This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 19: Their history (on)

"This group of players are all slimes (!

After learning that Angry Birds can understand, a player asked: "Brother Bird, is it because you are the player who triggered this instance, so a special plot has been arranged for you?"

"It's possible, but I believe it was my outstanding talents that made me this far."

"Why didn't your outstanding talent tell you that it is actually the same as your wife, but doesn't it actually exist?"

"How can you say that to your father! There are you without me"

After fighting with other players, Angry Birds continued to search in the study.

He looked at the exquisitely crafted weapons and the colorful jewels on the shelf with regret, wondering how much honor he could bring back with this thing.

It's a pity that he didn't even know how he went back. These things can only be placed here, rounding up is like losing one billion.

While reading the book here to compile it for classmate Wang Lang, he translated what he heard, and then told the story here to other players.

Later, the players heard a story that was not too complicated.

It's just that the story is very long, thousands of years long, spanning hundreds of generations.

Each book here is more a diary than a book, recording the thoughts and stories of the ruler of this world.

The first generation.

"I don't know how we appeared in this world, and I don't know how we came, but I know that I must lead my people to live."

"We are on an island with transparent and invisible walls on all sides. Behind the walls is invisible darkness. We tried to destroy these walls, but to no avail. It feels like we are locked in a cage. , Then who is it that cares about us?"

"A tribe member died and was trampled to death by the ten-meter-high giant. After stepping on that tribe member, the giant left here and walked out of the transparent wall. Why can he leave here, why can he penetrate the wall, What exactly is this for?"

Third Generation.

"The giant has appeared again. It seems to appear once every four years, and will leave after killing a certain group of people. This keeps our number under 5,000."

"He gave me a feeling that he seemed to be a gardener, pruning us. The tribesmen killed by him were all very clever tribesmen. Is he using intelligence for screening? This is not a good sign, I I need to conceal this. Maybe I can try to guide a group of old people to pursue wisdom. Then it is these old people who die, so that my people can have more fresh blood."

"Recently, it’s a bit bad. Some people have begun to notice the identity of the deceased. Also, the deceased are smart people, so you can find the clues by investigating. I am a little worried about my son. Since his wife died, he The look in his eyes is getting more and more wrong. But I can't tell him the truth, he is more irrational than I am."

Fourth Generation.

"Father, is this what you are hiding?"

"I overthrew your rule, and I also saw what you concealed. Wisdom and population, the things we have been pursuing, are actually a curse that attracts giants."

"What did we do wrong! Why are we born in this strange world! I have a feeling that this world shouldn't be like this, we shouldn't be trapped in such a small place! We want freedom, freedom or **** free!"

"You are wrong, father. We can't stay on the sidelines, we should kill him. What we need is to resist, not to hide in this place. I want to publish the giant's screening mechanism, and I need everyone's power. I want Let them know that the absence of giants is really important to us."

The ninth generation.

"Successful, we succeeded!"

"As the ninth generation lord, I really didn't expect to succeed in my generation. We killed that giant! Although it was expensive."

"John is dead, Jack is dead, many people I know are dead. But it doesn't matter, it is a noble sacrifice, they died for us."

"Each of us has a piece of giant flesh, it's not tasty, really."

"...A new giant has appeared."

"Fuck, fuck! Why, fuck! And this new giant is stronger and more cruel. The giant used to be pruned, but he was different. He was to torture us. I can feel his anger, And he looks a lot like that dead giant."

"I have a terrible guess. There are more than one giant outside, but many. They also have their own people, their relatives, and their own tribes just like us."

"So, why are they killing us? Shouldn't it be for food, then for fun? Then what are we, animals to be slaughtered!"


Eleventh generation.

"I can't remember how many giants we killed."

"They come once every four years to slaughter my people, but it doesn't matter, we can live."

"This is our ancestral motto, as many people as giants kill us, we will give birth to more people, and then continue to continue to kill."

"Our maturity period is only three years, and four years are just enough for us to reproduce one generation. As long as we reproduce fast enough, then we can definitely kill those giants."

"Today, another new giant has arrived."

"But strangely, the giantess did not attack us, but sat down and started talking."

"Compared with the previous giants, this female giant is not tall, but it is still more than one meter taller than me."

"It took us a long time to understand each other, and I know, she is the most in their tribe. Everyone else is dead."

"Giants are not as capable as we are. The decades-long growth period has made them less and less, but they still have to come, and they have to participate in this four-year killing."

"I asked her why, and she smiled bitterly and told me that this is an order from the gods, and we are all tools to please the gods."

"We talked for a long time, and from her mouth, I finally knew the purpose for which we were created."

"That is to use blood and life to please God God."

"In addition to us humans, there are other races. Each race has its own fixed territory, and they can only come into contact with each other during the killing feast every four years."

"Some races will get an order, some don't. The order their giants get is to control our number, so that our number is always less than five thousand people, and must send one person each time, as long as the order can be completed by persisting for five hundred years. , Get a gift."

"What a cruel game! If this is the idea of ​​a god, then I would rather aim the sword at our creator and let him be completely finished."

"I have a plan. I told her what I thought, and she was surprised, but in the end she agreed heartily."

"This is my first time, and also her first time. It's very interesting. The mortal enemy hundreds of years ago started working hard for a goal today. Although I don't know if we can succeed, we always have to try it. ."

"I feel like I'm dying."

"My wife's life span is much longer than mine, but she expressed willingness to go with me. I can't persuade her. It's shameful that I will feel a little relieved because of it."

"She is still so beautiful, and I am already skin and bones. Recently, my back pain is very severe and I have to take some herbs to relieve it. UU Reading"

"My son... our first child, he is getting bigger and bigger now. And the blood from his mother makes him look like he is still in his prime, which makes me very happy."

"To this day, I can still think of the day she became my wife. On that day, the transparent wall in the north opened and our living area doubled. The former territory of the giant became our territory, and we shared The offspring of will continue to multiply here."

"This is the starting point for our rebellion against God God, our new journey, I will record our story, and let future generations fight God God to the end."

"I'm a little sleepy, I think I should..."

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