This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 181 Spreading Void


On top of two rows of stone pillars hundreds of meters high, dragon wings were folded in. A dark and ferocious dragon monster sat on it, turning its indifferent dragon eyes, and its exaggeratedly muscular dragon body remained motionless.

There are fifty-one of these black muscular dragon monsters in total, and they exude a deep and terrifying aura.

The weakest one is level 15.

The strongest among them has reached the peak of level 19.

These are the Descendants of the Void transformed by Udi using the power of the void for a year. Basically, all the master-level dependents in the Black Wing Lair, except some core dependents and legion leaders, were transformed into Descendants of the Void.

For example, the peak level 19 Cloud Eagle who joined the Black Wing Lair a long time ago.

Before transforming into the Descendant of the Void, Cloud Eagle's strength was still some distance from that of a pseudo-legend. After transforming into the Descendant of the Void, Cloud Eagle's physical fitness was improved to a small level, and he also gained a [Sharp Minions]. With a first-level talent, his overall strength should have barely reached the level of a pseudo-legend, and he is currently the strongest among the fifty-one descendants of the void.

The talent [Sharp Minions] comes from the four-armed sword demon swallowed by Wu Di. The effect is to make the dragon's claws, teeth, and horns even sharper and more terrifying.

This alienation talent is not very powerful, but the effect is very practical, especially the strongest point of the Descendants of the Void is the physical body. The dragon body is much more powerful than creatures of the same level, and the originally extremely sharp claws, coupled with this [ Sharp Minions] talent, the melee combat ability is directly maxed out.

The only thing that makes Udi feel a little regretful is that there are fifty-one. No, including the intermediate Void Descendant that was first transformed, there are fifty-two in total. None of these Void Descendants has obtained two or more of his alienation talents. , all of them only received one alienation talent.

Wu Di originally thought that the intermediate Descendant of the Void experimental body was just an accident, perhaps with poor talent, or less compatible with his talent. However, after transforming dozens of Descendants of the Void, this conjecture was confirmed to be no accident.

Perhaps, there is only one upper limit on the number of talents that the power of the void can bestow on the Descendants of the Void.

A little disappointed, but not too much. After all, with the extra talent of the Descendants of the Void, coupled with the various abilities they have learned, even the weakest ones at the same level can still rival the white dragon.

After all, even the first-level alienation talent comes from the bloodline talent of legendary creatures. Although the white dragon's bloodline is also at the top, the probability of being promoted to legend is obvious to all.

In addition to the fifty-one descendants of the Void who are at the lowest level of fifteen, Udi has spread the power of the Void in various areas in the abyss lava wasteland, ghost plane, and Taal plane sea area in the past year. It has exceeded all the previous twenty years.

Now the number of void demons in the abyssal lava wasteland has increased from more than three million to more than seven million.

In the ghost plane, taking advantage of the war between the five major ghost tribes and the demon army in Black Smoke City, about five million void ghost tribes were also quietly spread.

In the Tal plane, there were originally more than two million Void Familiars, but with Udi's hard work, the number had grown to more than five million.

In the three places, the total number of creatures infected with the power of the void reached 18 million.

This is almost equivalent to the total population of two human principalities!

But this was also the first year that Wu Di went out to ‘run business’ on his own.

After that, these ‘business running’ tasks will be handed over to the Descendants of the Void.

Wu Di worked hard to develop dozens of descendants of the void starting at level 15, not just to create a group of powerful loyalists.

For the time being, their mission is to spread the power of the void.

Under the protection of the fifty-one descendants of the void, the black dragon lord woke up from the slumber of the feast.

It glanced at its current panel information.

[Wudi: high-level creature level 19; high-level mage level 18] (body length 71.6m)]

[Current number of feast levels: 323] (cooling time: thirty days)

[Alienation Talents: Super Speed ​​Recovery (Level 3), Eye of the Dark Demon (Level 3 {pseudo}), Plant Growth (Level 2), Soul Swallowing (Level 2), Demon Flame (Level 2), Black Water (Level 1) ), poisonous aura (first level), frost (first level), sharp claws (first level), purple thunder (first level)]

[Spell-like ability: Transformation]

[Spell runes: Eighth Ring·Slave Soul (97% entry level), Eighth Ring·Law Stun (20% entry level), Eighth Ring·Anti-Magic Field (30% entry level)]

[Psychic martial skills: Rolling Stone Attack 81% entry level, Shunpo (entry level 15%), Hundred Fissure Fist (entry level 3%)]

Although the biological level remains the same as the high-level 19th level, over the past year, the superposition of more than a dozen feasts has improved Oudi's basic strength.

