This giant dragon is so powerful!

Chapter 193 Resurrection from the Dead

After feeling regretful, the Gray Angel Captain looked at his teammates.

After transforming from heavy armored warriors into gray-white angel forms, the strength of the gray-white warriors who were originally at the advanced level increased sharply again.

Now, how can those high-level demons be the opponents of this group of gray angels?

Without the captain taking action, more than a hundred high-level demons died, taking captives.

As for the casualties of Gray Angel?

In addition to one person who died, there were also more than twenty injured, and the rest just consumed some energy.

"Rest and eat." The captain stepped forward and put away the 'corpse' of the dead gray angel with only a set of damaged gray and white armor left, and gave the order to the remaining gray warriors who had returned to their normal human form.

Death is inevitable, and most of the gray warriors did not express sadness at the death of their teammates, but were unusually indifferent.

To some extent, it is doubtful whether they were originally human.

After all, even if it is a demon, as long as it is deeply infiltrated by the power of the void, the Black Dragon Lord can transform it into a human appearance in the gray space.

These demons who turned into humans in appearance, under the influence of the power of the void, eliminated part of their chaotic nature and added a part of their loyal nature to the Black Dragon Lord. However, the original indifferent emotions and murderous nature of the demons were all gone. retained.

For a group of bloodthirsty demons, how could they be sentimental about the death of their teammates?

Only a handful of Gray Angels who were transformed from normal humans may feel sentimental about the death of their teammates, but because of their unswerving loyalty to the Black Dragon Lord, they can quickly suppress this emotion and continue to work perfectly. Carrying out tasks.

Gray and white space, gray and white square.

Udi, who is in the gray-white form of the void, is working tirelessly to pull the souls of creatures that meet the requirements from various places in the Taal material plane into this place, and then infuse them with the power of the void to transform them into various forms of gray-white creatures.

The most gray-white creatures among them are gray-white angels.

In their normal state, the Gray Angels can be used as flying troops. They are flexible and can use various tactics. In their human form, they can learn various human combat skills and can also walk more freely in the Tal plane.

Although the Tal plane is not a human-dominated plane, it is indeed more convenient to move in human form.

As for why not get some gray-white descendants with elven appearances? Don’t elves also facilitate movement?

That's because elves with wings are indeed a bit weird, but humans with wings are relatively normal. Winged people are a huge branch in the star realm, including black-winged people, white-winged people, fallen winged people, Gray-winged monsters and even harpies can be regarded as a type of winged people to a certain extent.

In addition to a large number of gray angels, the number of other gray creatures is very small.

Some gray-white creatures in the form of land beasts, some gray-white creatures in the form of flying creatures, and some gray-white creatures in the original racial form. For example, after the gnoll family is transformed, it is still in the form of a gnoll, and after the troll is transformed, it is still in the form of a troll. It just has an extra gray-white form that can be transformed.

After all, although Gray Angel is useful and good-looking, as a black dragon lord, it is also strange that all the monsters in the city are 'humans'.

In addition, many dependents are not willing to transform into the form of other races, but prefer to retain the form of their own race. In this case, Wu Di does not want to be too authoritarian.

Wu Di, who was transforming a new batch of one hundred Gray Angel warriors, was suddenly startled.

In the gray square, a statue-like three-meter-tall gray angel warrior suddenly opened his eyes.

"Am I not dead?" The gray-white angel was a little confused. As his pupils focused, he saw the gray-white dragon not far away.

His vision flashed, and the gray-white dragon came to him.

"Master." The gray-white angel kneeled down instinctively and lowered his head.

Wu Di looked at the gray angel in surprise.

It 'remembers' this senior gray angel, because just now, the power of this gray angel after his death merged with Udi.

"Didn't the soul follow the power and be swallowed by me?" Wu Di pondered in his heart.

In the past, after the death of these dependents, their souls and everything would be integrated into Udi's body and turned into its nutrients. Udi was actually unable to control this process.

It can only control whether to absorb, but not how much or which part to absorb.

But now, after the death of this gray-white angel, everything about the body has been integrated with Udi, but the soul has stayed alone, and automatically returned to the gray-white space without Udi taking the initiative to pull his soul into the gray-white space. Gray and white space.

"Is it the special nature of gray-white creatures?" Wu Di said to himself.

When it thought about it carefully, it seemed that this gray-white angel was indeed the first gray-white creature to die.

It hasn't been long since Udi transformed the gray-white creatures. In addition, the gray-white creatures that Wu Di first started to transform were all the most powerful ones. The ranks first started from master level, then to advanced, and it took only two days for the intermediate gray-white creatures to transform. Start converting.

He has advanced, even master-level strength, and coupled with the power of the void after transforming into a gray-white creature, his strength has skyrocketed, and it is naturally more difficult to die.

But this issue will be verified later.

Now, what should be studied most clearly is the state of the gray angel in front of him whose body has died in the real world.

"The body dies in reality, but the soul survives in the gray plane. Aren't these believers in the Kingdom of God?" Wu Dilong narrowed his eyes slightly.

