This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 141 Yearning for freedom; the elemental aura soaring into the sky

A new round of dragon nest battle was accompanied by the setting sun, and the results came out.

It was different from before. There were only about twenty dragons in the Black Wing Lair, and the age gap was not big, so the ranking battles were conducted uniformly without distinction.

Now, the number of dragon beasts in Black Wing Lair has reached 302, the number of true dragons has reached 19, and the total number of dragons has reached an astonishing 321.

Among them, the age range of dragons ranges from young dragons, juvenile dragons, adolescent dragons, young dragons, and adult dragons, with a batch for each stage.

Therefore, in order to make the Dragon Nest Battle more effective in tempering and motivating the battle, dragons of the same level will be divided into groups.

Intermediate, advanced, top, three levels.

In the dark square, a group of giant dragons were either standing, floating or flying in mid-air, glaring at the three black giant rocks more than ten meters high in front of them.

On top of the black rock, vigorous and powerful fonts written using the magic word writing were neatly arranged.

【Intermediate qualifying】

First place: Brooke Black Dragon, second place: Heloise Black Dragon, third place: Pris Golden Dragon Void

【Advanced Qualifying】

First place: Harland Golden Dragon Void, second place: Ignacio Red Dragon Void, third place: Keith Golden Dragon Void

Sixty-ninth place: Antonio White Dragon Void

【Master Ranking】

First place: Gonzalo Golden Dragon Void, second place: Isis Golden Dragon Void, third place: Miligas Golden Dragon Void

"Hey, why is there no Antonio guy in the intermediate rankings?"

Youlong said in surprise.

But soon, it noticed that Antonio, who was staying at the end of the advanced qualifying round, was a little stunned and a little surprised at the same time.

"It turns out that he has broken through to a high level. This guy is progressing so fast."

Not only this dragon noticed it, but also Said, Brooke, Heloise, Aeolos and other dragons who were familiar with Antonio.

I didn’t see Antonio during the intermediate qualifying, so I thought he wouldn’t participate, but I didn’t expect that he had broken through.

As a white dragon who was promoted from a dragon beast, Antonio's status in Black Castle is quite special.

Without him, Antonio was the Black Dragon King's first 'son' and was very favored by the Black Dragon King.

Although Black Castle has always respected strength, but with this relationship, those dragons who are stronger than Antonio are also very polite to him, and those who are weaker than Antonio call him eldest sister.

In the corner, an elegant white dragon with a body length of fourteen meters and shining white dragon scales glanced at the rankings, then spread out its broad white dragon wings of nearly thirty meters and flew away from the dark square.

Flying towards Longchi.

After arriving at Longchi, Bailong fell to the ground and moved forward on foot.

In Longchi, flying is not allowed except under special circumstances.

Stepping across the blue water and walking through the stairs floating in the water, the white dragon gradually approached the center of the dragon pond.

The surrounding water vapor is dense, like a dream.

Vaguely, a majestic black dragon could be seen lying down. Around the black dragon, countless elemental lights flashed.

Bailong knew that his father was practicing magic, so he did not disturb him, but waited quietly.

As time passed, the elemental aura around the black dragon slowly dissipated. The black dragon opened its brown and yellow eyes and looked at Lailong.

"Antonio, what are you doing here?" the Black Dragon Lord said calmly.

"Father, I want to go out and practice." Antonio raised his head, his dragon eyes like light blue frost crystals shining with determination.

"Experience?" The black dragon lord frowned slightly and looked at his daughter of the white dragon. Only then did he realize that the other party had already reached a high level.

How long has it been?

The little white dragon has only been in the dragon's nest for a little over ten years. Even if the age of the dragon before he obtained the bloodline of the void is included, he will not be more than twenty years old.

There is still some distance between being a 25-year-old teenage dragon. Well, in this regard, Oudi himself is similar. He is still a few years away from reaching the teenage dragon stage.

Hey, if you put it that way, Bailong’s daughter is almost as old as me?

The Black Dragon Lord, who was in a daze, was called back by the voice in front of him.

"Father, I know it's dangerous outside and there are wars everywhere, but it would be too boring to stay in the Black Castle and the Blackwing Lair all the time. I want to travel, I want to see the colorful world outside." Antonio looked eagerly. Looking up at the Black Dragon King.

