This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 192 Four Abilities

Just do what comes to mind.

Now there happened to be a few high-level descendants of the void in the black nest, and Udi pulled their souls into the gray space.

The power of the void that was instilled in the gray space entered the bodies of these descendants of the void.

Soon, in the real world, the bodies of the three descendants of the void, who were only high-level ones, changed from a dark dragon body to a gray dragon body, filled with the coldness of the void.

Facts have proved that after the power of the void in reality is alienated, it can indeed be alienated a second time using the power of the void in gray-white space.

"So, can the dragon-shaped descendant of the void be turned into a human-shaped angel?" Such an idea came to Udi's mind.

Following Wu Di's thoughts, the gray-white dragon in the gray-white space continued to instill the power of the void into the three gray-white descendants of the void.

The three gray-white dragon-shaped descendants of the void began to change in form. Their backs slowly stood upright, their thick limbs and dragon claws turned into hands and feet, and the broad dragon wings on their backs grew feathers, changing from flesh wings to feather wings.

Finally, three male gray-white angels over three meters tall appeared in front of Udi.

It is undoubtedly extremely weird to change from a dragon shape with a body length of more than ten meters to a humanoid angel with a height of more than three meters.

After all, volume and quality are not equal.

But Wu Di simply ignored this, because when he first created the Descendants of the Void in reality, the dependents who were more than three meters tall could transform into Descendants of the Void who were more than ten meters tall.

At that time, I was already shocked, so now, I naturally accept this easily.

After rounds of experiments, Udi finally concluded this ability.

First, you can pull the dependent souls of the real world into the gray space and attach them to their gray bodies in the gray space.

Second, using the power of the void on the gray-white dependents with souls in the gray-white space can transform their bodies in the real world into the same existence as those in the gray-white space, allowing them to possess and use the power of the void to fight. Moreover, there is no limit to the form. It can be a beast, a plant, a dragon, or an angel. However, the change of form can only have the ability of the form, and will not give it the ability of the corresponding race.

For example, if you are transformed into a gray angel, because it has wings in its form, your dependents can fly, but they cannot have the abilities of the angel race.

In short, the transformation of the void power in the gray and white space, apart from allowing it to possess the power of the void, is only a pure transformation of the physical appearance and does not involve racial bloodline abilities.

Third, the power of the void in the gray-white space is very large, much more than the power of the void that Udi can use in the real world.

This is what Udi values ​​most.

Previously, in the real world, although Udi could transform his dependents into powerful descendants of the void, he was limited by the amount of void power and recovery ability, so he could not use this ability unlimitedly.

In one year, Wu Di used the power of the void to transform dozens of master-level descendants of the void, which was already approaching the limit of his ability.

Moreover, at the beginning, the highest strength of the alienated dependents was the master level, and the legendary dependents could not be alienated.

However, at this point, as the number of Oudi's feasts increases, the power of the void in the body also increases. Now it may be possible to try to alienate the dependents of the first level of the legend.

Therefore, this ability can only add some strong loyalists to Wu Di. The alienated dependents will be completely loyal to their master Udi.

However, after accidentally entering the gray-white space and merging with the gray-white dragon, the power of the void that Wu Di can use in this gray-white space is completely vast compared to the power of the void that he possesses in reality.

"This ability allows me to create a huge gray-and-white army, and it is a gray-and-white army that does not limit its shape." Udi's eyes were bright.

Those demons who have gained the power of the void, as well as other void creatures who are not loyal to the Black Wing Lair, finally have a home with the emergence of this ability.

Originally, Udi's treatment of their results was to wait for an opportunity, then harvest them all and become part of its power.

But now, before harvesting, it can be effectively used once.

Real world, dark forest, dragon pond.

Wu Di's consciousness returned from the gray space and looked at his current dragon body.

Dark, muscular, majestic.

Wu Di's thoughts moved slightly, and the dark dragon body was instantly transformed into a cold gray-white color.

The huge gray-white dragon body moved slightly and disappeared into the dragon pond.

It appeared again, dozens of kilometers away, ten thousand meters above the monster city.

"This ability to travel through the void is also very abnormal." Wu Di marveled and sighed.

Whether using any door or instant teleportation, even if it is instantaneous, it still requires an extremely short "forward swing". This "forward swing" is the time necessary to use magic power.

The ability to travel through the void does not require the use of magic power, the power of the void, or any energy. It is purely an ability that can be used naturally after transforming into the form of a gray-white dragon.

Just like a fish is born with the ability to swim, for Udi in the form of a gray-white dragon, space is his ocean, and he can swim through it at will.

Although it is still uncertain, Udi's own intuition and many abilities or spells that can seal the space are probably unable to stop it from traveling through the void.

If it is as Udi's intuitive guess is, then this ability is a top-notch life-saving ability.

