This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 104 Eugenics and Eugenics 130,000 Dragon Nest Army (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival, please vote)

Chapter 104 Eugenics and Eugenics 130,000 Dragon Nest Army (Happy Mid-Autumn Festival ~ Please give me a vote)

Dark forests, mountain streams, dragon nests.

The kobold Fra Shi walked on the stone road humming a self-made rhythm song.

Scattered Goblin women and children were sitting in front of the wooden houses and stone houses on both sides. They were peeling some kind of green fruit particles in their hands. The fruit particles fell down, filling the basket little by little.

The sharp-eyed female goblin saw the kobold Fula walking in the distance, her eyes lit up, and she quickly stood up and greeted, "Lord Fula, are you here so early today? Come on, come and taste my fresh food." The harvested green radish fruits, these green radish fruits are very sweet.”

As he said that, he picked up a spoon from the side and filled the basket with a large spoonful of green radish fruits.

These green radish fruits are a specialty grown by the Green Forest clan. They were just wild fruits in the beginning. Later, a female goblin in charge of logistics saw and tried to eat them. She found that the wild fruits tasted very good, so she transplanted some. I planted green radish fruit bushes in my own yard, and the yield was huge, growing in clusters.

Then it spread from ten to ten, and soon everyone in the Green Forest Clan knew about it. The female goblins transplanted some of the green radish fruit bushes to plant in their own courtyards. Today, the green radish fruit has become a symbol of the Green Forest Clan. One of the main specialties.

Fu La came over and looked at the large wooden spoon filled with dark green pothos berries about the size of a thumb.

He took out his hand and stuffed two handfuls into his mouth. It was sweet and glutinous. He chewed it a few times with his eyes closed, and then swallowed it with a look of comfort on his face.

"It tastes okay. Okay, my time is precious. How many people do you have in your family?" Fula pushed the wooden spoon away with a groan and asked the female goblin.

"There are nine people in my family now, seven of whom are children." Seeing that Master Fula refused to accept the green radish fruits, the female goblin had no choice but to take them back, and then said with an embarrassed smile.

"Nine people, seven children. So many? What is your husband's name?"

"His name is Nick." The female goblin said with some anxiety.

"Let me take a look at the records." Fula frowned slightly, picked up the finger-thick parchment book in her hand and flipped it open, then found the corresponding name number, and then searched for the name 'Nick' at a glance.

Soon, Fula's rough and sharp fingertips slipped on a name.

[Nick]: Low level five (no special talent, no record of hunting intermediate creatures)


Fu La raised his head and his eyes became cold, "The number of your children recorded three months ago has reached the upper limit. I have warned you that children are not allowed to reproduce after reaching the upper limit. You take what I say as a fart, don't you? !”

The female goblin waved her hands hurriedly, "No, how could it be possible? We must have listened to Master Fula's words. We didn't intentionally have the seventh child. It's true."

Fula rolled her eyes, but said no more. After all, it was a bit difficult for monsters to control their mating desires, even for intelligent monsters.

However, the eugenics plan was promoted by Leader Shi Ji. As the general manager of the Dragon Nest force, even several other adults who were stronger than Leader Shi Ji could not compare with Leader Shi Ji in terms of status. This is because the words and deeds of leader Shiji can be said to represent the great Black Dragon King to a certain extent.

"I'm too lazy to blame you, but since you have been reborn, you have to accept punishment. Everyone is the same. Even I would have to be punished if I was reborn." Fula shook her head and started to read in the parchment, [Nick] The word 'write' is written after this name.

As soon as Fola thought, the dragon's magic power surged in his body, and a line of fonts suddenly appeared behind the name [Nick] on the parchment.

[A superborn heir, punishment: five level four monsters (beasts)]

This is a zero-ring trick, "word writing". The effect is that you can imprint your thoughts on the carrier and turn them into fonts. The specific words will depend on what words you have mastered and what words you want to use.

After informing the female goblin of the request for punishment, Fula turned and left, walked to another wooden house, and continued his work.

Yes, Fula is a demographic information investigator tasked with investigating population growth, deaths, and changes in registration strength in the Southern District of the Green Forest Tribe. Other clans, such as the Bone Broken Clan, the Black Blood Clan, the Wild Clan and scattered small clans, all have other kobold investigators responsible for collecting information. Otherwise, with the huge population of the Dragon Lair, Fula alone would not be able to complete the task. A large-scale population information survey task.

