This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 106: High, beautiful and powerful, return to the place of birth

Because of the growth in size, the vast dragon nest has expanded several times again.

A white dragon dragon beast with no horns on its forehead, short and thick limbs, and a body length of about six meters was having fun everywhere.

Behind him, two dragonborn maids with a height of two meters and two were trotting after him. The shapely white legs swayed up and down quickly, which was extremely eye-catching. The exposed navel was covered by a small black dragon scale. Her dazzling white skin is mixed with linear dragon scales, and she is wearing a custom-made oversized black and white maid outfit bought from the human kingdom. Her voice is as clear as a bell, which is quite pleasing to the eye.

Wu Di was lying in the center of the thorn stone throne, watching this scene happily.

Ever since he had a fight with Yanlong and figured out his current level of strength, Wu Di's worried mood gradually calmed down a lot.

His current strength is no longer weak. Although there are still many terrifying master-level experts and terrifying top-level creatures who are far beyond him in strength, but with their excellent flying ability and escape and acceleration spells, they cannot win, but he wants to leave. , it is estimated that there are not many master-level experts who can keep him.

Being able to run means victory for Oudi.

As long as the legend does not come out, to a certain extent, Wu Di can already feel at ease and does not have to worry too much about the dragon slaying happening to him.

The highest mortality rate for five-color dragons is from teenagers to young adults. Mortality rates are very low for dragons reaching the adult stage. Moreover, a considerable part of the adult five-color dragons died because they jumped too much. They frequently attacked human cities or cities of other intelligent races, which really annoyed people and forced them to die, so they formed a dragon-slaying army and a powerful dragon-slaying team. .

All in all, he has passed the most dangerous period, and as long as he doesn't seek death, he will basically be safe and sound.

Just as the Kingdom of Albit and the Principality of Kas both know that there is an adult black dragon (Lyanna, Queen of Darkness) in the Dark Forest, but for decades, no dragon-slaying army or dragon-slaying team has ever entered the Dark Forest to slay a dragon.

Slaying the dragon sounds nice, but in fact, quite often it is the one who gets slaughtered. Many times, the evil dragon does not need to defeat the dragon-slaying team head-on. As long as the energy consumption exceeds the dragon-slaying team, it means victory.

Flying in the sky, dragon breath and spell-like attacks would come from time to time. With the dragon's massive magic power and physical strength, it would be no problem to fight for three days and three nights. But many races do not have such long-lasting high-intensity combat capabilities.


Antonio, the white dragon beast, bumped into the claws of the black dragon and fell to his knees, looking a little dazed.

Oudi's attention was drawn and he lowered his head slightly.

Identification Technique.

[Biological level: Intermediate level five]

It has been almost five years since the little guy came to Dragon's Nest. When it first arrived, the creature was at level three high level.

Compared with kobolds and goblins who also received void blood, the improvement speed of this level is actually very slow.

But when it comes to the improvement of strength, it is not slow at all.

Antonio often played and fooled around with the dragonborn maid, and his speed and physical strength were no worse than those of level six or seven dragon-veined kobold goblins to Udi.

At the same level of strength, Antonio, who is a White Dragon Dragon, is probably not weaker than the White Dragon True Dragon. And this gap is gradually widening as time goes by. Maybe in a few years, Antonio will not be weaker than Black Dragon at the same level.

The upper limit of the little guy has been raised, and the extent of the increase is much greater than that of dragon-veined kobolds and the like.

One of the reasons should be the bloodline of the dragon beast, and the other reason is probably that Wu Di gave the little guy a lot of dragon blood.

"Antonio's intelligence and ability have also improved. Maybe one day, the little guy will have wisdom that is not inferior to that of humans." Udi looked at the little guy whose belly was being played with by his dragon claws. He seemed honest and well-behaved, but there was a flash in his eyes. Hate. Obviously, the little one hates being played by Udi, but because she understands that Udi is her 'master' and needs to depend on Udi for eating, drinking, and sleeping, she endures her discomfort and pretends to be a harmless big white cat.

[Hate] [Disguise] [Unpleasant]. This should not be a clear emotion that a dragon beast can have.

"Interesting." The ravaging speed on Wu Dilong's claws deliberately increased a little. The little guy obviously couldn't bear the sudden speed, and gradually began to roll his eyes, looking like he was spoiled.

The dragonborn maids watching this scene covered their mouths and suppressed laughter.

On weekdays, the little guy would torment them quite a lot and even get injured from time to time.

Although the dragon-born maids arrived earlier than Antonio, and their levels generally reached level six or seven, it was precisely because of this that Antonio played with them without any scruples. Even if the dragon claws were caught, they would only be caught on the dragon-born maids. There will be some blood marks, broken skin, and cracked scales, but he will not be seriously injured, let alone be cut in half with a claw.

So, now that we see the usual big devil looking like this, can the dragonborn maids not cover their mouths and suppress their laughter?

