This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 105 Rock Dragon

"Shiji, do you know the origin of these black tumors?" Udi said calmly.

"I don't know, please let the master know." Shi Ji also realized at this time that the origin of this black sarcoma was definitely not simple.

Originally, it thought that the owner banned the use of this kind of black sarcoma to his family members because the side effects were too great, but now it seems that there may be another hidden reason.

"Haha, although it may not be accurate, I guess that the source of this black sarcoma should be related to the gods." Udi said meaningfully.

Shi Ji was stunned for a moment, and then his heart became cold and he felt a sense of fear.

Gods are no strangers to the intelligent beings in the material plane of Taal, because this material plane has many beliefs in gods.

Among them, Shiji, who is a kobold, knows the name of their race's god-Kultumak.

‘Kultumak’, the kobold god of war and excavation, is a great being who has reached moderate divine power.

It is also considered famous in the endless material plane of the star world, not because of its strength. Of course, its strength is considered to be mid-range among all gods, and it is definitely not weak. But one of the reasons why Kurtumak is so famous is because he was a god who ascended from the body of a weak kobold. A long time ago in the history of the star world, when Kurtu Mark suddenly ascended to the throne of God, it set off a storm in the entire star world, a storm of consternation, shock, and disbelief.

Can this fucking kobold become a god?

Before Kurtulmac ascended to the throne of God, no matter which plane they were in, kobolds were basically one of the lowest races. They were low-level people who were stepped on by all races (good, evil, and order). Creatures can be slaughtered and conquered at will. Even the kind elves will not think that it is wrong to conquer the evil and savage kobolds.

However, among such low-level creatures, a great being with medium divine power actually appeared. This is simply amazing.

This is compared to an ordinary savage who has never been exposed to learning. Suddenly one day he built a star destroyer cannon and destroyed stars.

Another reason why Kurtumak is famous is because it frequently brings miracles in the material plane. Even a small tribe of kobolds in the wild may one day usher in Kurtumak's arrival.

These kobold tribes who have been blessed with miracles will almost all become fanatical and loyal fearsome believers, and Kurtumac will give them knowledge and teach them many principles.

It is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish. Kurtumak's code of conduct can basically be summarized in this sentence. Of course, the 'people' here are just kobolds. For other races, except for believers, Kurtumak is still indifferent.

"Okay, step back." Wu Di looked at Shi Ji, who looked frightened, and grinned.

He actually had the same thought as Shi Ji, but it only flashed through his mind and was quickly buried in his heart.

The existence represented behind this kind of thing is not something he can touch now. Although the power of the void can swallow this power, it cannot hide his weakness in front of the gods.

"But if someone makes me anxious, don't blame me." Wu Di groaned in his heart.

If his own life is threatened, then he naturally doesn't have to 'protect' the world.

At that time, everyone will face the frenzy of darkness and transformation together, and even the possible gaze and invasion of gods.

However, if Wu Di becomes a high-level mage and masters the teleportation technique and the coordinates of other material planes, then this method will not lead to mutual death, but a life and death escape.

Twenty days passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Oudi woke up after the feast was strengthened.

He looked at his current panel.

[Wudi: low-level biological level 12 (advanced); high-level mage level 9 (intermediate)] (body length 31.4m)

【Vitality: 56.2】

[Current number of feast levels: 131] (cooling time: thirty days)

[Spell-like ability: Darkness]

[Spell Runes: Fourth Ring·Any Door (Proficient 77%), Third Ring·Guard Barrier (Proficient 30%), Third Ring·Acceleration (Return to True), Second Ring·Water Element Enhancement (Return to True), Second Ring ·Hydrotherapy (return to true nature), second-level invisibility (35% mastery), zero-level magician’s hand (return to true nature), zero-level communication skill (5% proficiency)]

Judging from the panel, both the creature level and the mage level have made huge progress in the past three years. To be more precise, it is a huge improvement for the dragon, because the level of the dragon increases very slowly and easily. It will take more than ten years or even decades.

