This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 20: Their history (part 2)

After reading this, the angry bird choked.

The diary of the eleventh generation came to an abrupt end here, indicating that the life of the lord had come to an end at this moment.

After dealing with his emotions, Angry Birds continued to translate.

The twelfth generation.

"Grandpa's funeral is over."

"Although it is a bit strange, my father did not inherit the position of the king, but gave it to me. Although he said I was more suitable, I think he just wanted to be lazy."

"Grandma didn't cry, she just sat on a chair, holding an unfinished letter, and silently looking at grandpa's tombstone in the distance through the window, not knowing what she was thinking."

"We thought she was just too sad, so we decided to let her be alone, but when we invited her to dinner at night, we found out that she was dead."

"No trauma, no poison, she left peacefully like this, and followed her grandpa."

"Grandpa often said that he chose grandma for the sake of giving birth, and grandma never refuted it."

"I thought they were all unfortunate and chose to sacrifice for the future of the race. It was only when I sorted out my grandfather's relics today that my grandfather had been writing love letters to grandma."

"His love letter has a touching voice, and he shyly admits that he was attracted by the other person the first time he saw his grandma. I only learned today that my grandpa is so affectionate. If he is not so shy, just tell grandma earlier. "

"Fuck, my grandma knew it! She read every love letter from grandpa, and she was still writing a reply, and she admitted that she was love at first sight, and my grandpa was also reading her reply. It turned out that they liked each other and They all know that the other party likes themselves and every one of them is writing and pretending that they haven’t read the letter and didn’t reply. The postures in the letter have been discussed hundreds of times, and they are still pretending to be innocent here! Who are you playing for! You were still in the bath three days before you died. No wonder you have low back pain every day, and none of you who sing a little yellow song can play!"


"Today there is bad news. Another race has gotten orders from the gods and began to attack us."

"This is a race full of beautiful women, and they use a special ability called magic. We want to reconcile with them, but they don't listen."

"It seems that I can only be like my grandfather."

The fifteenth generation.

"Today we finally completely conquered this race. It is of no use except for being beautiful and capable of using magic."

"But it's enough to have magical ability. Being beautiful is not important... Forget it, I shouldn't lie in the diary, being beautiful is enough."

"They are all guys with no IQ. After explaining their plans for a long time, they finally convinced them with sugar."

"My brothers and I married this race, and our blood will merge together to give birth to stronger offspring."

"The Succubus has defeated a race, so this has doubled our territory. We will have more descendants and stronger bloodlines. If we continue to merge, our descendants will become stronger and stronger."

"In the past, I always thought that our bloodline was useless, but now I discovered that our bloodline is actually very important. It can accept other bloodlines without any barriers and make it a part of itself."

"We will win!"

Seventy-fifth generation.

"We defeated another race."

"This war is too long, so long that we have sacrificed ten lords, but we still succeeded."

"We defeated many races, and some other races also produced similar plans to ours, but they did not have our special bloodline, so they all failed, but the bloodline of the race they defeated was preserved and merged into In our blood."

"There is still good news today, that is that I have another son. He is very similar to his mother, with six arms and a slender waist. I don't know that his appearance characteristics will disappear as he grows up. What characteristics will appear when he grows up. In any case, I will love him, just like his other brothers."

"I have to say that our descendants are becoming more and more different because we have mixed too many other races in our bloodline. But I know that we are all brothers. In addition to our most primitive bloodline, the people who contact us are also There is that ultimate ideal, and that is to defeat the culprit that causes all evil, God God.

"All living things should be free. This freedom does not mean that he can be unfettered, but that he can and can pursue what he wants under the constraints of social regulations and morals. I yearn for this freedom, and I hope I hope to bring this freedom to everyone."

One hundred and seventeenth generation.

"We created a god."

"The power of faith is so terrible, I really can't believe we did it."

"Because God God is several dimensions higher than us, we must approach that dimension little by little. Creating God is a must."

"He is our tool, our creation, and even our child."

"I want to personally teach him, guide him, let him know how to use his power proficiently, and become our eternal guardian."

"We shouldn't give him affection."

"If he is just a machine, then it doesn't matter. But he was created according to our own blueprint, and he is too much like us."

"He is very smart, he can use the brain of believers to think, and his wisdom is far beyond ordinary people, and he is a well-deserved god."

"But He is desperate."

"The more he thinks, the more he can find the gap between himself and God God. He can't cross that gap. He puts himself on a set of shackles. U U Reading"

"And what makes us more uneasy is that He proposed another plan, a plan that can fully utilize our blood, and has many believers."

"Those believers have been transformed, they have grown wings, and can swallow their bodies and souls wantonly."

"What makes us even more scared is that God is obviously watching us. He has learned this way of creating God, and learned how to reform believers, because we discovered that new enemies have already appeared with similar characteristics."

"We should learn how to keep it secret."

"God God almost knows everything, but his eyes are too broad to know some secret things. We need to create another God in secret. He needs to have certain special abilities and needs to be able to keep all secrets. And can use one's own supernatural power to achieve this."

"As for him...Although I am very sorry for him, I still decided to exile him. I will give him an area so that he can think about his own problems alone. If he can overcome his own shortcomings, then he is our patron saint."

"I'm sorry, my child, Zelatan."

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