"It's a good thing to yearn for freedom, but" the black dragon lord hesitated. He still has feelings for the white dragon's daughter. After all, the white dragon has been with him for half of his life. Even in this kind of relationship, his feelings for pets are more important. More than the affection between relatives.

"Okay, I agree." The Black Dragon Lord suddenly changed his mind, but he added,

"But we have three rules. First, we must form a group with your other brothers and sisters, at least two. Second, the area you travel must not leave the southern part of the mainland. Third, wait a few months before setting off."

After hearing these three requests, Antonio felt a little rejected. The second and third requests were fine, but for the first one, she didn't know any familiar dragons.

Well, Antonio automatically excluded Brook, Heloise, and Aeolus.

After all, they haven't reached a high level yet and are a bit weak. Antonio doesn't want to be a burden. Besides, even if she wants to bring a few of them, her father probably won't agree.

There are only intermediate-level dragons. When they go outside, they will not travel and improve, but become walking meat and die.

"Father, you know, I don't have any familiar dragon friends." Antonio said with some confusion.

The Black Dragon Lord shook his head and said calmly, "Then go find him."

Antonio heard the unquestionable tone in his father's tone, sighed in his heart, and chose to accept the reality.

"Okay, I'll go find him right away," Antonio said honestly.

Bailong left the dragon pond with elegant steps.

Behind him, the Black Dragon Lord watched the white dragon's leaving figure. As soon as his thoughts moved, a giant door of white light appeared in front of him.

The majestic dragon body of the Black Dragon Lord stepped into it and disappeared.

Wasteland, central region.

High in the sky, a giant gate of white light appeared.

The Black Dragon Lord walked out of it.

Its momentum has no cover and is released in all directions unscrupulously.

When the monsters guarding the huge blue dragon castle below felt this aura, they looked stunned, and then they knelt down one after another.

The roar of the dragon that penetrated the cracked gold and stone resounded from the blue dragon castle below, and a black dragon with a body length of twenty meters and rugged bone spurs flew out from it.

There was a bang, and before Lyanna could react, a black dragon with a length of more than fifty meters descended on the square in front of the Dragon Castle.

In front of this majestic black dragon, Lyanna's twenty-meter-long dragon body looked so thin and pitiful.

Oudi just unfolded half of the dragon wings, which was enough to completely cover Lyanna, which was more than enough.

"Wudi." The rugged black dragon groaned. She could recognize the black dragon in front of her even if it turned into ashes.

Ever since Oudi came to the Rotting Swamp and signed a contract with her seven or eight years ago, she has paid a lot more attention to the alien black dragon she gave birth to.

In ten years, the body of a dragon has grown to over thirty meters. How can you not be impressed?

Even if she knew that the southern part of the wasteland was occupied by his followers, Lyanna just turned a blind eye.

But now it has only been seven or eight years since I last saw him, and he has grown to a size of more than fifty meters.?

Lyanna looked at the shadow of the dragon wings that completely covered her dragon body, and the expression on the dragon's face became a little tense.

"What are you doing here?" Lyanna whispered.

The dragon was in the shadow and had to bow his head.

Especially since the dragon castle behind her contains a large amount of treasures collected by Lyanna, this must not be lost!

"Haha, what am I doing here?" Wu Di grinned and said lightly, "You haven't forgotten the contract between us, have you?"

contract? Lyanna looked at Udi in confusion, and when the former's eyes gradually became dangerous, she immediately reacted,

"How could you forget that the Albit Kingdom hasn't collapsed yet, and you can't get what you want."

Seven or eight years ago, Lyanna seized the opportunity and wanted to invade the wasteland. Oudi came to the Rotting Swamp and signed a contract with her. The content was: Oudi will give her an army of 30,000 monsters, and Lyanna must pay after invading the kingdom. Wu Di's three high-level spells, or treasures equivalent to high-level spells.

The 30,000 monster army sent out at the beginning were generally third- and fourth-level monsters. They were the elite among low-level monsters and matched the value of the three high-level spells.

For Lyanna back then, it was a worthwhile deal to trade three high-level spells that she had yet to acquire and were of no use to her in exchange for an army of 30,000 low-level elite monsters. And for Udi, it was also worth it.

It reduces the food expenditure of 30,000 Big Eater monsters, allows Lyanna to serve as the first line of defense between the Blackwing Lair, the Kingdom of Albit, and the Centaurs, and can obtain three advanced spells, which is naturally worth it. .