There is definitely still a big gap between the third level of the legend. After all, the strength gap between each level is calculated in multiples. It cannot be overcome by the cumulative strengthening of the feast in a year. Unless this year, every feast swallows All they eat are legendary creatures.

"But if I have another fight with Victor, if that guy is careless, I might have a chance to defeat him." Udi murmured to himself.

The main reason is that Victor has teleportation props, as well as the legendary sword 'Red Blade·Thirst for Blood' that can save his life at critical moments. As long as he is not killed instantly or takes advantage of his carelessness to severely damage or destroy the teleportation props, it is really difficult to win. other side.

Not to mention the current Wu Di, even the legendary third-level powerhouse dare not guarantee it.

After all, the difference in strength is a difference in strength, but in terms of reaction and speed, the gap is generally not so big as to be outrageous.

"Now I have learned the eighth-level magic and anti-magic field. If I get close to Victor and release this spell, I can prohibit the other party from using teleportation items." Udi pondered for a moment, and finally gave up the plan to fight with Victor. .

hold on.

Not urgent.

When the strength is strong enough to crush the opponent without any mistakes, it is not too late to take action.

Even if Udi is willing, he can now have the strength to easily kill Victor - as long as there are more than two million void dependents (old) in the Tar plane, plus more than three million voids in the abyss lava wasteland plane The devil (old) dedicated his soul, flesh, and energy to merge with Udi.

But this is undoubtedly a waste of time.

"When encountering an irresistible crisis, this will be my ultimate trump card." Wu Di thought calmly in his heart.

In the dragon pond, the black dragon lord slowly opened his brown vertical dragon pupils and recovered from his meditation.

It looked at the fifty-one descendants of the void standing motionless on the stone pillar, opened its mouth, and let out a low voice like thunder,

"Go to the abyss and spread the power of the void to me unscrupulously!"

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The black descendant of the void roared in response to the black dragon lord's order. The huge dragon body vibrated its wide dragon wings, and one after another shuttled into the giant white light door spread out in mid-air.

Opposite the arbitrary door is the deserted island in the sea where the teleportation altar is arranged.

On the deserted island, after receiving the order, a large number of Dragon Vein Warlocks transported massive amounts of magic power to the teleportation altar, acting as the 'power source' for the physical body.

Under the infusion of a large amount of magic power, the teleportation altar slowly lit up, and then emitted a spiritual light that reached the sky.

Fifty-one descendants of the void, the smallest of which was 25 meters, disappeared one after another into the aura that soared into the sky.

At the same time, in the abyssal lava wasteland plane, a group of powerful descendants of the void who mastered various alienation talents arrived.

And this is just the first batch!

Soon, there were the second and third batches, carrying the power of the void of the Black Dragon Lord, pouring into the abyss one after another.

As for why not target the Taal plane and the ghost plane?

The reason for not going to the ghost plane is because the war there is too fierce. The last time Oudi spread the power of the void, he was almost discovered. If the much weaker descendants of the void are allowed to go, the result can be imagined, almost It will definitely be discovered.

And why not target the Taal plane?

No no no.

That's because the Black Dragon Lord plans to spread it himself and all the Black Winged Nest family members.

Logically speaking, many races in the Tar plane have their souls already assigned to them because of their belief in gods.

If Udi infects them into void creatures and eventually harvests everything from them, he will undoubtedly be grabbing food from the gods' rice bowl.

And it’s not just one god, it’s a group of gods!

Wu Di believed that his potential in the future would be no worse than that of any other god, but he did not lack the brainpower to think that he now had the strength to provoke a group of gods.

After provoking a god, Wu Di could finally hide in the ghost plane and continue to grow, waiting for the opportunity to reverse his strength.

But messing with a bunch of gods?

Wu Di was very doubtful whether he could escape from the ghost plane.

The gods cannot easily destroy the material plane, but that does not mean that they cannot drag the material plane away.