It looked around. The dragon body in the void form felt unusually familiar with this gray-white space.

"Is it possible that this gray space is the Kingdom of God? Or something similar to the Kingdom of God?" Wu Di guessed.

After thinking wildly for a while, Oudi turned his attention to the senior gray angel kneeling on one knee.

After pondering for a few seconds, the dragon's claws covered his body.

A large amount of void power began to be transported.

Something happened.

In the real world, the wasteland is where the advanced Gray Angel died.

There were ripples in the space, and a naked gray-white angel body condensed from scratch.

In the gray space.

Wu Di looked a little silent.

Just now, its dragon body became slightly weaker.

And that 'wisp', very coincidentally, is equal to the enhanced strength obtained by absorbing the power of the high-level gray angel just now.

"Isn't this resurrection?" Oudi was a little shocked.

Although the resurrection spell is among the nine-ring spells, among the more powerful forbidden spells, there is the great resurrection spell, which can resurrect creatures in groups.

However, whether it is a resurrection spell or a grand resurrection spell, the conditions required to cast the spell, the magic power, and energy consumed are very high.

As for this method of resurrection in the gray space, Wu Di didn't see any consumption.

The black dragon lord lowered his huge dragon head, looked at the senior gray-white angel kneeling on one knee, and with a thought, expelled his soul from the gray-white space.

The real world, the wasteland.

Lying on the ground, the three-meter-high, naked gray-white angel with huge wings on his back suddenly opened his eyes, covering his head with a splitting headache, looking around blankly, his pupils gradually focused, looking at the familiar surroundings Scenes.

"Am I alive again?" The gray-white angel gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground. He looked at the naked, gray-white body without any scars and pondered.

At this moment, a voice sounded in his mind.

"How do you feel?" This was the voice of the Black Dragon Lord, with a hint of expectation in its tone.

The gray angel quickly recovered from his confusion and responded to his master.

"I have a splitting headache, listlessness, weakness in my limbs, and... very hungry." The senior gray angel said everything he was feeling at the moment.

In the gray space, Udi was thoughtful after receiving the response.

From this point of view, the resurrection of gray space still has side effects.

"But the side effects are not high." Udi gradually became happy.

In this case, doesn't it have an 'undead army' under its hands?

Oudi, who had been feeling numb at the endless demons in the abyss, finally felt a little relieved at this moment and felt much less stressed.

"But we have to continue to follow up and observe." Wu Di broke away from the joyful mood and thought to himself.

For example, how long will the side effects of a splitting headache and weakness in hands and feet last after resurrection? A few hours, a few days, even ten days and a half month?

For another example, if you die multiple times, can you still be resurrected? Is this resurrection ability unlimited? Will the strength of the soul decrease as the number of resurrections increases? Or even soul collapse?

These speculations are all possible.

"Then test these speculations."

Udi transformed a low-level Goblin kin at will, turning it into a low-level Gray Angel.

Then, in the real world, people were sent to the low-level gray angel to kill him.

Soon, its power poured into Wu Dilong's body, and its soul was automatically pulled into its body in the gray-white space.

After the low-level gray angel opened its eyes and was still a little dazed, Udi directly instilled the power of the void. At the same time, the power that had just received the fusion in its body also followed the connection between the power of the void and the low-level gray angel in front of it. To the real world.

The body begins to condense.

After the condensation was successful, the soul entered it. The low-level gray angel opened his dazed eyes again. He had not experienced the splitting headache for a second before his head was cut off again by a high-level gray angel waiting beside him.

Repeat this five or six times.

When a low-level gray angel died again, his soul suddenly collapsed, and the blood and other energy transformed from his body were integrated into Wu Di's dragon body, strengthening and nourishing his dragon body.

In gray space.

When Wu Di saw this scene, he felt a little regretful, "Sure enough, the soul will collapse."

However, Wu Di also understands that this kind of experiment cannot really be certain, and there is a limit to the number of resurrections.

After all, this low-level gray angel transformed from a goblin died and was resurrected five or six times in a very short period of time.

If this time is lengthened, for example, after the person is resurrected after death, and the side effects of the splitting headache disappear, and then if the person dies and is resurrected, then is there no limit to the number of resurrections?

However, this experiment will take some time and cannot be known immediately.

"Then just wait." Wu Di was in a happy mood.

After all, whether there is a limit on the number of resurrections or not, it is still profitable for Udi.

Time passes gradually.

With the mass production of a large number of Gray Angels, the number of demons wandering around Blackwing Lair is getting smaller and smaller.

The Gray Angel, who is powerful and can be resurrected even after death, is definitely an extremely terrifying combat weapon.

While cleaning up the demons, Oudi also gradually figured out the mechanism of resurrection.

Just as it thought, as long as the gray creature is resurrected after the side effects subside, there is no limit to the number of resurrections.

Although this conclusion is somewhat imprecise, because the number of deaths and resurrections today is only a dozen times.

