This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 182 The sudden final battle

South China Sea, the boundary between deep waters and offshore waters.

A majestic murloc over five meters tall rides on a 100-meter sea dragon. Behind him are sahuagin and sea beasts tamed and raised by sahuagin.

A four-armed predator with a strong body and generally over three meters in height.

The head is a shark head, a shark-veined murloc with super tracking ability.

There are also eyeless sahuagins with pale and smooth skin, terrible blindness and combat intuition, and fleshy whiskers on their bodies.

Eyeless sahuagin have a special ability, that is, creatures that approach them within a certain range will be dazzled. They appear to be thinner than the four-armed predators and shark-veined murlocs, but their melee capabilities are worse than those of the three fish. Ranked first among people.

The sea beasts ridden by sahuagin range from small bone beasts, which are sea creatures that look like fish but have thick natural bone armor on their bodies, to large, dark blue creatures that are tens of meters long. Giant snake.

In addition, there are dragon turtles that are as big as a house and can use water-based spells, giant squids that are tens of meters long and have terrifying entanglement capabilities, magic swordfish with terrifying speed and penetration capabilities, and crab monsters, etc.

"Set off!"

At the front, Fitz, riding a sea dragon, gave the order.

The Black Wing Lair and the Sea Clan extended its bloody butchery knife to the races and creatures in the deep sea.

In the deep sea, in addition to the three dominant races of sea people, naga, and mermaids, there are other races of various sizes.

For example, Naga's slave race, the Astor Clammen, is a special race that is born with the talent of cultivating giant clam monsters.

Another example is the legendary black water weed that was killed before. The black water weed is also considered a group, and it is also a top group, but the number is too small.

This time, the target of the void army led by Fitz was a medium-sized sea tribe near their sea area.

Unlike groups such as Naga and Mermaid, which are sparse in number and rely on enslaving various deep-sea races to build a deep-sea empire as slave races, the sea people have a very large number of groups.

Just like humans on the surface, they reproduce based on a large base, and then geniuses and strong men stand out one after another, gradually occupying the deep sea territory and establishing their own deep sea empire.

There were only a few tribes of sea people at the beginning, but as time went by, the number of sea people multiplied and multiplied more and more, and the sea territory they occupied could no longer satisfy so many sea people.

What should we do at this time?

His Majesty the Seaman Empire did two things.

First, it launched continuous small and medium-scale aggressive wars with the neighboring Naga Empire, using war to consume more and more sea people.

Two, split. When the number of sea people in a sea people city reaches a certain level, a sea people noble will lead a certain number of sea people civilians to take root in the deserted or captured sea areas.

The sea tribe that Fitz used for surgery this time was the second type.



The sea beast is roaring. The four-armed sahuagin is riding on the bone beast. One hand is holding the thick rope rein, controlling the direction of the bone beast to prevent itself from being thrown away. The other three are holding three long knives. .

The bone beast roared and moved in the deep sea. Three long knives cut off the heads of four or five sea warriors.

Looking further away, a dark blue sea snake tens of meters long in the distance was bitten by a terrifying demon whale. A large amount of blood spread toward the sea with the struggle of the giant sea snake. This group of more than 100,000 people The sea tribe has three magic whales in captivity, each of which is a top-notch monster.

Elsewhere, two demonic whales were also wreaking havoc, causing considerable damage to the sahuagin.

Fitz had just killed the leader of the sea tribe while riding a sea dragon. When he looked back at the three demonic whales raging among the sahuagin army, his eyes were cold.

Hai Long felt the anger of his master, turned the dragon's head, let out a dragon roar, and rushed towards one of the magic whales.

Sea dragons belong to the emperor dragon species, which is an indigenous dragon species in the material plane of the star realm. They have no blood relationship with the dragons created by the dragon god.

However, except for the fact that bloodline has nothing to do with it, in terms of strength, sea dragons are comparable to white dragons at the same age. They are very powerful creatures.

Fitz was somewhat lucky to be able to find such a rare sea dragon as a mount. After all, the number of emperor dragon species was much smaller than that of giant dragon species.