Oudi's level improvement speed is several times that of theirs, and this is because his upper limit for each level is far higher than that of an ordinary dragon.

The improvement of the mage level is still secondary. The focus is on the progress of spells. Three years later, Wu Digan has developed three return-to-true level spells and multiple proficiency-level spells, while other spells whose proficiency levels have not changed. All have been more or less improved.

He didn't work harder than before, it was just because his spiritual power improved and his soul became stronger (the feast also strengthened the soul) that his understanding and learning of spells became faster.

In short, efficiency is improved.

"Five years ago, it took me some effort to defeat Bray, and I also suffered some injuries. Although the injuries were insignificant." Udi pondered.

Bray - the gryphon that Oudi defeated was a powerful level 13 monster five years ago. It just became a level 14 monster not long ago, and its strength has improved a lot.

"If the current me and Bray from five years ago were to fight, then" Oudi's powerful mental power began to calculate the previous battle scene, and finally found that no matter how Bray resisted, he could kill him with one blow.

Changing the battle target of the mental power calculation to the dragon-veined gryphon mine that has reached level 14 today, the final result is still... an instant kill with one hit.

"Level 15 is the master level field, and the level corresponding to the monster is the top level. Generally speaking, there will be a strength gap of at least five times between myself at level 14 and myself at level 15. This gap is big enough to make the future The latter can easily kill the former in an instant." Wu Di said slowly.

Although the result of the battle with level 14 mines was calculated using powerful mental power, even if it were a real battle, the result would not be too different.

"In other words, my current strength is at least equivalent to level 15 Bray?" Udi thought for a moment, and then nodded with certainty.

Can't go wrong.

His strong mental power and the terrifying power contained in his dragon body of more than thirty meters are the source of Udi's confidence. He felt that in a pure strength competition, the newly adult red dragon would probably not be able to match him.

"You still have to fight to confirm your specific strength." Wu Di made a decision.

Only by knowing your specific strength can you determine your position in the food chain of this world.

It just so happens that there are several top-level monsters in the west that have been detected by the Dragon Nest forces. They go to fight with each other. If they win, the Dragon Nest territory expands, and maybe they can also accept a top-level monster family member.

Although he was very calm about the current situation in the mainland in front of Shi Ji, Wu Di was still under a lot of pressure.

The monsters in the Dragon Nest clan do not know the true strength of their master, they only know that they are very strong. Coupled with Wu Di's increasingly majestic figure, the hearts of the monsters in the Dragon Nest clan become more and more swollen. Many times they are in the dark forest. He is unscrupulous and looks down on elves, centaurs, and even the scumbag relatives of the Queen of Darkness.

Regarding this point, Oudi was also troubled and couldn't express it, but Shiji vaguely understood it, so he kept restraining the monsters below from provoking elves and centaurs. However, although Shiji knows this, he still worships and believes fervently in Udi. Even if Udi can become a god, Shiji will definitely nod. He absolutely believes that his master can become a great being like a god. .

Four Rings·Any Door.

A giant white light door more than ten meters high appeared in front of Wu Di in the dragon's nest.

Opposite the giant white light door is a giant forest of ancient trees full of vitality.

Wu Di gathered his dragon wings and stepped through the giant gate. The next moment, he was more than a thousand kilometers away.

The tall and majestic white light giant door behind him quickly shrank and disappeared.

Second Ring: Invisibility.

Wu Di's huge dragon body gradually disappeared into the air under the effect of the magic power of invisibility.

Flying into the sky, his sharp eyes began to look for the rock dragon among the three top monsters marked by Shi Ji.

Rock dragon, one of the top sub-dragon creatures, can reach level fourteen as an adult. The rock dragon recorded in the dragon's nest is a mature rock dragon that has entered the top level of monsters.

Originally, Udi thought he would have to search for it for a while, but he was wrong.