For example, a powerful demon lord, after successfully invading the material plane, corrupted and corrupted the material plane, then pulled it into the abyss and merged with it.

At this time, the so-called protection of the material plane will no longer work. The abyss is a place where gods can unleash their power unscrupulously.

The gods cannot pull the material plane into the abyss to assimilate it like the demon lord, but they can also drag it directly around their own kingdom and use it as decoration.

Not long after the Void Descendants left for the abyss, the Black Dragon Lord summoned Shi Ji.


The huge black dragon slightly lowered its ferocious dragon head and looked at the strong and tall kobold who walked below and in front of it.

"Shiji, spread my power and cause carnage in the war."

"Follow your orders." Shi Ji nodded slightly.

While increasing the number of Void Familiar, it is also necessary to get some interest.

But harvesting the Void Familiar directly is undoubtedly the choice that minimizes the benefits.

Therefore, the Black Dragon Lord planned to start a war, while letting the war experience the Void Familiars and enhance their strength, so that after they died in battle, the more power they would harvest.

On the other side, it can also expand the territory of Black Wing Lair.

As for whether this will arouse the hostility of the Pan-Continental Alliance Army?

Let them wish themselves well first.

The Crimson Nest has now basically digested the northern region of the continent and is aggressively invading the central region, which is the core position of the Pan-Continental Alliance Army.

At this time, the Pan-Continental Alliance Army should worry most about itself, not the Black Dragon Lord in the south.

If the Pan-Continental Alliance really mobilizes its strength to deal with the Black Wing Nest, then if it really doesn't work, Oudi can't temporarily join the Crimson Nest.

Now that it has joined the Crimson Nest, does the Crimson Nest have to send some strong men to help its companion?

In the south of the wasteland, the territory of the Principality of Kas.

The Black Wing Legion followed unorganized but absolutely shocking footsteps and arrived at the northern border of the Principality of Cass - Karen City.

On Karen City, the soldiers guarding the city swallowed their saliva crazily and looked at the black army getting closer and closer to the city with fear on their faces.

Among the army, there were kobolds and goblin warriors two and a half meters tall, troll warriors five and six meters tall, and bugbear warriors with thick hair all over their bodies, like giant bears.

In the sky, gray eagle monsters are holding bows and arrows, ready to harvest the lives of Karen City below at any time.


Under the command of a master-level Black Wing commander, tens of thousands of Black Wing warriors turned into a torrent of steel and rushed toward the city dozens of meters high.

An hour later.

The city of Karen on the border of Kas Principality fell.

There were more than 100,000 humans in Karen City. Except for the thousands of humans who resisted and were slaughtered, after the rest swallowed a small dark red pill, the black-winged army ignored them and continued deep into Kas. Principality.

Along the way, the Black Wing Legion attacked the city as easily as pulling weeds, without any decent resistance at all.

On the third day, the Black Wing Legion attacked the capital of the Principality of Cass.

Then, after killing over ten thousand people and killing all the recalcitrant humans, they successfully broke through the capital.

It was only then that the leader of the Black Wing Legion discovered that the Duke of Bauhinia of the Principality of Kas had long since escaped.

He took his family and the most elite Redthorn Legion in the principality and ran further south.

In response, the leader of the Black Wing Legion just sneered disdainfully and continued to invade other cities and villages in the Principality of Cass.

The small dark red pills containing extremely weak void power were also swallowed by human beings during this process.

In addition to the Principality of Kass, the Black Wing Lair also invaded the territory of the Barbarian Court (most of the former Albit Kingdom territory is now assigned to the Barbarian Court).

The Barbarian King Victor was slightly shocked when he learned the news, but when he saw that the war lasted for several days and the Black Dragon Lord did not appear, he was slightly relieved.

"The legions sent by Black Wing Lair are neither strong nor weak. From the looks of it, they are probably here to train with us barbarians." Victor frowned slightly.

After thinking for a moment, he realized that the Barbarian Royal Court could only fight.

"If you train troops, then we will train troops too!" Victor snorted coldly.

At the same time, Fitz also began to expand outwards in the sea area.

In the dragon pond.

Udi felt the increasing number of Void Familiar, and the power that each Void Familiar continued to gather with him as the core after their death.

Under the nourishment of these small, weak, but continuous powers, Udi could clearly feel that his power was slowly improving.

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