This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 140 Sowing seeds; bloody battle on the plains

Carolina left excitedly.

With 25,000 Black Wing Lair intermediate monster warriors, teleport away through any door.

There were originally 212 dragon beasts. If one dragon beast was exchanged for 100 intermediate monster warriors, it should be 21,200.

However, Udi was happy and generously arranged for Carolina.

Of course, he also reminded that these monster warriors eat a lot.

Carolina didn't care about this. Intermediate monsters are strong and it's normal to eat more. Moreover, the 25,000 plus the more than 8,000 taken away before, the total is only more than 30,000 monsters. For the Crimson Nest's It's nothing compared to its huge size.

Since the other party doesn't care anymore, so be it.

In the Black Castle.

Metal dragon beasts and five-color dragon beasts were asleep.

Wu Di looked down at the group of dragon beasts, scanning them one by one, with a look of satisfaction in his brown and yellow dragon eyes.

It has to be said that the Metaldramons stolen by Carolina were of high quality. There were dozens of adult Metaldramons that had reached advanced levels, and some of them had even reached the peak of advanced levels and were on the verge of breakthrough.

There is no top dragon beast.

Maybe it wasn't stolen, or maybe there were no top dragon beasts on the dragon beast island at all.

Wu Di tends to the latter. After all, the top-level dragon beasts eat a huge amount of food, and it is impossible for the metal dragon group to keep them for hundreds of years. It is still a group. And the dragon beasts that have reached this level are not weak. If they are kept in a small place, On the island, will it suppress nature and lead to bad consequences?

Therefore, Wu Di guessed that these top-level dragon beasts were probably released into the wild by the metal dragons.

While Wu Di was thinking, in the main hall of Dragon Castle, dragon beasts woke up from their slumber of transformation by Void Bloodline.

The dragon beast woke up and saw that he was in a strange environment. There were a large number of dragon beasts around him. There was a huge and oppressive black dragon at the front looking down at him. He suddenly roared and felt at a loss. , there was confusion for a while.

Suddenly, the invisible and huge dragon power swept through this space, and all the dragon beasts felt fear, and they hummed and bowed their heads under the pressure of the powerful homologous life.

Seeing that the situation was under control, the Black Dragon Lord turned his head, looked at the maid beside him, and ordered,

"Sofia, I will leave these dragon beasts to you to take care of. If there is not enough manpower, you can mobilize all the guards and maids in the Black Castle at will."

"Yes." Sophia nodded, but looking at the nearly three hundred large and small dragon beasts on the field, a sense of pressure arose spontaneously.

Especially some of the advanced dragon beasts, Sophia doubted whether she could survive if they suddenly attacked her.

Although she obtained the master's affiliation contract a few years ago, her cultivation talent is really average and she is only at level 12 now. Many of Sophia's dependents from the same period or even later, and who have not signed a contract, have now reached advanced levels.

And this is because as a head maid, she eats relatively high-end ingredients and serves the Black Dragon Lord closely at all times, so she receives bloodline radiation for a long time.

Otherwise the level will be even lower.

Sophia addressed the issue.

Wu Di thought about it and realized that there were indeed some hidden dangers.

Although these dragon beasts now have the blood of the void, their wisdom takes time to develop and grow, and they will still be unintelligent beasts in a short period of time.

What if one day I get hungry, lose control of my animal nature, and eat the hard-working little maid?

Most dragon beasts do not have this strength, but those dozens of high-level metal dragon beasts must be more cautious.

Metal dragons are kind, but metaldramons are beasts and cannot be compared with the metal dragon's alignment and personality.

"Then let Bertha, Isha, and Ava assist you."

The white-feathered owl-tailed female crane ‘Besha’ was one of the earliest followers to follow Wu Di. She had high-level strength when she first followed him. Now, after more than ten years, her biological level has reached the sixteenth level. As a wind-type crane monster that specializes in speed, in terms of speed and reaction, ordinary level 19 creatures are not as fast as Bertha.