However, Udi observed the soul of the gray-white creature that had been resurrected more than ten times and found that everything in his soul was normal, so he came to such a loose conclusion.

"It's time to rule the ghost plane."

One day, with the constant fusion of the power of dead void creatures, the biological level had broken through from the 20th level to the 20th intermediate level, and Udi's mind moved.

Before breaking through to Legend, Udi's strength was at the pinnacle of the second level of Legend.

After breaking through the legend, although his pure strength did not increase dramatically, he also gained four major void abilities. Three of the major void abilities can increase Oudi's combat ability. In addition, he broke through a minor level at this time.

Wu Di's strength has already risen significantly.

As for the ghost plane, due to plane restrictions, the highest creature it can accommodate is the legendary second level.

In this case, with Wu Di's current strength, he would basically be crushed.

This was also Udi's plan.

After possessing the strength of the legendary third level or above, he took over the ghost plane and made it his home base.

After making the decision, Udi set off directly.

Except for more than a hundred master-level gray descendants, it didn't bring anyone with it.

In a burst of teleportation light, the black dragon lord and more than a hundred gray-white dragon monsters disappeared into the Tar plane.

The ghost plane.

There was a loud noise in an underground cave, and a huge gray-white dragon of more than 70 meters broke open the cave and rose into the sky among a large amount of rubble.

Behind him are more than a hundred gray descendants who have experienced the second void alienation.

There were waves in the sky, and a huge arbitrary door appeared in front of the gray-white dragon. The gray-white dragon rushed directly into it without slowing down, and the gray-white descendants who followed behind him also swished in.

Silver Moon Desert.

The place where the five major ghost clans and the demon army of Black Smoke City are fighting.

The gray-white dragon appeared in the sky without any cover-up.

"Whether you kill at will or spread emptiness, go ahead."

Wu Di issued an order to the more than a hundred gray descendants behind him.

The purpose of bringing them here is not to let them deal with the enemy. It is true that the master-level gray-white descendants who have undergone the second void alienation are very strong. Even the legendary first-level strong men with weak weaknesses will be overwhelmed by their various abilities. , and then killed easily.

However, it is still far behind against the top experts in the second level of Legend.

One of their functions is to harass, but the most important thing is to enhance Udi's strength after death.

Anyway, after death, the soul of the gray descendant will return to the gray space, waiting for Udi's resurrection at any time.

And during the period of non-resurrection, Wu Di, who has gained all their power, will be stronger than before.

This is a trump card brought in for the sake of safety.

The appearance of the gray-white dragon and more than a hundred gray-white descendants instantly attracted the attention of the powerful ghosts and demons.

Then, they immediately recognized the identity of the gray-white dragon.

Although the aura has changed slightly and the color of the appearance has also changed, the basic aura of the gray-white dragon is very familiar to the strong men of the ghost and demon clans.

"It's you." The legendary strongman of the ghost clan and the five ghost kings looked at the gray-white dragon angrily.

"It's that black dragon." The legendary demon commander of Black Smoke City, Balor Fire Demon Yaro, had a ferocious smile on his face.

"Great, I thought you would never come back."

Previously, he was trapped by the black dragon using the cloud and mist technique, and then allowed it to take the opportunity to kill the leader of the four-armed sword demon. This made Yaro angry for a while, and he was even reprimanded by the lord.

Without hesitation, the Balor Fire Demon Commander suddenly flapped his lava flesh wings, and in an instant he was in the sky of the Silver Moon Desert. A pair of red metal claws appeared in his hands along with the powerful aura of the legendary item, and he rushed towards the black dragon.

The gray-white dragon was suspended in mid-air, looking indifferently at the charging Balor Demon. The dragon's mouth opened, and a gray breath brewed before spitting out.

The leader of the Balor Fire Demon sneered, stretched out his palm with the legendary weapon, and grabbed hard at the gray breath, trying to tear the breath directly.

However, when the gray breath came face to face and he felt the terrifying energy contained in it, the expression of the Balor Fire Demon Commander changed drastically, and he was immediately decomposed and swallowed by the gray breath in despair.

Wu Di felt the extra surge of life energy and legendary claws in his body, and grinned.

The energy is put into the feast and then devoured to increase the alienation talent level.

The power of Balor's demonic flame talent is pretty good.

After the legendary weapon is refined, it is 'worn' on the fourth dragon finger.

At this moment, the ghost clan and the legendary demons of Black Smoke City reacted, looking horrified and frightened.

How long has it been since we last seen each other, and the strength of this black dragon has become so terrifying?

Wu Di didn't give them time to react, and directly traveled through the void. In an instant, he appeared next to the leader of the three-headed dog of the abyss. His terrifying dragon claws were filled with the power of the void, and he directly beat him to death.

After neatly accepting the legendary armor that appeared on his body.

The gray-white dragon flashed several times, frantically harvesting the lives of other legendary demons.

In a short period of time, eight legendary demons died, including three legendary second-level demons and five legendary first-level demons!

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