This Game is Unusual

Chapter 83 Natural Warrior!

Li Pingfeng said: "So I think, this is not a world where a lone ranger can play around."

"Walking alone in this world, the limitations are too great. Once something happens, the energy in the body is exhausted, and there is no teammate to rely on, it is really very dangerous. At this time, if you encounter a powerful Enemies at this point don’t even know how they died.”

"The two of us are teammates, right?" Xiao Zhi said after being silent for a few seconds.

He actually thought of what Li Pingfeng said.

Apart from repaying the debt of favor, he also had other considerations for sending the 10 gold ingots.

People who only look at profit when doing things, people who only talk about profit will never become friends who can rely on life and death.

He gave away the 10 gold ingots, and he didn't want to accept Li Pingfeng's 1 million. In fact, he was showing an attitude-although Xiao Zhi likes money, for him, some things are more important than the 1 million. important.

For example... a teammate who can entrust each other's backs in the world of sentient beings.

"Hahaha, of course we are teammates." Li Pingfeng on the other side of the phone said with a smile: "It's just that in a team, just the two of us is not enough, it is not enough, we need some other people to join .”

Xiao Zhi thought of the professional players trained by Li Pingfeng's father's company.

"Li Shao, what do you want to do?" Xiao Zhi asked.

Li Pingfeng said: "I want to form a small team. In this small team, there are players who take the strength route like us, players who take the agility route, and players who take the physique route. We gather together and interact with each other. Cooperate, learn from each other's strengths, and conquer the world of sentient beings together, Xiao Zhi, what do you think?"

"Form a team of players and conquer the world of sentient beings together..." Xiao Zhi murmured, feeling quite moved in his heart.

"Yes, let's conquer the world of sentient beings together!" Li Pingfeng over there said a little excitedly: "The two of us are taking the line of strength. After this team is established, Xiao Zhi, you are the strongest, and you are the leader of this team." Absolute main force, aren't you worried that the guy behind that blood-eyed crow will come to trouble you? During this period of time, you should not go out of the city, and practice in the city with peace of mind. I will let other people in the team Let's get you together, the cultivation speed of our players is much faster than the NPCs in this world, when we improve our strength, a mere monk, if he is afraid of being a bird, we will rush up together and kill him!"

"I'm afraid he's a bird, let's rush up together, and kill him..." Xiao Zhi murmured.

In a trance, he thought of the passionate years when he was still in college and playing games with his roommates.

At that time, it was really passionate.

People in a dormitory, even in a class, are all playing the same game, and they are all in the same gang.

Dozens or hundreds of people in the guild fought bosses and gang wars together. The passionate battle songs in the voice channel followed one after another, and the hoarse voice of the command never stopped.

The passion is boundless.

It's just that there is no permanent feast in the world. After senior year, everyone's internship, job hunting, postgraduate entrance examination, people slowly dispersed, and they couldn't get together anymore. also scattered.

In the next few years, Xiao Zhi finished several games one after another, but he has always been a lone ranger, and he can no longer find the passion he used to play games.

But now, with what Li Pingfeng said, Xiao Zhi only felt that his heart, which had been silent for a long time, seemed to start to burn again.

It's just that 'The World of All Beings' is different from other games. This is not a game, but a real world.

In this real world, is it really feasible to form a team of players and fight around?

Also, forming a team of players to conquer the world of sentient beings, passion is indeed passion, but what about his cultivation path? What about the plans he had in mind? Will it be affected by this?

If it conflicts with it...

"Xiao Zhi, are you hesitating?" Li Pingfeng said as if he had guessed what Xiao Zhi was thinking.

"I need to think about this matter carefully." Xiao Zhi said.

After being silent for a while, Li Pingfeng said sincerely: "Xiao Zhi, I know what you are worried about. Don't worry, we will form this team and will not delay your cultivation or your becoming stronger. After joining the team, you will It is the strongest combat power of our team. The strongest combat power does not need to run around. Only when you encounter a tough bone or an enemy that cannot be dealt with, will you be shot, and Xiao Zhiyou, Then you can get the support of a team when you are practicing, and you don’t have to worry about food or money when you are practicing. In this way, you can save a lot of time and spend it on cultivation. Not only will it not drag down your cultivation, but it will also improve your cultivation efficiency, Xiao Zhi, what do you think?"

Xiao Zhi didn't agree right away, but after being silent for a while, he said, "Young Master Li, give me some time, I need to think about it carefully."

"Okay." Li Pingfeng on the phone said with a smile: "Whether you join the team or not, Xiao Zhi, we are all friends."

After finishing the call with Li Pingfeng, Xiao Zhi continued to drink and eat, but he was thinking about this matter in his heart.

Li Pingfeng is actually right, the world of sentient beings is somewhat different from the fairy world they imagined.

In the world of sentient beings, the lone ranger is actually not easy to mix.

Relying on his own efforts, Xiao Zhi became the first player to step into the Xiantian Realm, which may be the limit of what he can do.

Among them, there is still a lot of luck in it.

For example, this time, if it weren't for the fortune he obtained by killing Boss Ba, he wouldn't be able to obtain the innate skills so quickly. If he waited for him to raise money slowly, if he was unlucky, wait for him to raise enough money. At that time, there may be dozens of warriors in the innate realm among the players.

Luck is an illusory thing, and it is impossible for a person to be lucky forever.

After stepping into the innate realm, is he still sure to become the first innate limit player?

Not sure, really not sure.

Perhaps, if you want to continue to become stronger, choosing to join a reliable player team is indeed a good choice...

With the support of a team behind him, his road to becoming a strong man can go further.

The next day, in the early morning, Xiao Zhi woke up on time just after dawn.

Looking at the time, it was only 5:50, and there was still more than half an hour before his character could finish studying the innate skill "Ten Elephants True Power Jue".

Xiao Zhi got up, soaked a bucket of instant noodles for himself, washed up, walked out of the bathroom, and after eating the instant noodles, he looked at the countdown on the phone screen, and there was still a 3-minute countdown.

3 minutes passed quickly.

The character's study of the innate skill "Ten Elephants True Power Jue" is completed.

There is a system prompt, flowing from the top of the phone screen like water:

Reminder: "The study of the "Ten Elephants True Power Jue" is finished, congratulations, you have started the innate skill "Ten Elephants True Power Jue"!"

Prompt: "Congratulations, you have become an innate martial artist."

Tip: "As the first player in this world to become an innate warrior, you have been rewarded with 5 root bones."

Finally, he broke through from an acquired warrior to an innate warrior.

He, Xiao Zhi, is still the first player among the players to break through and become an innate warrior!

Thanks for the unprovoked-overload reward.

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