This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 8: Special parting


"Well, it used to be very familiar, but now it's unfamiliar."

"Have a story?"

"I used to cut both thumbs for the believers of the once hostile sect. They killed a lot of people from the Demon King sect, and we also killed them."


"We had a duel, and I won, but I lay in bed for half a month. My mother was very busy and poor, but she would prepare some bad wine for me every day to relieve my pain. My alcohol addiction was there. I got it from time to time."


"Don't look like this, I have lived for sixty years anyway, and I see a lot of things like this. At that time, it didn't matter whether it was right or wrong, only survival."

"…I am sorry."


"I am sorry."

"What's the matter with you, Mr. Golding."

"I am sorry."

Neil looked at the choked Golding in a puzzled way, but immediately he gently hugged the magic sword in his arms.

"Okay, don’t cry, thank you for worrying about me, but it’s okay, now I’m doing well, I’ve made good friends, I’ve met a group of slimes, and I’ve also met you. Destiny always has its own destiny. The sufferings of the past have created the happiness of the present. I think this is good. Okay, don’t cry, and don’t put your nose on my clothes. Where does your magic sword come from?"


"I'm hungry after walking for so long. Shall we have something to eat together? I'll treat you."


Looking at Golding who was still depressed, Neil laughed: "Are you still not relieved? Thank you, if only you were my father."

Golding hesitated.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally said: "Actually, I am..."

Golding was about to confess, but his words stopped abruptly.

On Neil's chest, an arrow made of black mist penetrated her heart from her back, with Neil's blood still on the tip of the arrow.

She lowered her head in surprise, looked at the arrow in her chest, then turned her head stiffly and looked behind.

The time around has stagnated, and only the two people behind can still move.

One of them was a human figure made up of a cloud of black mist, and was looking hungrily at the bottle with her arm sealed between her legs.

The other one is Zelatan.

When they found the two, Golding began to act.

"Close your eyes, Neil, leave it to me here."

Golding's body began to deform.

Six pairs of wings were released from his body.

In the end, the once magic sword Golding turned into an exceptionally handsome man, standing in front of Neil in a white robe.

Seeing this man, a series of screams erupted in the black fog.

"It's him, it's him! He's here, he's going to kill me! Let me go, Lord Zelatan!"

Ignoring the hysterical screams of the mysterious lady, Zelatan smiled and looked at Golding: "It's been a long time, the counterbalancer, Golding."

Golding did not speak.

He clenched the sword made of holy light, with icy flames burning in his eyes, and took a step towards Zelatan.

The surrounding time and space began to change, obviously only a few steps away, but at this time it was as far away as the other shore of the starry sky.

The sky-grain-like darkness spread between them, as if as long as one stepped in, they would fall into an irreversible desperation.

But Golding stepped out anyway.

At this time, he has no choice but to move forward.

This level of battle is no longer a pure power competition, but a conceptual battle.

Golding was confident that as long as he was close to the opponent, he could knock the opponent down.

What Zelatan had to do was to keep the opponent away.

Countless time nodes are intertwined in the dark, and countless space nodes unfold here.

With every step forward, Golding can feel the ravages of time and space on himself.

The other party has planned for this day for a long time, and the already prepared space maze is confusing his vision, making it difficult for him to move forward.

But he is still moving forward.

With every step he took, he could feel the pain.

His self is constantly being worn down, and his own concepts are being stripped, dismantled, and turned into spar-like particles.

With the disappearance of the concepts, the concepts named [Ignore the illusion] and [Ignore the pain] also disappear.

The illusion that haunted him struck again.

His former companions screamed, wailed, and reprimanded him with tears on his face, asking him why he wanted to sacrifice them and why the future they had hoped for had not yet come.

"It's coming, it's coming."

He saw Christine holding their child and kneeling before him, begging him to stop and save their child.

"I am, I am."

Later, he saw Lu Fan lying on the ground, his chest full of blood.

"It's not true, the partner is invincible."

He saw that the day he was cast into a magic sword, the fire of **** enveloped it, and the hammer of the **** of forging hit him, each time with endless pain.

"I have endured it once, and now I am fearless."

He saw God God standing in front of him, the warm light enveloping him, removing all suffering, and extending his hand to him: "Come back, my chess piece, my child."

"Go away, you are not my parents, and I am not your pawn."

He continued forward, forward, until he reached Zelatan.

At this time, Golding had forgotten how long he had been in the time node.

A large number of secret techniques were cast on his body, killing his body, leaving his body torn apart, like a broken glass doll, revealing its inner essence.

The six pairs of wings had withered, forming a feather-paved road behind him, extending straight to Zelatan.

But he came to Zelatan.

Stretching out his broken hand, he grabbed Zelatan's chest.

"caught you."

Along with the vent of power, he watched Zelatan's body melt in front of the power, finally showing a smile on his face.

"Yes, UU reading congratulations, I caught you too."

Accompanied by this chilling voice, a large number of royal families stood out from the shadow of Zelatan and rushed to Golding's body.

Some of them were melted by Golding's power, but more royal families appeared, eating Golding's body little by little, using their lives to melt Golding's power until its true essence was revealed.

In Golding's eyes, Zelatan stepped up and inserted his hand into his body.

Along with the severe pain, the white core was held in his hand by Zelatan, and he was immersed in appreciation.

"Found it, the key to the treasure house, the accumulation of the demon kings of the past. Thank you, Golding, you are useless."

"you are not…"

"Yes, I didn't come for the arms of the mysterious lady at all, I came for you. My demon army needs to be armed, and the treasury in your body is the best arsenal of weapons. Goodbye, Golding."

In Golding's last sight, Zelatan took the remaining royal family and the keys in his body, disappearing without a trace.

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