Far away, before he even got close to the demonic whale, Fitz's blood and energy surged all over his body, and the five-meter-long trident he held in his hand turned into a stream of light, breaking through the heavy sea water and striking hard at the demonic whale's huge body. Above it, a huge blood hole penetrated it.

The severely injured Demon Whale whined and wanted to escape.

"Escape?!" Fitz smiled coldly.

The sea dragon sitting down with its sinuous body had a clear connection with its master. The blue dragon eyes flashed, and the large amount of sea water around the demon whale seemed to be boiling. Thick water ropes quickly condensed to tie up the demon whale.

The water rope did not restrain the demon whale for long before it was freed by its terrifying brute force.

But that was enough time for Fitz to close in on it.

The Demonic Whale, which had just broken free from the restraints of the water rope, looked up and saw a figure rushing towards it.

There was a flash of blood, and a huge wound appeared on one side of the demon whale's body.

Just as the demon whale screamed, it was tied and strangled by the sea dragon's winding body, unable to move.

Soon, the demon whale was captured.

Fitz didn't kill it, but made it swallow a large jar of dark red particles.

The raw material for the dark red particles is the black dragon lord's ordinary dragon blood.

If you want to spread the power of the void, there are currently three ways.

The simplest way is to take the blood of the Black Dragon Lord. The blood of the Black Dragon Lord contains a touch of void power.

The second way is to reproduce.

Life with the power of the void, through reproduction, will often have a weaker bloodline of the power of the void.

As generations reproduce, the power of the void will become weaker and weaker under normal circumstances.

The third method is to swallow.

Ordinary beings will also gain the power of the void by swallowing the life flesh and blood that possesses the power of the void.

The above three methods are all used in Black Wing Lair today.

While starting the war, he forced the captives to swallow the red particles containing the black dragon lord's blood, transforming them into life with weak void power.

At the same time, the Black Wing Lair is also using the dragon blood of the Black Dragon Lord to breed various fish schools. A large number of fish schools with the power of the void are finally released into the sea, and then in the process of the big fish eating the small fish, the power of the void is spread. .

In addition, these beings who have gained the power of the void will continue to reproduce and give birth to beings with the power of the void.

If this goes back and forth, it won't take long for the beings with the power of the void in the body to exceed the number of billions and expand rapidly.

But it doesn't mean that life possesses the power of the void, which means that Udi can harvest everything.

Only those who are deeply infiltrated by the power of the void, or in layman's terms, those who overuse the power of the void (become stronger through the power of the void), can Udi easily harvest everything.

Make an assumption.

A zero-level goblin obtained the power of the void, and then grew into a muscular green-skinned brother three or four meters tall through the power of the void in a few years. The originally weak power of the void in his body also continued to grow and become deeper during this period. This is a life that overuses the power of the void. As long as it does not cross planes and is under the same plane, Udi can follow the connection of the power of the void to harvest everything at any time and turn it into a share of his own power.

Another example is the sixteenth-level demonic whale captured by the fishman leader Fitzgang. The demonic whale gained a weak power of the void by swallowing the red particles containing Oudi's blood, but the demonic whale has not yet swallowed it through the power of the void. Grow and become stronger, and when Udi harvests it, Udi will hardly be able to gain any power from it.

Only after the demonic whale continues to eat and its body shape and strength are transformed through the power of the void, can Udi harvest the opponent's soul, flesh, energy, and everything else.

The stronger the Demonic Whale becomes, the more power Oudi reaps.

After Fitz captured this level 16 demon whale, he continued to ride the sea dragon to kill the other two demon whales.

After spending a lot of time and effort, the two demon whales, one at level 15 and one at level 17, were also captured and transformed into creatures with the power of the void.

The war against the Sea Tribe came to an end quickly with the beheading of the leader of the Tribe, the capture of the three magic whales, and the death of a large number of Sea Tribe warriors.

During those wars, the dead sea people would be eaten by the sahuagin to enhance their own void power and become stronger.

The sahuagin warriors who died, especially those who were deeply infiltrated by the power of the void, all turned into a puddle of ashes after death.