Wu Di's huge dragon body was suspended in the sky, looking at the grey-brown monster below that looked like a rugged rocky mountain without concealing its figure.

As one of the top sub-dragon creatures, the rock dragon has no dragon wings, no flexible and slender body, and no dragon inheritance, but it has been greatly enhanced in other aspects.

For example, body shape.

Wu Di couldn't help but click his tongue when he looked at the gray-brown rock dragon below that was not inferior to him in size and was even slightly larger than him.

Is this a rock dragon in its prime? The knowledge of dragon inheritance told him that the rock dragon in front of him was probably in its old age. It may also be that he is about to enter.

Wu Di hesitated for a moment, wondering whether he should fight with this big guy. If it was really an old rock dragon, its biological level would be at least seventeen, or even eighteen.

However, Wu Di's hesitation was only for a moment. The next moment, he directly lifted the invisibility spell, revealed his huge dragon body, then retracted his dragon wings and fell boldly!

Mud, it’s not easy to encounter such a big and powerful creature. If you don’t have a good fight, how can you do it?

If you really can't beat him, just leave through any door.

The huge noise woke up the sleeping rock dragon below. This terrifying creature had not opened its eyes for an unknown period of time. Its eyelids were as rough as giant rock shields and were covered with moss. Udi could still see it with his sharp vision. There are many big-headed ants crawling around on the moss

The rock dragon's turbid gray eyes looked high into the sky, only to see a huge blurry black shadow falling down. The next moment it felt the long-lost pain coming from the dragon's body.

Rumble~! Under the impact of this pure brute force, the ground shook within a radius of several hundred meters, and cracks appeared one after another.

In the center of the smoke-filled battle, two giant beasts, one black and one gray, let out a roar, then collided and fought together without any dialogue or words.

A terrifying collision of flesh, Wu Dilong's claws swung down mercilessly, and the rugged steel rock on the opponent's body was instantly shattered, and the gray scales underneath were faintly visible.

The rock dragon felt that the rock armor on his back that had been with him for hundreds of years was destroyed. He was instantly angry. He lowered his huge dragon head, pointed the thick gray horn on the dragon's head at Wu Di, and slammed it.

At the critical moment, Wu Di's claws caught the rock dragon's head in time, and the huge black dragon body was knocked backwards.

Among the same level, the rock dragon's power is more terrifying than the red dragon.

Terrifying brute strength, terrible physical defense and magic resistance, and super giant dragon body, combined with the three points, many teams claim to be able to slay dragons or even have successfully slain dragons (white dragons account for the majority of slain dragons) They will take the initiative to get out of the way, not wanting to provoke such a monster.

His body retreated hundreds of meters, a light blue luster flashed on Wu Di's dragon scales, and the next moment, his strength increased slightly.

"The Water Element Strengthening Technique is only a second-level spell after all. As my strength increases, the bonus will become less and less." Wu Di thought silently in his heart.

With the blessing of Gui Zhen level water element enhancement technique, he is still no match for this rock dragon in terms of strength.

The two giant beasts wrestled all the way, causing ancient trees to collapse within a radius of several miles, smoke and dust rising from the ground, and huge paw print pits appearing one after another. But even if there was such a huge commotion, the surroundings were still quiet. The rock dragon also has dragon power. When it is sleeping, it will unconsciously release a touch of dragon power. Over time, this area has become a forbidden area for monsters and creatures.

The two sides wrestled for a while, and the surrounding ground suddenly shook, and thick thorns popped out.

At close range, Wu Di couldn't dodge at all, and was stabbed directly by several giant earth thorns. The dragon scales were shattered and scarlet blood spilled.

After the rock dragon saw that his attack had injured the strange black dragon in front of him, his anger dissipated a little. Then he raised his head and saw the third eye suddenly opened in the middle of the black dragon's forehead.

A dark evil eye.