Fula is very satisfied with this prestigious position. He is just an ordinary fifth-level low-level monster warrior and a first-level dragon vein warlock. There are many existences like him in the dragon nest, and they are not noticeable at all. , he was able to get this position only on the recommendation of Fula's own father, a kobold commander who had reached the ninth level. Of course, it also has something to do with the fact that he has a little bit of talent as a Dragon Vein Warlock, went to the White Tower to study hard for several months, and specifically learned the zero-ring magic of 'writing'.

Although, there are many second and third level Dragon Vein Warlocks who have no chance to become investigators.

"So, it's really good to be born well, hum~" Fula hummed a little tune, walked to another wooden house, took a handful of snacks from the other party's fawning hand, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed, gulu~.


Fula was a little stuffed. Along the way, each family ate a little. Today's work was only a third of the way, and they were already full.

He is just a kobold with only a little talent as a Dragon Vein Warlock. It is estimated that he will never achieve anything as a Dragon Vein Warlock in his lifetime.

As for the dragon vein physical talent, he is actually not very strong. If he wants to become a level five monster warrior at a normal speed, it is estimated that it will take at least half a year to accumulate. However, just because he holds this position of investigator, he ends up being ahead of schedule. .

The reason?

Burp~Fula let out a comfortable burp again.

"Praise the great Black Dragon King~" Fula prayed sincerely.

Inside a huge and rough palace built of black boulders, more than thirty meters high.

A kobold who was 2.78 meters tall and 80% similar in appearance to a dragon man was sitting on a chair, looking at messages one after another.

"The Green Forest Clan's population growth this quarter has exceeded the planned 1,300. The Black Blood Clan's population growth this quarter has also exceeded 800." Shi Ji frowned deeply, feeling a little distressed.

In the past few years, Shanjian Dragon Nest has developed rapidly, and its territory has expanded several times. With the help of the Siglinde family, many of the more advanced food planting technologies, tools, and seeds among humans have been introduced, resulting in the monster population of the Dragon Nest clan. It doubled directly.

Now only counting the monster population in the Mountain Stream Dragon Nest, a rough estimate reaches 120,000. If you include the Dragon Nest faction in the Black Blood Valley, the total population will have to add another 10,000, reaching a terrifying number of 130,000.

Yes, scary.

One hundred and thirty thousand big stomach kings, how could it not be terrifying?

This is still under birth control. If it is not controlled, it is estimated that this number will increase several times.

"The north is the territory of the elves. The elves are far stronger than our Dragon Nest forces and cannot be enemies at the moment. The south is occupied by the centaurs and the Queen of Darkness, and they are also enemies that cannot be provoked for the time being.

Going further to the east will lead to the border city of the Albit Kingdom. Now the Albit Kingdom has been dragged into a war by the fishmen.

The west is the base camp of monsters, and there are many hidden intelligent races. Currently, there are three top monsters detected, and there are two places where there are suspected traces of the existence of intelligent races."

Shi Ji analyzed the forces surrounding Shanjian Dragon Nest, and his frown deepened.

Dragon Nest's power has now reached a bottleneck. The land resources occupied can only support the survival of 150,000 monster warriors at most.

This is even when there is basically no need to supply food to the owner. Now, except for the occasional barbecue meat and magic mineral condiments, the owner basically does not need to provide other food. This is also one of the reasons for the population explosion of the Dragon Nest clan.

"Two directions, first, the expansion of the dragon's nest territory. Second, the expansion of food sources."

"Dragon Nest territory has expanded. Now only the Albit Kingdom in the east and the monster territory in the west can attempt to attack. However, such a major matter needs to be confirmed with the owner.

As for the food source, it would be great if the monster warriors could also eat the black tumors that the master eats," Shiji mused.

Expansion aside, in terms of food, melanosarcoma

"The master said that we can't digest that kind of black sarcoma. We can only live with the black sarcoma and be assimilated by it. During this process, if we can't survive it, we will be crushed by the chaotic mental shock and become irrational. Monsters, if we survive and are assimilated and symbiotic by the black sarcoma, we will degenerate into dark and evil creatures, but at the same time our strength will also increase." Shi Ji said to himself.

"Master, Chief Shiji wants to see you."

In the empty dragon nest, a cold and respectful voice sounded. It was Sophia, the head maid, who was delivering the message.

"Let him in."

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Wu Di slowly opened his eyes and looked at the person.

[Creature Level: Level 10 High Level; Thief Level: Level 5 Intermediate Level]

"Shiji, what's the matter?" Wu Di said slowly. He did not use the identification technique because there was a family contract between Shi Ji and him, and he could know it at any time if he wanted to know it.