Ava is the leader of the Black-Feathered Harpy Clan. She has outstanding talents and has also acquired the Qi and Blood profession "Bloody Banshee". However, her time is still short, and her main strength lies in her fifteenth-level biological level.

Isha is the leader of the Miaofolt Harpy Clan. Her talent is no worse than Ava's, and she has also studied the Bloody Banshee profession. However, because it was a few years shorter than Ava's time to enter the Black Castle, she is still just At level fourteen, there is still a little more accumulation to break through to the master level.

After hearing this, Sophia breathed a sigh of relief.

Sophia is still aware of the strength of Bertha, Ava, and Isha. With the three of them, plus the cooperation of a large number of dragonborn servants and dragonborn maids, these dragon beasts cannot make trouble.

Sophia, who took over the task of taking care of the dragon beast, started to get busy.

Wu Di did not go back to continue practicing magic this time.

The random door opened, and the black dragon stepped out of the Black Wing Lair.

South China Sea, offshore.

The huge light gate was suspended in mid-air, and a huge black dragon flew out of it and quickly transformed into a dragon-like form.

After applying invisibility and breath-condensing techniques to himself, the dragon man Wu Di flew in a certain direction.

After a while, Udi stopped over an offshore island and looked down.

The island below is wet, muddy and full of water.

Oval wooden houses stand on the water.

From time to time, sahuagins walked out of these small oval wooden houses.

Apparently, this is a sahuagin village.

Wu Di released his mental power unscrupulously, and the mental power at the advanced caster level was enough to cover this small island.

Soon, Wu Di found the target he needed, and his figure flashed.

In an inconspicuous fishman cabin, a half-grown fishman boy was prying open shellfish, scraping the shellfish meat, and preparing today's food.

Silently, Wu Di landed in front of the fish-man boy. The other boy was stunned, and then he knelt down in fear.

"Sir, don't kill me." The fish-man boy tremblingly spoke the language of the sahuagin clan.

Oudi has the language proficiency and spell passive, so he can naturally understand what the fishman boy said, but it is precisely because of this that Oudi is a little surprised.

"I thought you would scream for your tribe." Udi grinned.

"Sir, because I know that if I do this, I will definitely die." The fish-man boy trembled a little and spoke nervously.

"Interesting, it's a good idea." Udi laughed.

The fishman boy heard the laughter of the majestic dragon man with dark scales in front of him. He was nervous and happy for a moment, and reminded,

"Sir, you may attract other fishmen to come here."

Wu Di stopped laughing and said casually, "Don't worry, I have set up a barrier here. Boy, I think you are good and qualified, how about you become my servant."

The fish-man boy was slightly startled, but he quickly realized that he had encountered an opportunity. He knelt down without hesitation and said with excitement,

"I do!"

Wu Di let out a laugh of unknown meaning, and with the tip of his sharp scale finger, a drop of blood and the shed old dragon scale formed a kinship contract, which entered the mind of the fish-man boy.

"Eat more meat from now on, work hard to become stronger, and develop your own fish-man tribe." Wu Di smiled.

Although the fishman boy didn't know why the black-scaled dragon man in front of him asked him to eat more, he was confused when he heard that the other party wanted him to develop his own tribe.

This fish-man tribe is not his. No, the master means to make him the leader of this fish-man tribe.

The fishman boy reacted quickly, and just as he was about to speak, a sharp pain came from his blood and bone marrow.

The dragon vein transformation has begun.

Wu Di glanced at the murloc boy rolling on the ground, disappeared, and came to the incubation room of the murloc tribe. He randomly put some dragon blood for the densely packed fish eggs in the incubation room to absorb.

After doing this, any door appeared in front of Oudi, and then he walked into it and disappeared. During this process, the sahuagin warriors guarding outside the incubation room did not notice anything strange.

The next moment, Oudi appeared in the sky and continued to search for the nearby sahuagin tribe.

