The wanton slaughter of the gray-white dragon horrified the originally ignorant legendary demons, and each used their own methods to escape from this place crazily.

Most of the legendary demons fled in the north.

There was also the base camp established by the demons of Black Smoke City when they first arrived.

"The gate of the abyss should be there." Wu Di's thought came to mind, and the gray-white dragon body sank into the space and disappeared.

Traveling through the void.

In just an instant, the situation on the battlefield changed dramatically.

The five ghost kings in the south looked at each other, terrified.

"This" The Green Ghost King's throat was a little dry and he didn't know how to speak.

"What should we do next?" The Frost Ghost King licked his white lips, unable to sit still.

The demons in Black Smoke City still have a way out. They can escape towards the Gate of the Abyss and leave here.

But the ghosts have no way out, and they don't have the ability to teleport out of this plane.

No matter how much I try to escape or hide, I can only stay in this plane.

The five ghost kings and other legendary strong men of the ghost clan have obviously anticipated the outcome of themselves and their clan.

No wonder they were so pessimistic. Facing the gray-white dragon that killed the three demon commanders as if they were squeezing ants to death, they couldn't think of even a slight chance of victory.

The four ghost kings, Green Ghost King, Frost Ghost King, White Ghost King, and Red Ghost King, set their sights on the think tank of their ghost clan - the Purple Demon Ghost King.

As a clan of purple demon ghosts with powerful mental abilities but extremely weak bodies, their powerful mental power makes their brains extremely active and their thoughts move very quickly.

As the king of the Purple Demon Ghost clan, the Purple Demon Ghost King is the top among them in terms of thinking ability.

Facing the gazes of the four kings, the Purple Demon Ghost King frowned slightly, and with his mind spinning rapidly, he immediately came up with two plans.

"Two plans, the first one is to surrender to the giant dragon. According to the information I have collected from the demon's mind these days, the dragon clan is mostly lords, and they especially like to conquer powerful creatures and races. Our own dependents. This plan is currently the best solution. The cost is that we become servants, but the advantage is that we avoid destruction and have the opportunity to go to the outside world and other planes.

As for the second plan, if the giant dragon does not accept our surrender, then we will bring the sacred objects of our respective tribes, gather in the territory of the Green Ghost clan, and use the protective ability of the sacred tree plus the sacred objects of our other four clans. , with the cooperation of dozens of legendary strongmen from our five major clans, we might be able to withstand that giant dragon. "

The Purple Demon Ghost King saw that the four ghost kings were a little moved when they heard the second plan, and immediately reminded,

"I have to remind you that once the second option is chosen, we are just prey in the cage. Sooner or later, the dragon will break through the defense and slaughter us wantonly."

These words made the four ghost kings calm down slightly.

Yes, the limitations of the plane make it impossible for them to break through after reaching the second level of the legend. However, the giant dragon can continue to become stronger and increase its methods even if it is a level because the maximum limit can only be the same as them. But seeing the terrifying strength of the giant dragon today, several ghost kings felt extremely pessimistic.

Besides, even if we can really defend a territory that is over a thousand square kilometers, how can we develop it? In particular, the territory of the green ghost clan is the most suitable for the green ghost clan to survive, followed by the red ghost and purple ghost clan, and the white ghost and frost ghost clan will be uncomfortable.

The former is huge, often several meters or more than ten meters in size, and requires food that the green ghost clan's small territory cannot provide.

The latter feeds on frost, and if the green ghosts stay in the forest for a long time, only the legendary frost ghosts can sustain it.

"Make the second plan first, and then consider the first plan." Purple Demon Ghost King urged.

Although the ghost kings were in a heavy mood, they immediately took action.

Fortunately, due to the war with the demons of Black Smoke City, most of the five powerful ghost clans gathered on the battlefield, making it extremely convenient to retreat at this time.

As for the hundreds of millions of ordinary ghosts, they are still fighting against the demon army.

Apparently, they became cannon fodder and were abandoned.

With the evacuation of the elites of the five major ghost clans and the fighting in the Silver Moon Desert, the demon army of Black Smoke City began to gain the absolute upper hand. A large number of low-level ghost clans were slaughtered wantonly by high-level demons and big demons, harvesting souls and Eat flesh and blood.

This scene was seen by the gray-white descendants. Under the command of the most powerful among them, the gray-white descendants who were comparable to the legendary strong men, the gray-white descendants who were killing randomly and without rules suddenly roared and all attacked the demon army, especially He was staring at those powerful demons at the level of great demons.

But their goal is not to kill these big demons, but to capture them as much as possible.

After all, these are the 'companions' who will fight with them in the future.

Udi hid in the void, closely following the legendary demons.

When he was in Taal, the Dark Frost Giant Lord attracted a massive army of demons. At first, Oudi didn't know what was going on. After all, there was no record of this in his dragon heritage.

But this kind of thing can't be difficult for Wu Di. It doesn't have the dragon inheritance, but what about other true dragons?

There was no hope for the twenty or so little dragon cubs in Black Wing Lair. After all, they were too weak, and the information about dragon inheritance that could be spied on was quite shallow. In the end, Wu Di was the one who contacted the follower from Crimson Nest. The Crimson Mother disappeared, and the Crimson Dragon, who was hiding together, got the news about this.

It turns out that the reason why the demon lord of the abyss can invade the material plane unscrupulously is because of the power of the gate of the abyss.

The opening of the Gate of the Abyss requires the use of the Heart of the Abyss.

The heart of the abyss is extremely precious. A weak abyss lord usually only has one, and this one has to be used to build his own abyss city in the abyss plane. Often only an abyss lord who is strong enough can have the second, and More Hearts of the Abyss.

These abyss lords with extra abyss hearts are the main force invading the material plane of the astral realm.

"I want this heart of the abyss." A trace of determination flashed in Wu Di's gray and cold dragon eyes.

Whether it is unlimited teleportation of troops or the establishment of an abyssal city, this is what Udi longs for.

The former can spread the power of the void more quickly, and the latter can give Oudi a trump card.

Being in the abyss city, the strength of the abyss lord will have a huge bonus.

While thinking, Wu Di, who was chasing the legendary demons, finally saw the abyss gate placed in the ghost plane by Black Smoke City.

A fifty-meter-tall dark giant door emitting thick negative energy is suspended dozens of meters above the ground. Massive demon soldiers are still pouring out of the door at this moment.

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