Wu Di, the thief profession trained by Shi Ji, is not surprised. Today's Dragon Nest Clan is no longer as crude and poor as it was in the beginning. Now all the basic general profession scrolls are available. As long as the clan monsters are interested, they can all apply to learn. .

Spellcaster, Rogue, Fighter, Ranger.

Among these scrolls that carry the basic knowledge of general professions, except for the knowledge scrolls of spell casters, which are relatively expensive, other scrolls of thieves, warriors, and rangers are nothing to today's Dragon Nest forces. Even for the monsters' learning efficiency, the Sieglinde family bought ten copies of each of these basic knowledge professional scrolls.

What is really valuable is professional information that records legendary knowledge, as well as rare and powerful special professions. Such high-end goods are basically monopolized by big forces and strong men, and are almost never leaked or sold. After all, these high-end and extraordinary knowledge are recorded. Occupation scrolls are often only single copies and are gone once they are sold.

"Master, the Dragon Knights of the Ryan Empire. The Red Robe Mage Guild. The Kingdom of Albit now has an army of fishmen and tide warlocks." Shiji reported what happened recently.

"How our Dragon Nest forces should act, please let the master decide." After spending some time speaking, Shi Ji lowered his head slightly, ready to listen to the master's order.

"So many things have happened?" Wu Di squinted his eyes. Listening to the news Shi Ji said, he felt that the mainland was turbulent and it seemed that it would turn into a mess at any time. However, what does this have to do with him?

No matter how chaotic the mainland is, given the current situation, it will not be able to affect Wu Di in a short time. Even though the Albit Kingdom next to it is now in chaos, the size of the kingdom is there, with a population of tens of millions, an army of at least hundreds of thousands of professionals, and a lot of high-level professionals and master-level professionals. , these basic stocks did not suffer much loss.

The number of murlocs seems to be exaggerated, ranging from tens to millions, but in fact most of the individuals are very weak. They may use the strength of a first-level professional in the water to leave the water area. They are goblins, The kobolds are top-notch, and ordinary farmers can fight them fiercely with a hoe, and the outcome is unpredictable.

The same is true for those murloc tide warlocks. It seems that they gather together to cast spells and flood hundreds of thousands of square kilometers, which is extremely terrifying, but their limit is this. In the inland, without the blessing of huge waters, they are actually ordinary low-level water systems. Warlocks have low attack power and brittle skin. Without water, they lose their flexibility and are not worthy of attention.

As for the rebels who launched wars and invaded other noble territories on the border of the kingdom, they were just a group of small fish and shrimps. The kingdom could quell the rebellion at any time if it had free hands, kill some, surrender another group, and distribute another group.

If you want to truly destroy the aging but still terrifyingly powerful lion of the Albit Kingdom, your opponent must be a male lion, and it must be the kind of lion with 'sharp teeth'.

What is a lion with ‘sharp teeth’? For example - the fish-men tribe has legendary strong men.

If the fish-men tribe does not have a legendary strongman, then at most it will only deplete some of the vitality of the Albit Kingdom, and the true foundation of the kingdom will not be shaken.

"There is no need to get involved in Dragon Nest for the time being. Let's see how things develop first." Wu Di thought for a moment and then responded. However, after thinking about it, he added,

"I've been paying more attention to the news from the Centaurs recently. I guess they may take the opportunity to act. They hate the kingdom so much."

"Master, I thought so too, so I sent several teams of thieves early to keep an eye on those centaurs." Shiji said respectfully.

"Well, is there anything else?" Wu Di glanced at Shi Ji, who looked troubled, and asked strangely.

He rarely saw this kind of expression on Shi Ji's face, usually it was [firm], [respectful], [calm], and [thinking].

"If you have something to say, just say it. If it's your own private matter, for the sake of your loyalty for so many years, as long as it's not too much, I will agree to it, and it will be considered as a reward for you." Wu Di said lazily.

When Shi Ji heard this, his heart warmed and he was extremely moved, "Thank you, Master."

Afterwards, Shi Ji explained his thoughts about ‘Melanosarcoma’.

"You want to use black sarcoma to create a group of dark evil warriors?" Oudi looked at Shi Ji with a puzzled look on his face.

"Shiji, do you know the origin of these melanomas?"

Thanks to: sdassdfa, Shengmai Shenlong, book friend 20200319023212958 for the reward of 100 points.

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