Everything about them is integrated with the Black Dragon Lord who is the origin of the void through the void channel.

As the saying goes, when a dragon sits at home, power comes from the sky.

This method is somewhat similar to a god pulling his followers to go to the Kingdom of God.

After the believer dies, the power of the gods will pull the believer's soul into the kingdom of God through the channel of faith.

After the death of the void life, the Black Dragon Lord pulled everything in the void life into his body through the void channel and integrated it with himself.

"Commander, the mission is completed, and all the hundreds of thousands of people in the sea have swallowed the red pill."

Fitz was using the sahuagin clan's method of taming sea beasts to tame the three demonic whales. At this time, a four-armed murloc predator guard came over and reported the news to it.

"Very good. Let's withdraw our troops and rest for a while before heading to another sea tribe to attack." Fitz nodded with satisfaction.

There is no need to conquer those sea people. After all, if you think about conquering them all, it will consume too much time and energy.

On the contrary, attacking the next sea tribe will make the sahuagins stronger through war. It will also transform all the sea tribes into life forms of void power, making them potential harvest targets for the black dragon lord.

"You're such a stubborn demon whale." Fitz looked at the demon whale that refused to surrender, sighed and shook his head.

The other two demon whales were afraid of death and had already surrendered to Fitz. The seventeenth-level and most powerful demon whale was stubborn.

"In that case, you're free." Fitz grinned.

It directly allowed Hai Long to release his hold on the seventeenth-level demonic whale.

The freed Demon Whale was a little dazed, but soon ran away crazily in the opposite direction.

Fitz looked at the escaping demon whale and had no intention of pursuing it.

On the sea side, Fitz continued to attack the sea tribe and other sea tribes, and after winning the victory, he released the captives who had swallowed red pills and turned into void creatures.

As a result, the Seaman Empire, as one of the three deep-sea overlord empires, did not notice Fizz, the fish-man, jumping around for a while.

After all, it's just a war. The deep sea is where big fish eat small fish, and killings are happening everywhere.

The Sea People Empire cares about the maritime territory and the Sea People city which is the core of the empire.

As for the Sea People tribes that were on the edge of relatively scarce resources and were invaded by sahuagins, the top management of the Sea People Empire would not care about such trivial matters.

The surface, the center of the continent.

The Crimson Nest suddenly assembled an army of tens of millions of monsters and launched a final decisive battle against the Pancontinental Alliance.

Among the Pan-Continental Alliance army, there are forest elves, half-elves, gray elves, wild dwarves, mountain dwarves, iron dwarves, humans, orcs, dwarfs, griffins, pegasus, hippogryphs, chimeras, Behemoths, and giants. , Mammoth, Colossus Puppet, and Unicorn, each of the powerful alliance men looked solemnly at the seemingly endless army of monsters in the distance.

Among the Crimson Nest army, there are ogres, trolls, centaurs, goblins, gray-furred gnolls, red-furred gnolls, black-furred gnolls, ratmen, tauren, quilboars, troglodytes, In addition to flying dragons and terrain dragons, there are also a large number of five-color dragons flying in the sky, showing a ferocious and greedy look at the lives of the Pancontinental Alliance.

At an altitude of 100,000 meters, four huge five-color dragons are suspended. Behind the four legendary five-color dragons are more than a dozen legendary monsters, including the two-headed ogre king, the jackal king, the flying dragon king, the scorpion lion king, and even There is also a rare legendary mire demon, as well as several legendary elemental djinn, fire elemental djinn, wind elemental djinn, and thunder elemental djinn summoned by the five-color dragon.

On the opposite side was a legendary strongman from the Alliance Army.

The Bronze Dragon Knight of the Ryan Empire, the legendary Archmage, and a dozen legendary warriors from the Empire Kingdom, the Queen of the Prairie Elf Elisa, the King of the Dwarf Iron Castle, the Frost Giant King, the Sword Master Taylor of the Orc Kingdom, the legendary Griffin, The legendary unicorn, several legendary chimeras, the mountain dwarf king, and the holy light pegasus.