Every time he searched for a sahuagin village, Oudi would use his mental search to roughly screen out the sahuagin with good potential, then contract them into his own servants, and then go to the tribe's incubation room to spread the power of the void.

Among the contracted dependents, some fishmen are as weak as the previous fishman boy and have a low status in the tribe. However, there are also fishmen who are not weak in strength. They are intermediate or even high-level and have a very high status. They are either the most powerful warriors in the tribe. , either a tribal leader or a tide priest.

In a short period of time, Oudi contracted a dozen sahuagin as his dependents, and at the same time, tens of millions of fish eggs absorbed the meager void dragon blood.

Above the sea, Wu Di, who was invisible in the form of a dragon, said to himself,

"With these seeds, that's almost enough."

As a black dragon, a true dragon with the water attribute, how could it not have a water dependent?

Previously, Wu Dicai had not taken any action because he lacked strength and the sea area was relatively dangerous.

Now that the strength has increased, the mainland has begun to become chaotic again. Only then did Wu Di think of this, and then with a thought in his heart, he came to the sea.

"Before the Abyss becomes a lord and takes control of the Abyss City, it is just a temporary place to stay, and there is no clue about the coordinates of the new material plane. Then we can only open a base in the Tal plane." Oudi muttered in his heart.

The sea area of ​​​​the Tar plane accounts for nearly 80% of the entire plane world.

To some extent, the resources of the Thar Sea far exceed those of the land.

When Udi selected the sahuagin for the contract, he took a fancy to the sahuagin's huge potential for war development.

It only takes one year for a sahuagin to mature from fish eggs to a fighting sahuagin, and six years to grow into a qualified sahuagin warrior.

In terms of growth rate, sahuagin are not as good as goblins and kobolds. After all, goblins can gain combat effectiveness in a month or two, and kobolds take a little longer, but they are not much different.

However, in terms of reproductive capacity, the sahuagin far surpass the goblins and the like.

A female sahuagin can lay hundreds or even thousands of eggs at one time. This is a terrifying number of eggs that goblins and kobolds can never reach.

Of course, laying so many fish eggs does not mean that so many fish eggs can grow normally. In the tradition of the sahuagin clan, each tribe has a unified incubation room, and all fish eggs will be hatched in the incubation room.

The newly hatched sahuagin larvae only have the shape of a fish, without limbs.

The sahuagin will not provide any food for these larvae, so these larvae will fight brutally in the hatchery, killing and eating other larvae to grow. During this process, a very small number of these larvae whose bloodline genes are still unstable will mutate into grotesque shapes such as four arms, white skin, and serrated shark heads.

When there are only dozens to hundreds of surviving semi-mature larvae left in an entire hatchery with hundreds of thousands of larvae, the female sahuagin tribe will enter the hatchery and lead them away through breath recognition. Raise your own children.

But this is just an ordinary fishman. If it is a mutant fishman, it will be uniformly cultivated as a tribal elite, and female fishmen cannot take it away.

The above is some interesting information left by a certain black dragon ancestor.

Among these inherited information, there are even some secrets about the sahuagin clan.

For example, their patron saint was created by them themselves - through an unknown amount of time of sacrifice, prayer, and crazy belief, a god named Sekela was created.

Thecla looks like a huge crazy shark. Since its creation, it has had endless hunger.

In order to quell Sekra's hunger, the Sahuagin tribe that believes in Sekra will regularly hold sacrificial rituals to pray for the mad god to calm down.

"Sekela, endless hunger. This is quite fitting." Udi smiled slightly.

With a flash of light, the huge black dragon's true form appeared above the sea. Any door appeared, and the next moment, the black dragon disappeared.

The seeds have been sown. As the sower, you just need to be patient and wait for a while.


"Cut off their heads!"

"Ho ho ho!"

In the eastern part of the continent, a place called the Bloody War Plains by the Crimson Nest and the human camp, millions of monsters launched a charge.