Looking at Lyanna who was a bit tempted to default on her debt, Oudi said calmly, "If you don't have high-level spells, then use the equivalent treasure to pay."

"This is impossible."

Before Oudi could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lyanna who couldn't help it. At this moment, the bone spurs on her back stood up, and the dragon body moved behind her and directly in front of the dragon castle, like a hen guarding her young, with a vigilant expression. Angry again.

"It doesn't matter if you don't need treasure." Wu Di was not angry, but smiled evilly, "Lend me your psychic profession for a period of time, and the contract will be completed."

"This is not allowed." Lyanna's eyes widened, and she decided to refuse directly without thinking.

However, the purpose of Udi's coming here was the psychic profession. How could he give up so easily after being rejected by Lyanna?

He gave up when he signed the contract seven or eight years ago because he was afraid because he couldn't figure out Lyanna's specific strength. In addition, he had a lot of spells to learn at the time, and it was difficult to find time to learn another profession. Success, so I gave up.

And now?

In terms of strength, Wu Di has enough confidence!

The brown-yellow longan casually glanced at the empty panel data.

[Wudi: Creature Level 16, Junior; Mage Level 13, Advanced] (body length 55m)]

【Vitality: 146.3】

[Current number of feast levels: 249] (cooling time: twenty days)

[Spell-like abilities: transformation, darkness]

[Spell runes: Sixth Ring·Water Dragon Technique (27% proficiency), Sixth Ring·Transportation Technique (3% proficiency), Sixth Ring·Instant Teleportation Technique (56% entry level), Sixth Ring·Eye of the Storm (entry level) 9%), Five Rings·Space Storage Technique (entry 40%).]

More than a year ago, Wu Di's biological level reached the mid-level fifteenth level, and he had the strength to easily kill ordinary level nineteen creatures.

Today, more than a year later, not only has the biological level been increased by two small levels, but the mage level has also been improved by a large amount. In addition, the proficiency, mental power, magic power, etc. of various spells have also been improved significantly.

At this time, Wu Di had full confidence to fight against the weakest legendary powerhouse who had just been promoted.

Just can't find it.

Otherwise, you must give it a try.

Now that Oudi has such strength, he will naturally no longer be afraid of Lyanna.

More than ten years ago, the scene of Lyanna using all her strength to instantly kill a level 15 wild dwarf bone-blood warrior could no longer make Oudi feel powerless and shocked.

Because, he can do this kind of thing now, and he doesn't even need to explode with all his strength. He can easily kill professionals of this strength with a small amount of strength.

Even though Lyanna has made progress in the past ten years, and the progress is not small, Oudi is confident that the other party cannot be his opponent.

Lyanna is about 20 meters tall. According to the biological levels of the black dragon family, she is only a high-level sixteenth level, not more than seventeenth level. She is at the same level as Udi.

As for that powerful and special psychic profession?

Unless Lyanna cultivates it to the peak of level 19 and touches the legendary threshold, in this case, with the high-level creature level of level 16, she may be able to barely compete with Oudi.

It's not that Wu Di underestimated the special psychic profession, but the terrifying power flowing in the huge dragon body gave him strong confidence.

"I can't tolerate your refusal." Wu Di said indifferently.

"Today, you can either sign a contract with me and lend me that psychic profession to watch, or I will beat you up and take it by force."

The Black Dragon Lord's tone left no room for doubt.

Lyanna heard it and knew she couldn't be kind today.

She looked at Wu Di's majestic dragon body, the dragon's eyes were spitting out anger, and the rapid breathing like white mist echoed in the dragon castle, but in the end, she didn't know which aspect she considered, but she still forcibly endured it.

"Okay, okay, you are really my good son!" Lyanna grinded her dragon teeth, wishing she could just pounce on the black dragon in front of her and take a bite.

There was a flash of light, and a log appeared on Lyanna's dragon claw, with vines wrapped around the log.

Udi's eyes couldn't help but be drawn towards it.

Ancient, time-honored, mysterious, ethereal and soaring elemental spiritual light pillar.

The elemental aura emitted by this half-human tall vine log is more intense and terrifying than the elemental aura emitted by all of Oudi's treasures put together.

In an instant, Wu Di knew that he might have underestimated this special psychic profession.

I finally understood why Lyanna guarded it so tightly and was unwilling to lend it to Udi even under the condition of signing a contract.

Thanks to ‘Mysterious Man No. 9527’ for the reward of 500

【A little cold】

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