This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 47: The resurrection of the quasi-god

"This group of players are all slimes (!

Cui En compared Martin's previous words and deeds with his current words and deeds in his mind, and found no problems.

"Why do you say that?"

"Intuition, my special ability. By the way, when did Martin's head hurt?"

"What happened before entering the City of Sin. According to him, it was the scars left by the battle with his enemy Hall."

"Then this is the problem. I heard that the ogre has a strong ability to recover. Why has this wound not healed up to now?"

Cui En was stunned for a while.

Martin has been here for almost a week, but the wound on his head has never healed. It has always been there.

Seven days is not enough time for the other party to fully recover from the injury, but at least part of it can be healed. It will not be like this, and the brain is still dripping every day.

After thinking about this, he suddenly felt a chill in his back and couldn't help asking: "But Martin didn't show what you said, or he said..."

He took off his clothes and nodded: "Yes, his brain was invaded. I suspect that there is a problem with Hall's weapon. But I feel that Hall should have nothing to do with the replacement incident, because he has no reason to do so, but It is still necessary to exclude Martin separately."

Cui En looked at admiringly and took off his clothes: "You are really amazing. You can do this step without any foundation. If it weren't for your arrival, then Sin City would be in danger."

"You'll shoot the flattering later, it's not out of danger yet. 3l, help me contact other players and let them support them. We can't figure out the situation afterwards."

"Received! What reason?"

"Let me think about it... Cui Eun, is there any treasure in Sin City?"

"Some of the treasures of the former demon king, but most of them are very dangerous, some are ancient creations, and they are likely to cause unpredictable trouble when used."

"That's it, 3l, tell them that there are a lot of rare treasures in this copy, let them come as soon as possible."

3l edited this message and sent it out, but the reaction of the players was not very strong.

"We still have to farm, let's talk about the copy slowly."

"The NPC here hasn't finished training, we will come later."

"The firepower is not enough, you will wait until we finish the dumplings."

Finding that the response from the players was not very enthusiastic, 3l thought about it and added another one: "This copy seems to have a bug, and the planning seems to be mismatched."

"Don't move there, we'll be right there! Shift, Alice's portal can't be opened! The iron torrent, how is your dumplings going, sailing!"

He took off his clothes and watched 3l's speech, and then mimicked a thumb: "Insidious."

"Thank you."

Cui En looked at the bewildering behavior of taking off his clothes and 3l, and felt that these two slimes were really confusing.

But I don't know why, he just felt stable this time.

With a long sigh, he took off his clothes and continued to run forward, and said as he ran: "You are really an amazing slime, comparable to my idol Satan Leaf."

"I always feel like I can often hear this name recently. What kind of demon is he?"

"He is the most important adviser under the former demon king. Resourceful and calm, he will not be influenced by feelings at any time. Also, his wife is very beautiful, but their feelings don't seem to be very good."

"I always feel that your focus seems a little bit wrong." Take off your clothes and pause for a while, "But I like it very much. I have time to talk more about it in the future."

He rushed into the female lord's room like a rush, took off his clothes and went in, and saw a very curious scene.

A beautiful girl is broken down into hundreds of parts, each part floating in mid-air.

At the cross-sections of these parts, runes are hidden in the magical transmission line like blood vessels, and they are constantly flashing.

Alice is wearing Seiko glasses, constantly adjusting these parts, shaking her head and sighing from time to time.

The girl's head was also taken apart, and a group of dark blue soul fire was constantly beating in her skull.

She looked at Alice rather shyly, and from time to time she made a sensitive sound when she touched a certain part.

Upon hearing the door opening, Eliza who was guarding here immediately picked up the broom in her hand and stared at the door seriously.

But after seeing a familiar person, she shouted in surprise: "Mr. Take off your clothes, it's you? Did Master Lu send you to find me? Do you need me to pour tea for you?"

"Don't move, don't move anything!"

"it is good!"

Eliza nodded immediately, full of energy, and then fell to the ground in full view.

"...Is this sentence also considered an order?"

Alice, who was checking on the female lord, also looked over.

There was also a light of joy in her eyes, but she still turned her head and continued earnestly to carry out the final maintenance for the female lord.

"How much time will the adjustment be completed?" asked after taking off his clothes.

"One hour. What happened?"

"It's a long story, but I need to check it for you first."

After confirming that Alice and Eliza had no problem, she took off her clothes and told everyone about the current situation as briefly as possible.

"This is the situation. Judging from the current situation, a group of admirers of the First Demon King controlled the King of Slime and replaced most of the residents here. Based on the current information, I guess it should be the First Demon King's. Admirers made this thing."

"What do you think their purpose will be?" Cui En asked curiously.

"There should be two. One is to resurrect the first demon king. This matter may require a lot of faith. Therefore, they gathered the people who were replaced underground and provided faith for the first demon king. One is the female lord, then I want to ask The female lord, do you know what you have on your body that the first demon king desperately wants?"

The female lord became silent.

In the process of receiving repairs, she only has one head that can move freely, but it still looks amazing.

Afterwards, she spoke slowly: "Sorry, I can't tell you. There is a special restriction in my body. This restriction will only be activated after I see the holder of Golding, and will be hidden in me. Tell the other person the information in the body."

"The holder of Golding? It's Master Lu. What is so important that the admirers of the first generation Demon King are also focusing on this thing?"

As he took off his clothes and was about to reason about what to do next, he suddenly felt the ground shake.

He hurriedly jumped to the bed, took off his clothes and saw that the nearby sea of ​​blood was condensing, and a huge figure rose from the depths of the blood sea and walked towards it.

This figure made of blood and water is extremely huge, looking like a prehistoric behemoth from a distance.

His height is almost as large as the Sin City, and ordinary sailboats are like ants in front of him.

With every step forward, he can bring up huge waves, destroying the surrounding things like a tsunami.

What's more terrifying is the aura exuding from the opponent's body.

The breath was long and long, and when he appeared, the surrounding air became viscous.

The gloomy sky was even lower at this time, seeming to be trembling because of his presence.

As the scarlet figure approached, he took off his clothes and saw that the other party's body was made up of screaming faces.

The expressions of these faces are distorted, each of them is releasing a scream from the deepest part of hell, and the crazy words make those who are accustomed to the babble take off their clothes with fear.

Looking at the blood-colored figure that suddenly appeared, he took off his clothes and felt a familiar mental shock, as if a pot of boiling water was poured on his head, making his head boil immediately.

He immediately turned his gaze away, and it took a long time for his crazy consciousness to return to normal. UU reading

Later, he realized what the opponent's goal was.

According to the theory taught before, God is an emotional machine.

Then this part of the outside is the part of God's machine, and the part below the City of Sin is the part of God's emotion.

Now, the part of the machine suddenly appeared, and came here, then there is only one answer.

The first demon king will be resurrected.

And he was resurrected as a quasi-god.

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