The reason why the Dark Frost Giant Lord is sure to kill the Crimson Mother is because it has a treasure that specifically seals the space. This sticks to the Crimson Mother and makes it impossible to escape. Without this treasure, then the Crimson Mother will not be able to escape. My mother wanted to fight or leave, it was entirely up to her, how could she be so aggrieved.

In addition to the ability to travel through the void, it transforms into a gray-white form. No, it should be called a void form.

After transforming into the void form, Udi also possesses two quite impressive abilities.

One is the same as the transformed gray descendant, which can directly use the power of the void to attack. However, the power of the void possessed by Udi is much purer and more powerful than that of the Gray Descendants.

This power of the void can be condensed into various weapons, such as condensing a dragon claw on a dragon claw that is completely made of the power of the void, or it can be directly released as energy.

And because the power of the void has various characteristics of decomposition, absorption, and devouring, whether it is a condensed weapon or energy release, it will also have these terrifying characteristics.

This ability directly increases Wu Di's strength.

The second ability is the void form itself.

Any attack, whether it is a material attack or an energy attack, the attack distance will be stretched when Udi is close to the void form. Because the space surrounding the dragon body in the void form is superimposed.

The actual situation is that the enemy's attack seems to have hit Udi, but in this superposition space, it may take a while to actually attack Udi.

However, this ability consumes a lot of void power, especially to resist attacks with terrifying power. If you want to widen the distance between this attack and Udi through the spatial extension of the superposition state, the consumption will become very terrifying. .

In other words, after merging with the gray-white dragon, Udi gained a total of four abilities.

Defense - superposition space

Attack - the power of the void with the characteristics of decomposition, absorption and devouring

Escape, rush, chase the enemy—travel through the void

Explosive Troopers—Gray Descendants

After briefly experiencing various abilities in the void form, Wu Di returned to Longchi.

In the following days, Udi began to continuously pull a large number of creatures that were deeply infiltrated by the power of the void into the gray space, and then transformed them all into gray descendants.

Of course, in the real world, Oudi also uses the power of the void to transform relatively powerful void creatures into descendants of the void, and then mutates them for the second time through the gray space.

The first is the grassroots level.

The second type is the elite.

It is worth mentioning that most of the gray-white descendants that Wu Di transformed came from those 'wild' creatures that were deeply infiltrated by the power of the void, rather than the descendants of the Black Wing Lair.

For example, in the Tar Sea area, the sea people tribe was conquered by the fishman leader Fitz more than a year ago. The combined population of the large and small sea people tribes is in the millions. These are all people who have taken the power of the void. The 'little red pill' was then released by the prisoners.

Most of them lasted for a short period of time and were only lightly infiltrated by the power of the void. However, a small number of them lasted for more than a year and gained enough strength through the power of the void. Hairen who were deeply infiltrated by the power of the void were completely It meets the prerequisites for Udi to pull it into the gray space.

In addition to the sea people, there are also the humans from the previously captured Kas Principality and a large number of monsters that secretly spread in the Crimson Nest.

Transforming these creatures that are deeply infiltrated by the power of the void but hostile to the Black Wing Nest into gray-white dependents who are loyal to Oudi to the death can increase the strength of the Black Wing Nest to the greatest extent.

Of course, when all these are transformed into gray-white dependents, then the dependents loyal to Oudi in Black Wing Lair will naturally begin to transform as well.

After all, after transforming into a gray-white form, not only will one be loyal, but one's strength will also be greatly improved.

In the wasteland of the southern part of the continent.

A troop walked neither fast nor slowly.

They were wearing gray-white standard armor, with a gray-white sword hanging behind their backs.

These warriors are generally over three meters tall, and their bodies are as majestic as brown bears.

Under the helmet, the pupils in the gaps were gray and cold.

However, an army of a hundred people forcibly created a sense of oppression that only a ten-thousand-strong iron-blooded army could have.

"Captain, we have arrived at the target location, right here."

A 3.8-meter-tall warrior walked up to a giant man over 4 meters tall and pointed to a valley in front of him.

The armored man followed the adjutant's gesture and looked towards the valley.

Under the sun, there was a faint hint of black air rising from the land at the edge of the valley.

"The land infiltrated by the power of the abyss has no doubt of its goal."

The gray pupils of the armored man became colder and colder. After confirming that the target was correct, he immediately issued an order to the team members behind him.

"Fight in!"

There is no such thing as probing. Now that you have confirmed where the target is, go straight in!

Behind them, a group of warriors who were stronger and taller than brown bears nodded in unison, drew their swords from behind, and rushed into the valley boldly.

Soon, piercing screams came from the valley.

The armored man who was the captain slowly walked into the valley.

What came into view were thousands of demons. These demons were originally supposed to be resting, but with the surprise attack of the gray and white warriors, these demons immediately reacted with fright and anger and started fighting with the gray and white warriors.

However, under the powerful swords of the gray-white warriors, these demon soldiers were broken into two pieces and were slaughtered wantonly.

Soon, the valley became quiet.