If the master hadn't been there, they would have laughed even more wildly.

The sound of light footsteps came from the entrance of the Dragon Nest passage.

A tall, well-proportioned, and powerful brown-haired figure who was two meters tall walked over against the light.

It was Sophia. She is also wearing a revealing maid outfit. Her sexy and exaggerated figure and serious and calm expression have a special sense of beauty.

It was unimaginable that the little girl who stood shivering in front of the Dragon's Nest pool five or six years ago would undergo such a huge change.

Both his personality and appearance have undergone earth-shaking changes. It can almost be said that he is a completely different person.

At first, the dragonborn maids were excited about the growth in size. After all, they were originally 1.5 meters and 6 meters tall and wanted to become tall and attractive. But as their body size continued to grow, they began to feel a little scared.

Afraid of becoming ugly and afraid that their master will dislike them.

But in fact, not only did they not become ugly as their height continued to grow, but as the power of the dragon vein became deeper and deeper, they became more and more beautiful, outstanding, sexy and attractive. The master did not show any intention of hating them, which made the worried dragon maids gradually calm down and breathe a sigh of relief. In the later stage, when the height exceeded two meters, at 2.1 meters and 2.2 meters, they were not only not worried, but even happier.

With the increase in size, even if the biological level has not improved, their strength, strength, and speed are still growing steadily, which gives them strength beyond the same level. And the stronger the strength, the higher the status in the dragon's nest will naturally be. In addition, the masters, monster warriors, and dragonborn maids like them all around them are all growing taller. Now everyone regards height as beauty and bigness as strength.

In Dragon Nest, the smaller you are, the lower your status is.

"Master, Chief Shiji asked me to tell you that there is movement on the Centaur side." When she came to the throne, Sophia glanced at Antonio, who rolled his eyes, and said respectfully.

Wu Dilong Claw stopped, and the little guy got a chance to resist, and ran away in panic.

Udi ignored the little guy who was running away, but motioned for Sophia to continue talking.

"Yesterday, the team of thieves sent by Chief Shiji discovered that centaurs tended to gather. This news was confirmed this morning, and after that, the centaur army began to move towards the wilderness plain. According to the current situation of the centaurs, With the speed of their march, it is estimated that they will reach the wilderness plain before dawn tomorrow.”

Wu Di narrowed his eyes. Although he guessed that there was a high probability that the centaur would take the opportunity to attack, when it actually happened, he couldn't help but sigh,

"This group of centaurs are really capable. They spent such a high price to occupy a territory in the dark forest. Now they are just recuperating and not long ago they started to launch a war. With this small population, I'm afraid they will be attacked accidentally. Gone."

The birth rate of centaurs is close to that of humans, and their life span is also close to that of humans. Therefore, if they are really disabled, the vitality of the race will not be so easy to recover in a short period of time. Even if the Centaur King is powerful and can kill two powerful master-level professionals, it cannot change this.

"How is the war between the Albit Kingdom and the fishmen going?" Udi asked.

"Information obtained from the Sieglinde family shows that the two sides are currently in a stalemate. The fishmen have invaded more than twenty cities and hundreds of villages and towns along the Laputa River. They rely on being close to the water. If they can't be defeated, they will run away and fight. I didn't pursue it deeply, so I just guarded the area near the water source.

The Kingdom of Albit dispatched several professional legions in response, but apart from killing tens of thousands of fishmen, they did not achieve any obvious effect. If this situation continues, this war will be a protracted one. "Sofia replied.

"Is this so?" A hint of eagerness flashed in Wu Di's eyes, but he finally endured it.

"By the way, Master, there is also movement coming from the Dark Dragon's Nest. Leader Shiji speculates that the Queen of Darkness may also take the opportunity to get involved." Sophia added.

"?" Wu Di's eyes widened, quite surprised.

Since her birth, the impression given to Wu Di by the Black Dragon Lady was that she was lazy and lazy. Later, when she found out that she had changed her profession to a warrior monk and practiced psychic abilities, she was given the labels "abnormal behavior" and "very stubborn".

So, why would such a lazy and cowardly Black Dragon Lady suddenly want to get involved? This is a quagmire, and you may fall into it if you are not careful.

"But this is also a good opportunity for our Dragon Nest forces." Wu Di's heart moved.

The Dragon Nest force has now reached a kind of resource saturation. If it wants to continue to develop and become stronger, it needs more territory and more resources.

"Although the Centaurs want to retake the wilderness plains, the Dark Forest probably won't give up so easily. After all, they paid such a high price to occupy it, so this area cannot be invaded yet."

Udi is still extremely afraid of the Centaur King.

According to the news obtained from the Sieglinde family, the two master-level human generals killed by the Centaur King were one of them an eighteenth-level knight, and the other was even more terrifying, a professional who had reached the peak of nineteenth level. And he also earned the prestigious title - 'The Knight of Silence'.

