." Xiao Zhi picked up a piece of chicken and chewed it in his mouth.

Li Pingfeng said: "The world of sentient beings is somewhat different from the fairy world I imagined. In this world of sentient beings, it is too slow to recover the energy in our body, such as true power. Once the energy is used, it will be consumed quickly, it is consumed quickly, and it is recovered slowly. Once the energy in the body is exhausted, only relying on one's own physical fitness to fight, and being killed by people across several levels, is That's normal."

Xiao Zhi deeply sympathized with these words.

Two days ago, Yang Xu sneaked up on that bandit martial artist with a high degree of acquired strength. When the other party was unprepared and did not use the true strength of the warrior, he almost succeeded. Using the real power of a warrior, even if it is not a sneak attack, but a face-to-face confrontation, the possibility of killing the opponent is very high.

Xiao Zhi asked himself, even if he is an acquired extreme martial artist, if he does not use the true strength of the warrior and the "boiling blood" secret technique, he may not be able to defeat an acquired early stage martial artist, if the opponent is an acquired middle stage martial artist , the possibility of him being killed will be very high.

This is the importance of a warrior's true strength.

It is too important for a warrior.

However, the energy of the warrior's true power is consumed extremely quickly and recovered extremely slowly.

Not only Houtian realm warriors, but Xiantian realm warriors should also be troubled by this matter.

More than a day ago, in the chasing and fleeing battle that Xiao Zhi witnessed at the air wall, whether it was the bandits in coir raincoats led by Boss Ba, or the innate high-level warrior who chased and killed them, guerrilla Chen Yousong.

All of them ride horses.

It is obvious that some of them can run at full speed much faster than horses, so why do they still have to ride horses?

the reason is simple.

Whether it is the true strength of acquired warriors or the true energy of innate warriors, neither can last.

No one would be foolish enough to use the warrior's true power (true qi) while on the road.

Therefore, the importance of horses is highlighted.

"Continue talking." Xiao Zhi took another sip of beer and said.

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