The gray armor was soaked in blood, making these warriors look like plasma demons.

The adjutant walked up to the armored man and reported the battle situation.

"We killed about 3,000 low-level demons and about 130 intermediate-level demons."

"Captured three high-level demons and twenty intermediate elite demons, and injected the power of the void into these captives."

"No one of our soldiers died or was injured. Report completed!"

After listening to the adjutant's report, the armored man nodded slightly, "Rest and eat on the spot, and then leave with the harvest."

The adjutant nodded.

Soon, the smell of fireworks and meat began to rise in the valley filled with the smell of blood.

One by one, the giant men tore into the devil's roasted meat, chewing and swallowing it with great greed.

Each gray warrior can eat at least a hundred kilograms of demon barbecue in one minute.

The flesh and blood eaten in the belly are quickly transformed into some extremely high-level energy under the digestion of the void power, strengthening the body of each gray warrior and increasing their strength.

"So satisfying." A gray-white warrior couldn't help but let out a sigh while eating meat.

This made the demons who were bound by the captives swallow their saliva, feeling both hunger and fear.

The gray-white warriors ate very quickly, and after a moment, they stood up with burps and satisfied expressions on their faces.

Some of the gray warriors walked towards the captured demons, while others put the demon corpses into space bags.

The gray-white warriors ate most of the corpses of the intermediate demons, and the rest were almost the corpses of the low-level demons. After taking these back, they would be used to support the weaker dependents of the Black Wing Lair.

"It's time to go, let's go to the next target location." The captain spoke.

A group of gray-white warriors quickly gathered, followed behind the armored giant, walked out of the valley, and headed in the other direction of the wasteland.

Behind them, in the valley, the three captured high-level demons and twenty intermediate elite demons looked at each other, and then cautiously walked out of the valley. When they saw that the group of people had really left, they immediately dispersed.

Although it is unclear why these people let them live, the demons are too lazy to think about such self-inflicted troubles.

After this group of demons dispersed, as time passed, the hunger in the belly became more and more unbearable. However, the ordinary creatures in the wasteland had either been killed and eaten by the demons long ago, or they had fled away long ago. Those who remained, Most of them are low-level demons with nothing to do, no goals, and low intelligence.

Therefore, naturally, these demons who had just been infiltrated by the power of the void began to kill and eat the demons wandering in the wilderness with red eyes.

During the killing and eating, the power of the void in these demons began to deeply infiltrate the demon's body, enhancing their potential and improving their strength.

In the end, when the power of the void is completely infiltrated, these demons will be transformed into gray void creatures by the black dragon lord.

The departing gray-white warrior team soon arrived at another target location.

However, what is different this time from last time is that a group of high-level demons are hidden in this location.

"Don't hold back, go all out!" The captain roared, and the body under the gray-white heavy armor suddenly turned gray-white. Behind the back, two huge gray-white wings suddenly emerged from the gap left by the heavy armor.

Like the captain, the other ninety-nine gray-white warriors have all completed the transformation in form, from tall human warriors to true gray-white winged warriors.

With a clang, the big sword held by the captain was covered with a grayish-white luster. The broad wings on his back fluttered and he started to kill the winged demon of the same level as the great demon on the opposite side.

The Winged Demon on the opposite side was also shocked by this group of 'human beings'.

I originally thought that they were humans with giant blood, which was why their bodies were so exaggerated. However, after completing the transformation, not only did they become more powerful, but a pair of huge wings actually grew out of their backs.

Is this someone who has the blood of both a giant and a winged man?

The Winged Demon Commander at the Great Demon level began to be wary.

It didn't think about angels. After all, the holy blood of angels was like the rising sun in the dark night to them demons. It was so clear and hot that it couldn't be ignored.

The two sides fought together.

As the captain of the Gray Angel who leads a squadron of a hundred people, the heavily armored man has undoubtedly reached the master level, although it is only the threshold of the master level, level fifteen.

However, the Wing Demon's level has reached level 16.

Logically speaking, the sixteenth-level winged demons must have the upper hand. After all, the winged demons are a relatively powerful demon race, and they are one level higher.

But in fact--

The misty gray-white sword directly slashed the Winged Demon back hundreds of meters. The power of the void entwined on the gray-white sword swallowed up the abyss power used by the Winged Demon to resist, leaving a deep scar on its body surface. .

"How is that possible?" The Winged Demon looked at the captain who was waving his wings in shock and anger, and ran away in embarrassment.

After a fierce battle, the captain of the Gray Angel finally successfully killed the Winged Demon.

The Winged Demon, who is good at speed and agility, can't even run.

The captain dropped the Winged Demon's head and body to the ground, sighing.

"You are too strong, I can't hold you back at all, otherwise you can still survive as a prisoner."

The Gray Angel Captain was really sorry for the death of this winged demon.

Compared with the value brought by the corpse of a winged demon, a living level 16 winged demon can bring greater value when it is transformed into a Void Familiar in the future.

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