The terrifying black light condensed, and the rock dragon sensed the danger and wanted to avoid it, but Wu Di's claws tightly hugged its head. The rock dragon let out a roar, burst out with terrifying brute force, and forcefully escaped from Wu Di's claws. He broke away, but the black light condensed too fast, and the rock dragon couldn't avoid it at such a close distance.

In Wu Di's expectant gaze, the black light broke through the rugged rock on the rock dragon's head, broke through the gray dragon scales wrapped in the rock, and then broke through a layer of khaki armor. This should be the rock dragon's defense. Sexual spell-like ability, then the black light collapses and dissipates.

The two giant beasts faced each other a hundred meters apart.

Wu Di glanced at the insignificant small wound on Yanlong's forehead and fell silent. Although he still has some methods that he hasn't used yet, such as darkness, acceleration, the spiritual impact of the magic eye, and dragon's breath.

However, even such a terrifying physical attack as the black light of the Demon Eye only caused minor injuries to the rock dragon. Wu Di estimated that even if he used all his methods, he might not be able to do anything to the other party.

Opposite, Yanlong examined the strange black dragon in front of him. If it is a black dragon, then a black dragon of this size is close to an old dragon in age.

But if it is really an old black dragon, then its strength is not equal. The old black dragon is a nineteenth-level creature, and it is only seventeenth level. At the same level, you can still fight a black dragon with its terrifying defense, but if it exceeds two levels, you will definitely not be able to defeat it.

"What kind of dragon are you? Is it a strange black dragon?"

The rock dragon spoke, and its voice was dry and sharp, like the friction of stones.

Wu Di didn't speak, just nodded slightly.

"No wonder. I feel that your smell is still very young, it should be very young." Yanlong gently sniffed the smell in the air, and a trace of surprise flashed in the gray and turbid dragon eyes.

"Oh, by the way, so why did you come to attack me? We are all dragons." Yanlong seemed to be a little slow to react, and then he came to his senses and asked in confusion.

Wu Di was silent for a moment, then with a swipe of his hand, the majestic Random Door appeared here, and he stepped into it without looking back.

Just when the figure was about to disappear, Wu Di's voice came faintly,

"It's just a simple fight to see how strong you are."

Before he finished speaking, the black dragon disappeared.

Yanlong stood there stupidly for a while, then silently found a flat and undamaged ground to lie down on.

continue to sleep.

The back, the dragon's head, and the originally broken mountain rocks slowly condensed and grew under the influence of some strange force, but the speed was very slow.

Because these rocks are not really ordinary rocks, but the special dragon scales of the rock dragon. It is its magic-like ability, and its hardness is much more exaggerated than steel.

Dragon's Nest.

The black dragon stepped out of the light door, and as he walked, he threw himself a water therapy spell to treat the wounds on his body.

The main reason was the injuries caused by the earth thorns, and the second reason was the damage to the muscle fibers of the dragon's body during the wrestling with the rock dragon.

But overall, it was just a minor injury and not a big problem.

Although this battle ended a little hastily, it also gave Udi a clear understanding of his current strength.

It is almost equivalent to the ordinary black dragon and white dragon at level 17 (the delicious and lazy type).

If it were a human professional (ordinary type), he would probably be able to fight a dozen at level 19.

The individuals compared above are the most ordinary individuals. Elite individuals, or even more terrifying geniuses, cannot be counted among them.

"Absolutely right." Wu Di was quite satisfied with this, or was pleasantly surprised.

"I don't know if I can beat my mother?" Wu Di pondered for a moment, recalling that the Black Dragon Lady was injured by the Thunderstorm attack, but she still killed the master-level wild dwarf bone-blood warrior with one blow.

"Forget it, there's still a lot left to do." Wu Di was very self-aware.

Our Black Dragon Lady is obviously not the kind of black dragon that just eats and waits to die, but is a mutant dragon among black dragons. We can't just look at the level.

I originally posted it at twelve o'clock, but I felt that the plot was incomplete and I added a thousand more and revised it, so it was a little late.

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