On the opposite side, human legions, orc legions, dwarf legions, and some stragglers formed by adventurers also launched a charge amidst the thundering drums.

Arrows were raining down, piercing through the bodies of low-level monsters.

With fighting spirit, blood, and pure strength, the warriors from the human camp raised their giant swords and knives and slaughtered low-level monsters like melons and vegetables.

Over the battlefield, at an altitude of 100,000 meters, the legendary green dragon Clavier and the bronze dragon knight Dion Baier were fighting.

A passionate confrontation of dragon breath, dragon roar, power, and magic.

The terrifying vibrations and destructive power tore apart countless white clouds, and several legendary powers were released at high altitudes, even suppressing the fighting sounds of the troops below for a time.

after an hour.

At least 200,000 to 300,000 monsters were slaughtered on the battlefield.

The human camp was still excited, shouting to kill.

The red dragon Carolina, who had transformed into a dragon-like form, stood behind the monster army, watching this scene with a sneer, and ordered to the red-scaled dragon-like relatives beside her,

"Let the Black Wings attack."

"Yes, sir." The red-scaled dragon man responded respectfully, waving the broad wings behind his back and flying towards the rear.

Finally, he landed in the crudely built camps and put away the dragon wings.

"Commander Mundo of the Black Wing Legion, come out quickly to accept the order!"

Amidst the shouts of the red-scaled dragon people, the vibration of footsteps came from the central camp. A nine-meter-tall dark green giant stooped out of the camp, staring at yellow-green eyes that were bigger than a bathtub.

"Who is calling Mundo?" The dark green giant said in a loud voice. It was Mundo, the leader of the bone-crushing troll.

The red-scaled dragon man couldn't help but take a few more glances at this exaggerated big man, with a trace of envy flashing in his eyes.

What a strong body, what big muscles.

"Commander Mundo, Lady Carolina allows you to enter the battlefield." The red-scaled dragon man said in a polite tone.

The troll with an exaggerated degree of mutation in front of him was only level 15 and just entering the master level, but its terrifying size and the troll's abnormal recovery ability made the opponent extremely difficult and powerful.

Anyway, at level 16, there is no guarantee that it can defeat this troll leader.

"War? Mundo knows."

The dark green giant lowered his head and glanced at the red-scaled dragon man, then raised his head to the sky, opened his bloody mouth, and roared,

"Boys, come out to fight!"

The thunderous roar made the eardrums of the red-scaled dragon man in front of him numb, making him a little more wary of the troll leader under Lady Carolina.

Mundo ignored the powerful red-scaled dragon man and greeted the Black Wing Legion that quickly gathered. He directly acted as the forward and strode towards the battlefield ahead.

According to the order, the more than 30,000 Black Wing Legion dispatched only 10,000 monster warriors this time.

However, it was the addition of these ten thousand black-winged warriors that quickly stabilized the originally collapsed monster army.

On the battlefield, a nine-meter-tall dark green troll strode forward. Behind the troll, there were a group of five- to six-meter-tall trolls of different species. Behind them, there were two- to three-meter-tall goblins and big goblins. , kobolds, bugbears, and gnolls each have a minimum level of five, and some monsters even reach advanced levels.

The more than 30,000 black-winged warriors who were originally traded, except for Mundo as the leader, the rest were all intermediate-level. The reason why many high-level monsters are born now is only because of the harsh war environment and the stimulation of enough flesh and blood. potential, thereby breaking through to the highest level.

Regardless of the situation, killing, the crisis of life and death, is one of the best ways to promote the potential of life itself to stimulate growth.


With a sweep of the seven- to eight-meter-long super giant special mace in Mondo's hand, a group of human warriors in front of him merged into a piece of meat pie together with the armor they wore.

After a few blows, iron-clad meat and blood cakes appeared all around. This frightened the soldiers standing in front of Mondo, and they ran away frantically, causing a small-scale local rout.

