This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 42: Necessary tolerance

"I'm a father."


   "Well, congratulations. Wait a minute! Is the time a bit wrong!"


   Hearing the news from Raphael, Lu Fan became unstable, and the book in his hand fell directly to the ground.


   Before he stooped to pick up the book, Zige immediately flew up, grabbed the book in his arms, then shakes off the dust on it, and then held it to Lu Fan with both hands.


   "You don't need to lick like that." Lu Fan said helplessly.


   "This is my choice, you don't need to care."


   "It's hard for me not to care about you being so ostentatious. Forget it, back to Raphael, is your race's birth time fast?"


"Yes." Raphael nodded. "When we were still monsters, our race would taste very delicious when it gave birth to the next generation, and our natural enemies would find and hunt pregnant women based on this flavor. It is possible to reduce this situation. Our pregnancy time will become very short, and we will often become parents when we are inexplicable. Normally, it is fine, but it is still a bit embarrassing to suddenly drop an egg during a war."


   "You are still egg-born!"


   "Any questions?"


   Lu Fan glanced at Qige, hoping that he would not be the only normal person here.


And Zig shrugged: "My race is self-divided, and it will automatically split into two at a certain age. Of course, we can also give birth to eggs, and we can also give birth to viviparous, depending on the environment. What's wrong, Master, you Are you in estrus and want to find someone to breed the next generation? Otherwise, why do you want to understand this?"


   "I shouldn't delve into this issue. Forget it, Raphael, I'll take a few days off for you, and you can go home and have fun with the kids. Well, it should be to play with eggs."


   "It's okay, in fact, I already brought the egg."


   took an egg out of his pocket, and Raphael proudly showed his child to Lu Fan and Qige.


   This egg is only the size of a pigeon egg, and there are black circles on the green egg, which seems to break with a single touch.


Seeing this egg, Zieg said curiously: "So you belong to the Siren. I thought your race was extinct. Your meat is really delicious. Ah, sorry, I shouldn’t be here. You said this in front of you."


   "It's okay, we are used to it. Mr. