This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 9: Declare war

When the little guy rushed to the old devil's shop and roared frantically, the old devil realized that something was wrong.

After he followed the little guy to the scene and saw Neil lying in a pool of blood and Golding who was all broken, he immediately contacted the law enforcement team and called the slime over.

Three days later, Golding woke up.

Broken, he woke up from the bed, and then shouted: "Neil, Neil!"

Lu Fan on the side immediately walked over and held his hand: "She's okay."

"Partner, tell me the truth!"

"……very bad."

Bringing Golding to Zero's demigod space, Golding saw Neil on the hospital bed.

She was lying on the hospital bed, and there was no good place on her body.

The black mist released from her chest, eroded her body, madly destroying every organ and every cell.

A priest with healing abilities was invited over, and hundreds of healing magic arts were madly released on Neil's body, but they could barely resist the speed of mist erosion, but could not completely eliminate the mist.

A group of doctors Slime and Leona were frantically replacing her with various organs. The organs copied from zero were constantly being replaced, but they decayed at a speed visible to the naked eye and gave off an unpleasant smell.

"She's still alive." Lu Fan patted Golding on the shoulder, "but we don't know how long she can live. We replaced her heart with a replica, but the black arrow will always appear and sting. Penetrated her heart and brought a corrosive mist."

"How long is there?"

"...One month. The black arrow uses some ancient secret method, and its solution has been lost. We are currently unable to do anything, and it is estimated that only the mysterious lady can do it. I have used disasters to modify the law so that she can survive. , But my remaining calamity points are not long enough to sustain it, even if the Lord Roland continues to promote my evil, it will still be of no avail."

Golding fell silent.

But the more silent, the more Lu Fan could feel a flame burning in Golding's body.

After a while, he whispered: "There are traces of destiny in it, where is Fett?"


Fett came over with a blue nose and a swollen face.

His two eyes were black and the corners of his mouth were split, looking quite embarrassed, and his eyes were full of apologies.

Bowing his head deeply towards Golding, he whispered: "I can't reach my mother anymore. She should have been hidden by Zelatan. The trajectory of fate has indeed changed. I don't want to argue against this. But I still want to say that my mother is definitely being coerced."

"Slimes have already beaten him... I almost beat him too. But I still want to say that it's not his fault." Lu Fan patted Golding on the shoulder again.

Golding looked at Fett silently, and finally turned into a sigh.

"It's not your fault, it's the backlash of my karma. I want to admit that I am here. This must be my retribution."

"Your karma?"

"The karma for planning, the karma for us to change our destiny. Partner, I think..."

"Needless to say, I know. Although we are not ready yet, Neal's situation can't wait. This is a war, a war that must be won."

"Thank you."

Then, a broadcast appeared in the ears of all players.

"Random mission: find the mysterious lady. Neil was seriously injured because of the mysterious lady, and currently has only one month of life left. Every player who succeeds in this mission will receive a reward of 10,000 honors, if they fail... you will lose her forever. "

If it was before, players would cheer for triggering the task again.

But now, they hardly have any expressions.

Almost all of them have received Neal's psychic training, and the big sister who doesn't have much expression on this but is actually very gentle has a high evaluation.

The Xiandao prophet was quickly invited over, and Lu Fan used enhancements to enhance his abilities. He was enrolled in the happiness pool by the European Emperor, and was given a psionic weapon by Meng Da Da, and then read his own prophetic poem.

"The life of the princess is at stake,

The tragedy seems inevitable.

Go to where the eleven is,

There may be a silver lining there.

This is a journey of a life of nine deaths,

I hope you are fully prepared. "

After the Xiandao Prophet finished reading, Lu Fan looked around the audience and asked, "Do you know what to do?"


"Then, act. Use all the resources, use all the existence, use everything you can use, we are going to the eleventh hell."


"Find all the information related to Zelatan, find their followers, no matter what means you can use, to force the whereabouts of the mysterious lady."


"So, let's get started."

At this moment, the players are finally about to reveal their minions as the fourth natural disaster.

All demons of Arthas were called.

All the demons of Lapathos are called.

The coolies of the Demon King City are called.

Grand Duke Camilla of Grolin is called.

All demons of Sin City are called.

All connected people are called.

Their only goal is to find believers in Zelatan as much as possible and find a way to the eleventh hell.

In addition, Lu Fan also began to use his own methods to contribute his own strength to save Neil.

Walking into his basement, he looked at the magic stones in the basement, and closed his eyes with a heartache.

Afterwards, he began to absorb these magic stones madly.

After absorbing for three days, he ate all the magic stones accumulated during this time, leaving only a few as souvenirs.

Looking at the once filled but now empty basement, he could only whisper: "Farewell, my magic stones."

As a result of crazy absorption, he finally reached level 6.

The level 6 Demon King, the level of resonance has increased by 1, allowing his four-dimensional attributes to officially break through 10,000.

In addition, a new skill appeared.

After reading the description of this skill, Lu Fan nodded.

"The skill of sending charcoal in the just can arrange a plan for this skill."

On the second day after obtaining the clone, the humans and demons waiting to watch the celebration in front of the Ghost TV saw a heavy news.

The devil finally appeared.

And beside him, there were brave men and Lu Fan.

The demon king covered in black armor sat in front of the ghost TV, and said in a deep voice: "Everyone, I am the demon king, the demon king who is king of hell. If anyone doubts my identity, you can ask the demon gods to judge."

Lu Fan knelt on the ground, showing his loyalty to the devil in front of him.

The other is a handsome young man who is hard to describe with pen and ink in a leather armor.

He also watched the Ghost TV, and then said to the world through the Ghost TV: "Everyone, I am a brave, the enemy of the devil. But before the decisive battle, we will temporarily let go of each other's hatred and announce a news."

Afterwards, the demon king and the brave said in unison: "We declare war on Zelatan."

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