The movement here quickly attracted strong men from the human camp.

A human master-level warrior rushed over with a giant sword, trying to stop the massacre of the dark green giant.

"Stop it, your opponent is me!" The human master-level expert roared, the light on the giant sword flashed, and the surging fighting spirit instantly condensed into a fighting spirit slashing light of more than ten meters, and slashed down with the momentum.

Mundo stopped slaughtering the human warriors, turned around and grinned ferociously. He did not dodge the attacking vindictive light, and directly smashed it with his super mace.

As a last resort, this strong human being had no choice but to stop slashing with fighting spirit and dodge the attack of the mace first.

The mace missed and hit the ground, creating a huge crater.

When the smoke and dust were everywhere, a flash of light flashed in the eyes of the strong human master, and he quickly approached, slashing Mondo's neck with the giant sword in his hand. The moment the weapon touched flesh and blood, the strong human being felt happy.

Got it!

As long as the troll's head is cut off, the troll will not die, but it will be unconscious while its head is growing back. Taking advantage of this period, it can completely consume the opponent's energy and die after losing its ability to recover.

Aside from fire and vitriol, this is the most common method of killing trolls.


In the stunned gaze of this human master, the giant sword was stuck in the thick muscle neck.

Pieces of jet-black dragon scales quietly appeared on Mundo's neck. It was these dragon scales that suddenly appeared that hindered the giant sword from slashing.

The strong human's face changed slightly, and he wanted to twitch the giant sword, but Mondo's muscles tensed up, bursting out with terrifying power, making the giant sword unable to move at all.

In terms of strength comparison, Mundo at this moment is comparable to subspecies giants of the same level. And giants, even sub-giants, are the representative race of hegemony.

At the same level, except for the red dragon and the blue dragon, the other five-color dragons are not as good as the six true giants such as the storm giant in terms of pure power.

The dragon is called a perfect creature, which means that it has basically no shortcomings in all aspects and can fly in the sky and into the sea.

The true giants were unable to fly before the legend. When they reached the legend, they were not good at flying either. Their flying speed was very slow, and they did not have the terrifying dragon's breath, nor the powerful dragon's power to suppress them.

In this case, the true giant can fight against the dragon, relying on the pure brute force.

The use of pure brute force requires a terrifying body to carry the terrifying brute force, so the giant's body is often very powerful, powerful enough to resist the dragon's breath without dying.

Realizing that the weapon could not be drawn out, the human master-level expert immediately made the best choice, gave up the weapon, and fled backwards.

Without weapons, there is still a fight.

However, just as the human master-level powerhouse escaped a few steps, a huge fist with a layer of blood on the surface hit him directly at a terrifying speed.

The fighting spirit of the bodyguard was directly exploded, followed by an explosion of bones and flesh, and this human master-level powerhouse died directly under the giant fist.

Mundo retracted his fist and snorted disdainfully.

He strode forward, lifted up the human master's corpse, which was as bloody as mud, and threw it directly into the bloody mouth to swallow it.

The master-level human body contains a lot of energy. Although it is not as good as the huge top monsters, it is also the best food for Mondo.

After killing and eating the blocker, Mundo continued his charge.

However, it is not without brains. It knows that if it kills a master-level strongman, it will definitely be targeted by the human camp. Therefore, Mondo moves towards a top sub-dragon in the Crimson Nest camp while fighting.

The Yalong covered in yellow scales noticed Mundo approaching. Seeing that he was on his side, he didn't care and continued to trample and kill humans, orcs, and dwarves. His powerful strength was undoubtedly revealed.

With the addition of the 10,000 black-winged monster legions, the direction of the war gradually changed. The monster side began to recover from a disadvantage and gradually gained a slight upper hand.

An hour later, with the sound of horns from both camps, the war came to a temporary end.

During the truce.

As the commander of this war, Carolina naturally wanted to count the number of monster deaths.