"Everyone, there is no need to worry about the sudden arrival of the Crimson Mother. Archmage Alpha and I have prepared the forbidden spell to seal the space. If the Crimson Mother arrives by then, we will have enough time to retreat."

The legendary archmage from the Ryan Empire spoke in the ears of the legendary powerhouses of the alliance.

The legendary warriors of the Alliance Army nodded slightly, feeling a little more relaxed, but overall they were still very depressed.

After requesting Metal Dragon Island to take action to no avail, the Pan-Continental Alliance Army, after several years of stalemate with the Crimson Nest, was finally pushed to the point where it was almost inevitable.

The central area of ​​the Tar continent is the place where humans, elves, dwarves and other races prospered. It is also the place where they have been operating and building for many years. If they abandon this place and run to the south of the continent, it will naturally be delayed for several more years, but this Undoubtedly, the old capital is thrown away.

The odds of winning are slim to begin with, but if we continue like this, we will only reach a desperate situation without any chance of resistance.

Therefore, the Pan-Continent Race Alliance finally made a decisive decision and started a decisive battle with the Crimson Nest here!

To this end, the prairie elf queen contributed the ten-ring forbidden spell that her family had treasured for thousands of years - the great space sealing spell.

The only legendary archmages left in the Tar Continent are the Archmage Pushen Jin of the Ryan Empire and the red-robed Archmage Alpha who suddenly appeared more than ten years ago.

Under the oppression of the Crimson Nest, which threatened the survival territory of all races on the continent, the Red Robe Mage Association, which suddenly emerged more than ten years ago, also joined the Pan-Continental Alliance.

The Pan-Continental Alliance Army is naturally happy about this, but they are not stupid. After all, the existence of this group of self-proclaimed red-robed mages has always been mysterious over the years, and it is impossible to find out enough about them to be known by the Alliance Army. trust.

But Alpha was very straightforward. In order to dispel the suspicion of the Alliance, he signed a contract on his own initiative, stating that he would help the Alliance fight against the Crimson Nest.

In this way, the suspicion of the Alliance Army was reduced.

In other words, there is no way.

After all, if Alpha hadn't joined, it would have been impossible for Master Pousenkin to use the ten-ring forbidden spell 'Sealing Space' alone to stop the arrival of the Crimson Mother.

Only the cooperation of the two archmages, coupled with the precious magic power supplements at the bottom of the box that are enough to restore the legendary archmage, can we be sure to temporarily prevent the arrival of the Crimson Mother.

On the earth.

After a moment of silence, the monster army in the Crimson Nest received the order and brazenly launched an attack horn against the Pan-Continental Alliance Army.

The two torrents of flesh and steel collided with each other, the energy of blood and fighting spirit emitted, and the radiance of spells shone everywhere.

The black rock giant trampled more than a dozen monsters into flesh with one kick, roared angrily, and killed them wantonly.

The flaming flying dragon in the sky noticed the violent killing of the black rock giant. With a roar, the dragon dived towards the black rock giant, spitting blazing flames from its mouth.

The battle between the armies of both sides was fierce.

In terms of the scale of the war, the scale of this war is estimated to be the largest and highest quality epic war in thousands of years.

The number of people participating in the battlefield reached an astonishing 80 million.

Among them, the number of monsters on the side is more than ten times that of the Pan-Continental Alliance Army.

Far in the dark forest in the south, the black dragon lord in the dragon pond also quietly sent his thoughts to a senior jackal on the battlefield.

The Crimson Nest's monster army, which is tens of millions in size, has brought together almost half of the continent's elite monsters. No matter what kind of monster comes to surrender, they will all come. In this case, the Black Wing Lair wants to join in. For some Blackwing warriors, that couldn't be simpler.

No one will care about this, even if they know, they won't care.

"Tsk, tsk, what a magnificent war."

The Black Dragon Lord looked at this war from the perspective of a high-level jackal and couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

He has no intention of getting involved in this war.

But he needs to know the outcome and direction of the war as soon as possible.

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