This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 4 Chapter 48: Everything is a sword

"This group of players are all slimes (!

"The City of Sin is considered a friend, and the first Demon King is considered an enemy of the City of Sin, then the enemy of a friend is an enemy."

After determining the position of the first generation demon king, he took off his clothes and immediately asked in the Q group: "How long will you be here?"

"About three hours."

"Can't the portal work?"

"No, your location currently has a wide range of portal interference, and the portal cannot be opened."

"Then let Master Lu come over in advance!"

"He has set off a long time ago, and it is expected that it will take a while, so hold on."

Knowing that the reinforcements are temporarily unavailable, he took off his clothes and immediately faced Alice: "Will there be any problems with the interruption now?"

Alice glanced at taking off her clothes, then made an explosive gesture with her hand.

"Damn it, for the first time in such an emergency situation."

As he took off his clothes and thought about what to do, the door of the room was pushed open again.

I saw Ms. Tyra's substitute appeared at the door, still with a charming smile on her face.

As soon as she appeared, she pointed to take off her clothes and said, "I order you..."

"Cut her off!" yelled immediately after taking off his clothes.

3l took out the sword in an instant, before Ms. Terra in front of her could finish her words, she was split into two sections by 3l and turned into a blue liquid.

Compared with before, these blue liquids look more clear and transparent, and after being broken, they did not turn into mucus and pounce on the original, but directly sank, penetrated the floor, and disappeared below.

The slime permeated continuously from the floor, and eventually fell to the bottom of the tower, and merged into the body of the King of Slime who was placed there, and then a new Ms. Terra was born from it.

Looking at the place where Ms. Tyra disappeared, she took off her clothes and couldn't help saying, "It's worse."

"Can it be worse?" 3l asked in surprise, "How can this thing be like the lower limit, it can always break through. What's the worst?"

"The other party has changed its strategy. It was the same thing before, but now it returns with key information. It has now remembered your attack method, our location, and our number. Then the new alternative will definitely be stronger than before. "

Hearing these words, 3l showed an extremely brilliant smile.

He bit his rust sword and said happily: "Isn't that better? To me, the stronger the opponent, the more delicious. And according to this statement, Lena's substitute will appear again. "

"Yes, so don't hide, use psionics."

"Okay! What's that?"

He took off his clothes and was stunned.

He looked at 3l, and then asked suspiciously: "Aren't you watching the group news? Is Lena not psychic?"

"She grew up in **** and didn't know a few words. Aren't you embarrassing her?"

I took off my clothes and looked at 3l, feeling a bit speechless.

It's worthy of being the number one battle boss in the game, and he can do smooth sailing in **** without psychic energy.

Following the instructions of taking off his clothes, 3l immediately went to the Q group to find psionic-related materials, and then quickly looked over.

A few minutes later, he returned to the game, and excitedly said to taking off his clothes: "That birth and death method suits me well. I can improve my psychic energy while dying. This is a great thing.

"The premise is that you have to find someone to consecrate you first, or you won't be able to learn it."

Just when 3l felt very sorry, the female lord who had been listening suddenly said: "I will."

The two slimes immediately looked at the female lord.

At this time, 3l was overjoyed, but took off his clothes and heard another meaning from it.

The female lord was once a human.

But he knew it was not the time to ask in detail, so he wisely kept silent.

3l immediately jumped in front of the female lord.

A hand floating in the air slowly flew to the top of 3l's head, and gently stroked it.

With the touch of the female lord, 3l felt that something in his soul was aroused, and his beliefs were stronger than ever, giving him a feeling of omnipotence.

Activating his own psychic energy, 3l felt that his body was surrounded by a faint red light, which made his various attributes have been doubled.

Biting his own rust sword, 3l poured his own psychic energy into the rust sword, letting this ordinary rust sword release a sword full of killing aura.

"Okay, now I feel like I am omnipotent. Take off my clothes, what's the plan?"

"The simplest plan is to kill. The original Demon King wants to be fully resurrected, then we need to organize his plan. Go directly to the lowest level and try to wake everyone up, then you can succeed. 3l, hamsters, you and me Action. Captain Sheep, give us the buff. Cui En, Lin, you are responsible for protecting Alice and the Lord. Eliza...please help each other with all your strength. Remember, you must consider each other from the bottom of your heart, understand?"

"Huh?" Eliza tilted her head suspiciously, and suddenly realized after a moment, "So that's it, I understand."

"Okay, action."

With the help of Captain Sheep, several buffs were blessed on the undressed and 3l body, which further improved their strength.

Directly rushing out of the door, three long swords are oncoming.

The three sword saints had already appeared at the door, and the long swords in their hands had a weird arc, slashing towards taking off their clothes.

But before the opponent came close to drop the clothes, the 3l rust sword was pulled out half an inch.

With the blessing of psychic energy, 3l's swordsmanship is almost art, and in the sharpness, it reveals a cold and rational beauty.

Facing such exquisite swordsmanship, the three sword masters were surprised at first, and then showed obsessive expressions.

They let the sword light smash themselves into pieces, and the remaining slime was just about to escape, but was chopped into pieces by the next sword of 3l.

"What a sword idiot, when you recover, we will have another fight."

Jumping up the stairs, the two slimes generally rushed downward.

At this moment, the substitutes have been fully activated, and the spacious staircase is squeezed by these substitutes.

The road leading to the underground was densely packed with demons, each holding a weapon and looking at the slime above.

"Oh, trouble."

He took off his clothes and sighed, and then said to 3l: "I have three imprints from Mengdada. I have used one before, and now there are two. I will give you one of them, and the other I will stay here for backup."

"What does the branding do?" 3l asked curiously.

"Activate your psionic weapons, but only five minutes. In other words, we only have five minutes to get to the bottom."

Without waiting for 3l's consent, he took off his clothes and posted it, and transferred a brand to 3l.

After using this brand, the space around 3l seemed to be distorted.

He looked into the air and seemed to see things that no other demons could see.

Then, he glanced at the demons below.

In an instant, UU read www.uukanshu. The devil in the com stairs seemed to be cut by an invisible blade, and the invisible sword aura went all the way down, smashing all the demons encountered.

He glanced again.

As soon as the chopped demons turned into slime, they immediately turned into powder.

With just two eyes, he pulled out a broad road, letting off his clothes have a new understanding of 3l's strength.

"What is your psionic weapon?" asked questioningly when he took off his clothes.

"Sword God. Everything is a sword as far as your heart can reach."

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