"Nearly 300,000 low-level monsters died, about 1,100 intermediate-level monsters died, 35 high-level monsters died, and one master-level monster died."

The red-scaled dragon people reported the casualty data of this war.

Carolina frowned slightly, "Who is the dead master monster?"

"It's the earth dragon 'Plas'." The red-scaled dragon man said.

When she heard that it was actually a powerful dragon, Carolina's original joy for this small victory in the war suddenly disappeared.

No matter how many low-level monsters die, Crimson Nest doesn't care.

As long as the casualties of mid- to high-level monsters are not too many, the Crimson Nest can withstand them.

But the death of every master-level and top-level monster is a big loss to the Crimson Nest.

In a war where legends cannot end, every master is particularly important.

At this time, the Black Wing Legion was staying in the camp.

The brazier was raised, and the black-winged monster warriors cheered and ate barbecue.

These barbecued meats are naturally the corpses of monsters and humans who died in the daytime war.

In the center of the camp, a nine-meter-tall dark green troll hummed a ditty popular in the Monster City and twirled his mace on the bonfire.

On the mace, there is a ferocious dragon head that is several meters long - it is the top-level earth dragon that fights alongside Mondo.

When it was almost done, Mundo brought the mace closer and tore off a large piece of dragon head meat with a bloody mouth.

After chewing it for a few times, the meat of the earth dragon was very plump and chewy.

Mundo enjoyed his meal.

Finally, because the earth dragon companions had too much meat, Mundo generously shared it with other black-winged monster warriors.

"Commander Mundo, I remember this is Master Plath, right?" A big brother Blin asked, scratching his head.

"Uh, it seems so, right?" Mondo, who was working hard, said in confusion. To be honest, he really didn't remember the name of this earth dragon.

But this is not important, anyway, it will definitely not forget the other party in a short time.

The meat is so delicious, and the companion who withstood the attack of the enemy's strong man for it can be remembered by Mondo for at least several years.

Time passed slowly, and in the blink of an eye, one year passed.

In Blackwing's Nest, Black Castle, and in the dark square, dragons roared incessantly.

More than three hundred giant dragons of various colors gathered in the dark square that was expanded several times, and ranked battles were held in huge arenas.

There was a two-on-one battle, and the dragon that won the battle stepped down. The dragon-veined warlock recovered from his injuries and waited for the next battle.

The losing dragon walked dejectedly to the other side - the loser's platform.

"Damn it, these new guys are too strong. It's not fair. They are older than us." Kevin, the green dragon, was a little indignant.

Next to Kevin are his second brother Geller and fifth sister Yulia.

As for the third brother Said, following Kevin's line of sight, in the winner group opposite, a strong green dragon with a body length of more than eight meters was chatting and laughing with two 'golden dragons' and 'red dragons' that were not inferior to it in size. .

"Said, this traitor!" Kevin growled through gritted teeth.

In the distance, the green dragon Said noticed the jealous gaze cast by his elder brother and snorted softly.

Said expressed great disdain for his brothers and sisters.

A scum dragon that has not obtained the blood of the Black Dragon King is not worth the attention of the one who is destined to become the Green Dragon King.

Withdrawing his gaze, Said continued to talk about his fighting methods with his friends, a 'golden dragon' and a 'red dragon'.

The scene was bizarre.

The cunning and suspicious green dragon, the arrogant red dragon, and the kind and aloof golden dragon were able to talk freely together.

It's incredible.

And this is not just an example.

In the huge dark square, there are dozens of dragon groups like Said. The golden dragon and the white dragon are hugging each other, the red dragon and the bronze dragon are quarreling, and the black dragon and the brass dragon are telling each other their stories. ideal.

In the corner of the square, Kevin was waiting for a few green dragons hugging each other, and a dozen white dragons hugging each other in the distance, but they seemed a bit different and out of place.

The reason.

Because they are all real dragons.

Moreover, he is still a true dragon who cannot suppress or control his own nature and has not obtained the bloodline of the void.

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