This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 41: Choice of incarnation

This time, Zieg was almost beaten to pieces.


   Although they were brave this time, and the cooperation in the battle was remarkable, there was a huge difference in strength between each other, which made Zieg taste the taste of failure again.


   It took him a whole week to wake up, and when he woke up he found that his surroundings were different.


   Seven days ago, this place was just a ruin. The numb demons lived here, and it looked no different from other places in the blood domain.


   But now, he saw the demons start to build buildings, and a small castle has taken shape.


   Near his residence, a group of demons set up a small gathering here. The food collected from the wilderness is the most sought-after item here. The sound of selling and bargaining made the place noisy but full of vitality.


"what happened?"


   found his subordinates, he found that his subordinates were doing construction work.


  The swordsmanship of the Grey Cloak Juggernaut is very popular here. Every sword swing can process the material into an ideal appearance, which makes the work efficiency centered on him very high.


   frowned and watched from the side for a while, Qige quietly left here, went to the center of the castle, and found Lu Fan who was reading in the bedroom.


   "Master Lu, you instigated my subordinates?" Qige asked suspiciously.


   "Do you think I will care about them?"


   "Then why are they working for you?"


   "It's very simple. I made two rules for this. The first is that I don't want to see killings and armed conflicts. Violators will be chandelier."


   pointed out the window, Zig saw that the street lights outside were already covered with demons, one by one fluttering in the wind, looking so stupid x how stupid x.


"The second one is to work more and earn more, work less and earn less, and don’t have to work. The biggest capitalist here can only be me, so if other people want to eat, they just work hard for me. Of course, I will give them. Provide magic power."


   "Just these two?"


"Otherwise? When productivity is relatively low and production relations are simple, the simpler the rules, the easier to understand, the better. The legal provisions are not made to make it appear superior, but to make people understand and obey as much as possible. Life itself is Those who are moving toward order, as long as they are given a little soil, they can grow on their own."


   "It sounds like you are looking for excuses for your own fishing behavior."


   "I don't deny it, but even if I am fishing, this place is gradually getting orderly. Doesn't this prove that this method is right?"


   Zieg lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said: "Yes, I admit."


   slumped in the chair, Zieg covered his face and laughed helplessly.


   "You are such a funny demon. I saw a demon like you for the first time. Not greedy, not tyrannical, and rely on a very peaceful way to achieve your goals.


   "Actually, I have no purpose at all."


   "You are being humble again. I want to learn from you your management methods, don't you know I can be your disciple?"


"I do not want."


   "Thank you for your consent, Master. I want to build a temple of the blood demon **** here, don't you know if you agree?"


   Lu Fan sighed helplessly: "Anyway, you will do whatever I say. Build it, don't disturb me. Hey, don't build it here!"


   But Zig has already started.


   He silently aligned and pressed each finger of his hands together, pressing his index finger on the tip of his nose, his thumb against his chin, and held a ceremony.


   The blood domain is very close to the position of the blood demon god, which quickly responded to his ritual.


   Even if he didn't know anything about the priest's ritual, Lu Fan could feel that the air here had changed.

   The surrounding air began to activate, and a gust of wind blew around the simple room with Zieg as the center. The tranquil atmosphere was released with Zieg as the center and began to purify the area.


   Although it was only a few seconds, Lufan felt that the whole room was filled with a sacred atmosphere, indicating that it had become a temple.


"Okay, this place has been transformed into a temple by me. The temple can be understood as the residence of the gods. The establishment of the temple shows that you are ready to accept the gods and made an invitation to the gods. Next, just arrange this place according to the gods' preferences. That's it. Master, you don't seem to be very happy? Isn't this exciting to see a **** with your own eyes?"


   "How did you live until now and haven't been beaten to death?"


   "Because I killed them in advance, can I answer this way?"




   "So can I start the lecture? I can't wait to appreciate your wisdom."


   "Then start the first lesson, how to survive three days without breathing. Don't worry, I will bury you in the soil to help you appreciate this."


   "Master, I don't think this is right. Master!"


   was the night when Lu Fan's bedroom was transformed into a temple.


   A group of vague shadows gathered here.


   He observes the surroundings curiously, feels the breath of the outside world, and transmits the information here to the body.


   He is a clone of the Blood Demon God, after feeling the breath of the temple here, he split from the body and came here.


  Like a newborn baby, He looked around, observed, and from time to time he took the book from the shelf on the side to turn a few pages, and then he was attracted by other things and began to observe new things.


  He likes it here.


   There is a taste of order here, and order will provide power to his body, so that they can better complete their created tasks.


   But he soon discovered that he was disappearing.


   There is no physical existence, even the gods will slowly die away, not to mention the main body uses all the power to find the coordinates in the legend, and there will not be too much power to this clone.


  His mission is to investigate this temple, UU reading and his current mission has been completed, and the demise is a more reasonable ending.


   But He still wants to continue to observe the world.


   Therefore, He needs a body.


   This body cannot have a soul, but this condition is a bit too difficult to meet in a place where there is no death in the blood domain.


   But soon, he felt a suitable goal.


   Followed this goal and flew past, the invisible avatar shuttled freely in this castle, like a free wind, came to his destination.


   There, he saw a male demon with gentle eyes, and a female demon with stiff movements and basically only eyes that could move.


   "Don't worry, my dear, you and your child will be fine."


   The female demon blinked and made a difficult smile.


   In this room, the avatar felt the existence of three bodies, but only two souls.


  The fetus in the female demon is still developing, but because of some shocks, it has no soul to live in, just an empty body.


   Without any hesitation, the avatar went straight through the room, came here, and fell into the female devil's abdomen, where she fell asleep.


   will meet soon, father, mother.


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