This Silent Knight is recognized as the strongest person in the Principality of Kas besides the Grand Duke Bauhinia, and many powerful people believe that he has a high chance of breaking through and becoming a legend.

However, he was so fierce, and at first glance he was the kind of genius-level figure among humans who could fight across different ranks. In the end, he still died in the hands of the Centaur King. One can imagine the terrifying strength of the Centaur King.

Wu Di didn't know that the Centaur King had broken through the threshold of legend and understood the true meaning of legend. But just based on the strength shown by the opponent, he was definitely not his opponent, and was far worse.

"Perhaps it's time to have a good business deal with my mother." Udi thought.

Something changed later, and Oudi chose to set out to meet Lyanna immediately.

A giant door of white light appeared inside the dragon's nest. Wu Di folded his dragon wings and stepped inside.

After coming out of the other side of the arbitrary door, Udi returned directly to the Rotting Swamp.

As long as there is a concept or mark of this place in the mind, and with enough magic power, any door can reach almost any place on the material plane.

"Spells are easy to use. If you use dragon wings to fly, how many hours can you fly?" Wu Di sighed with emotion.

I understand more and more why the higher the level of spellcasters, the more they look down on ordinary professions.

One is already using a smartphone for typing and voice input, and the other is still using stones to carve words on the wall. The difference in how power is used is too stark.

Looking down at the dirty swamp, Oudi shook his head.

"Obviously, he has great power, but when it comes to enjoyment, he is not as good as many weak humans. Really."

Muttering about where the Black Dragon Lady lived, Wu Di gradually fell silent.

Because, he found that he didn't seem to be much better.

One digs a nest at the bottom of the swamp, and the other digs a nest on the mountain wall.

Even though Wu Di's dragon's nest is huge, there is a dragon-born maid named Liigou who took the initiative to carve various exquisite murals for his dragon's nest and embellished it with various beautiful gems and ores.

However, it still cannot hide that this is a cave. A luxurious cave is still a cave.

"Damn it, the more I think about it, the more unhappy I become." Whenever Oudi thinks about the life enjoyed by the corrupt nobles in the human kingdom, the evil fire in his heart can't stop rising, and he wants to be crushed to pieces.

I live in a cave, and you live in a splendid palace and castle. The most delicious food I eat is barbecue. You come here in different ways every day, with all kinds of delicacies and rare treasures.

Udi felt a strong imbalance.

I didn't think about it before because I was still weak. It would be good if I could eat well and be safe. How could I think so much. Now that I start to think about it, it's just that Wu Di feels that he is strong enough, but in contrast, there is a big gap between the enjoyment of life and his own strength.

The sense of gap is too strong.

"When I get back, I'll ask Shiji to build me a magnificent palace, and then capture a large group of halfling cooks and get thousands of maids." Udi decided in his heart. The strength is enough to protect oneself, and the living environment and enjoyment must naturally keep up. Otherwise, he will live in a cave like a beast and call himself the Black Dragon King.

The huge dragon body slowly sank into the rotting swamp.

After sneaking for a while, Wu Di saw the exit of the underwater dragon's nest.

To his surprise, there was a simple stone house in a huge bubble at the bottom of the water outside the dragon's nest.

Perhaps sensing movement, the stone house opened, and a short, familiar figure slowly walked out of it.

When Wu Di saw the short figure, he was stunned for a while.

Isn't this the shaman of the Brown Forest clan, the master spellcaster?

Could it be that when the Black Dragon Lady chased him along the arbitrary door, she didn't kill him, but subdued him? But the Black Dragon Lady had killed so many wild dwarf warriors in the human family group, and even the leader of the clan, the master warrior. With such deep hatred, how could this master caster choose to surrender? !

Wu Di didn't understand it for a moment.

"Get out of here, Black Dragon."

The wild dwarf spellcaster, 'Slytherin' looked at Udi and said in a dry tone.

"Old guy, you didn't recognize me?" Udi said unexpectedly.

Although he was not exposed to Slytherin during the war against the Brownwood clan, his aura must have remained.

How powerful is a master spellcaster's mental power? Even if you don't remember the scent you smell, as long as you see the owner of the scent, no matter how great the change in appearance is, even if you change from an elf to a pig, you will definitely be able to recognize it.

Unless the breath changes.

But Wu Di doesn't have the means to change his own aura.

"Get out of here, or I'll attack you." 'Slytherin' still spoke intermittently.

Udi looked at Slytherin and found that something was wrong with this guy. It felt like the robot had just been born with intelligence and was a little unsuited to the current body?

Thanks to ‘The Road is Endless888866’ for the reward of 1500.

Thanks to ‘Bi Ji’ and ‘Book Friends 20200629224701312’ for the reward of 500

Thanks to ‘Halloween Dragon King’ for the reward of 100

Thank you everyone for the tip. Everyone is so enthusiastic. I feel like I need to add more (must).

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