This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 37: 10 consecutive battles

"This group of players are all slimes (!

"Kill it."

Facing the weak chicken man who dared to defy her wishes, Ms. Tyra gave her orders ruthlessly.

As the manager of the big arena, Ms. Tyra will not use such low-end methods as direct execution. She will use a more civilized and orderly way to kill this slime.

"I will let you fight ten games in a row." Ms. Tyra said to the weak chicken man below, "If you can survive ten games, then I won't pursue this matter. Good luck, slime."

Three Hellhounds were released from another entrance.

As soon as these fierce creatures entwined with flames came out, they roared and rushed towards the weak chicken man who had gained weight.

The weak chicken man burped, and then found out the countermeasures against the Hellhound from the automatic singing system, and the next everything was left to his ghost system.

When the Hellhound rushed to the weak chicken man and jumped high, preparing to tear it up, the temperature of the entire venue immediately dropped.

The chill that penetrated into the bone marrow spread here, and the magic's interference with the law caused the temperature here to drop rapidly, causing the demons present to shiver uncontrollably.

The flames wrapped around the hellhound hardly resisted the surrounding chill, but it was still compressed by the cold and finally extinguished.

These flames are essentially a symbol of the vitality of the hellhounds. After losing the flames, the strength of these hellhounds drops drastically. In the end, they are eaten by the weak chicken man and become a snack for him after a meal.

Looking at the three Hellhounds killed in Shikou, Ms. Terra waved her hand, and the second batch of monsters arrived.

These hobbits flying in the air have the head of a demon, but their lower body is in the shape of a bird of prey.

They can fly freely in the sky, and their speed is amazing, and they are group actions. Every time they appear, they will be accompanied by huge screams. They are a very difficult creature.

But this kind of creature, players have seen a lot.

For almost every common monster, players will tailor a set of tutorials for fools to deal with the characteristics of the corresponding monsters. Even if the monkey downloads these ghost programs, it can easily kill the opponent.

At the moment when these hobbits are about to catch the weak chicken man, his automatic singing program has been activated, and two simple and fast magics are used: [Flash] and [Deafening].

These two magics are also called flash bombs and shock bombs. After they are cast, the dazzling light and loud sounds immediately flood the entire arena, causing these creatures in the sky to fall to the ground one after another, and then become the weak chicken man. Food.

This scene made the magicians below become more and more interested in the weak chicken man.

A slime that can use a variety of magic, and has such a wealth of coping experience, such a slime is very suitable to become a research object.

Therefore, there are constantly small notes sent to Ms. Terra, hoping that the other party can properly let go of this slime, and they are willing to give Ms. Terra a suitable compensation.

Faced with these little notes, Ms. Tyra sneered.

Face can be more important than these benefits.

Therefore, she tore up the small note directly, and waved to let the next batch of monsters play.

But the performance of the weak chicken man is very surprising.

Facing more and more fierce monsters, the weak chicken man always only uses a few different small magics, and easily concentrates on the weaknesses of these monsters, making the onlookers wonder how many battles the opponent has experienced. .

As the weak chicken man has won more and more victories, the onlookers began to bet on the weak chicken man, and began to carve for his victory, bringing the atmosphere of the monster arena to a climax.

Looking at the weak chicken man who had won consecutive battles, even Ms. Tyra's cronies bowed their heads and said softly, "Madam, this slime is likely to become the champion here and will provide us with a steady stream of income. I suggest You let it go."

"Are you teaching me to do things?" Ms. Tyra asked coldly.

"Subordinates dare not."

"Anyone who violates my order must die. It will be the last one soon. Help me prepare."

"what do you mean…"

"I will play in person."

After the ninth battle, the weak chicken man ate the huge giant ape and comfortably watched the situation in the live broadcast room.

"Old irons, it’s not me. My weak chicken man was originally a figure in the first echelon. There are not many players who can be better than me. Come on, today I will break through this hidden mission and let everyone Open your eyes!"

"Brother Chicken, the arrogant soldier will be defeated. Be careful of being beaten by 17 cards!"

"Don't spend the qi anchor here! I'm just talking about it here, who can second me, who can second me!"

Just as the weak chicken man proudly prepared to penetrate this instance, the big arena suddenly fell silent.

I saw Ms. Tyra, who was wearing a red robes with a V-neck on her chest extending down to her belly button, stood on the other side, looking at the weak chicken man blankly.

The weak chicken man swallowed.

What about Warcraft?

Well, don’t use heroes?

You are a dignified manager, you are a great duke-level figure somewhere else, so you have to end up in person and come and bully me as a slime?

Just as the weak chicken man was thinking about whether to use the nirvana stunt, Tiger Landing, the audience in the live broadcast room was boiling.

"Brother Chicken, stop her!"

"Brother Chicken, take off your clothes!"

"Brother Chicken, the time has come to prove that you are not a stepping stone!"

"Brother Chicken, did you see this little TV? Kill her, this is yours."

"Brother Ji, don't panic, listen to me. Although she is an administrator, she may not be very strong. You only need a sliding shovel to pass, and then burn psionic energy in extreme anger, and you can definitely kill her."

At the instigation of a group of sand sculpture audiences, the weak chicken man felt as if he might be able to try again.

The big deal is to be killed back to the city, this kind of thing is not encountered, it is to save the ticket money.

"Okay, I'm on it!"

The weak chicken man immediately rushed forward, and the automatic channeling system still provided him with a gain buff, allowing him to reach his heyday soon.

Jumping high in front of Ms. Terra, the weak chicken man directly used the local hardening, and then accelerated in the air, rushing towards Ms. Terra's vital part.

Just when he felt that he could beat the opponent at this moment, Ms. Tyra raised her finger, pointed at the weak chicken man in the air, and said softly: "I order you, stop."

The weak chicken man immediately felt that his body was out of control, the brewing big move came to an abrupt end, and the feeling of not being able to go up and down made him very uncomfortable.

Later, he found himself stuck in the air in a strange posture, completely losing control of his body and unable to move.

"What's going on?" the weak chicken man asked in a panic.

"It should be a kind of language skills." Anonymous users analyzed, "Language is also powerful. In some places, the power of language is called linguistic spirit. This is the case now."

"Don't be too busy analyzing, Wolong, how should this be solved?"

"I guess it can be done by distracting the other person, otherwise, you can try to tell a joke?"

The weak chicken man yelled in disbelief: "Who still has the heart to tell jokes now! I have come to the end of the'history', you let me tell a joke?"

Afterwards, UU Reading the weak chicken man felt that control of his body suddenly returned, causing him to fall heavily to the ground.

Lifting his head, he found Ms. Tyra in front of her covering her mouth and turning her head, her shoulders twitching.

"'History' is coming, this pun is quite interesting."

Looking at Ms. Tyra who was laughing, the weak chicken man said helplessly: "I was saved by a joke. I feel like I'm just a joke."

"Hahahaha!" Ms. Tyra's laughter grew louder.

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