This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 18: Still world

"This group of players are all slimes (!

Only then did the angry bird realize where his anxiety came from.

It's too quiet here.

If it is in the forest, even if there is no one, there should be wind, insects, birds, and occasional beasts.

But there is nothing here.

This feeling is as if someone forcibly erased the voice from this world, leaving nothing behind.

"Angry Birds, go ahead, there seems to be a problem ahead."

Walking to the front, the Angry Birds flag fluttered on the spacious square, and the red and gold edges still retained the shape of the wind, but there was no wind at all around it.

Hundreds of armors are floating in the air, and there are an equal number of weapons floating there.

These armors have everything from shields to iron boots. From the outside, they seem to contain a transparent person, and even the wrinkles on the clothes can be observed.

Judging from the movements of these armors, they seemed to raise their hands to celebrate because of something, but the people inside had long since disappeared.

"Could it be that this is the gathering point of transparent people?" the angry bird asked suspiciously.

"No, there are mirrors along the road. Do transparent people need mirrors?"

"Try moving those armors first, and see if you can find more clues."

The angry bird stepped forward and slapped the armor lightly.

The armor immediately flew forward under the impact of the collision, but it didn't take long for it to hover in mid-air again.

Seeing this scene, I took off my clothes and thought for a while, and finally realized: "That's it, I understand."

"What do you understand, pretend to commit X~" the little crazy policewoman asked jokingly.

"Could you not call me by this name, you little lunatic."

"Oh, you didn't call me that when I was in bed."

Q group quieted instantly.

Each player opened his eyes wide, carefully watching this exciting content, and silently looking forward to the next content.

"At that time she was my patient." Undressed and explained helplessly.

The players sighed in disappointment.

"You didn't call me that last night." The little policewoman continued to output.

The players are excited again.

"She came for a follow-up visit last night."

The players are lost again.

"Don't you two flirting and yelling here, just roll to the bed and talk about love! Brother clothes, what did you find?"

"The time here is stopped."

Seeing the answer to take off their clothes, the players suddenly realized.

"That's it. It's static here. No wonder you can't hear any sound. So where did the people inside go?"

"I don't know, but it looks like it disappeared in an instant. And from the current intelligence, it seems that they disappeared in an instant when they were celebrating. Angry Birds, look inside the castle to see if they find anything. ."

The angry bird stared at the castle in front of him, and whispered: "I'm afraid to enter. Who of you will accompany me?"

"Die now or come back to die, choose one!"

"Is there a difference! Forget it, I'll sing while I'm going in, so I'll be bold."

Hearing this sentence, the players subconsciously want to turn off the sound. After all, those who dare to say this sentence are usually soul singers, the kind of death songs, and others who sing for money.

But after hearing the angry birds start to sing, they unexpectedly discovered that it was not unpleasant.

It can even be said that it sounds good, the kind that can be sold as records.

Listening to the song and watching the angry birds exploring in the castle, players feel that this game live broadcast is much more fun than the weak chicken man.

"Yes, Brother Bird, I sing well, I have changed your mind."

"That is, I am a man who aspires to become a superstar."

"I can't tell, Brother Bird, he's still an actor. Is there any work?"

"No. There are no resources, it's just a trick. The unspoken rules of rejecting rich women before have been recorded in a small book, so it can't get hot."

"And my family didn't agree with me to be an actor. I stole it by myself, and now my living expenses have been cut off. But the steamed buns for three yuan are quite delicious, and they are beautiful when paired with homemade kimchi."

"I brought the virtual helmet back secretly from home. If it weren't for the support of a dead friend, I would never be able to survive today."

The players in the group watched Brother Bird’s self-destruction, and then silently decided to treat Angry Birds better in the future.

But then, the angry bird said unhurriedly: "If you have money, you can buy me some food. It's hard to make up just drinking and not eating."

"Bring back our touch!"

Amidst the scolding, he only took off his clothes and silently looked at the information, and then privately sent a small sum of money to the angry bird.

"I borrow it from you, remember to return it."

"…Thank you."

After experiencing this episode, Angry Birds continued to explore.

Wandering freely in the deserted castle, he unknowingly came to a study room.

After pushing the door open, he saw that the furnishings here seemed to still retain the traces of the owner, but the owner here has disappeared.

Jumping onto the desk, Angry Bird found that there was still a half-written diary here, and a pen was floating in the air, seemingly still writing the lower half of the diary.

"Student Wang Lang, there is a diary here, can you take a look?"

Wang Lang looked at it for a while: "Language I haven't seen before, wait a minute, I'll turn to the game to take a look. Um...I have never seen it, and the grammar of this language is very strange, it is a grammar that has not appeared in any language now Types of."

"Is it that weird?" a player asked.

"Yes, for example, the popular languages ​​in reality are divided into hieroglyphics and phonetic scripts. The representatives are Chinese and English. The language in the game also has a complete theoretical system, most of which are in phonetic scripts."

"But this language is different. It is a language rule that is completely separated from **** and the human world. If you look carefully, you will find that this language is not used for speaking. It is like a musical score, it is used for sing."

"Sing it?" the players asked suspiciously.

"Well, the residents here should use singing to communicate. They can integrate the content they want to express into the singing, so they will use music to record the content and express their emotions. Electricians, you can be a machine Well, I try to decipher the content and broadcast it on a machine."

"This should be possible."

The electrician quickly made a simple player using the energy block, and compiled it by Wang Lang, and quickly entered the entire book into the player.

When Wang Lang chose to play, the players gathered together and began to hear what the language was like.

The music rang.

Although it was just simple MIDI music, all players still heard the emotions they wanted to express from the music.

It is an emotion that is extremely angry, but becomes sensible.

But as the music played, everyone could feel that the owner of the diary became excited.

Although there are occasional painful murmurs, on the whole it is heroic, high-spirited, and even full of exciting power.

As the music progresses, everyone can hear the joy in it. It seems that a certain great cause is about to be achieved, making people feel the happiness of the person who writes the diary.

When happiness reached its climax, the voice came to an abrupt end, making people feel unsatisfied.

"It's very powerful, this language. I sing when I meet, and I will feel it when I think about it."

"Then how do they curse? Do you use RAP?"

"If they have a small movie, will UU laugh when they read and call it Ya Zoudie?"

While the players were discussing this language, the angry birds who listened to the music through the Q group were stunned.

Unlike other players who can only understand emotions, he was surprised to find that he could actually understand it.

Especially the last paragraph made him especially confused:

"We finally defeated him, defeated the high god. All the evil spirits were defeated by us, we won! You can't control us, **** god!"

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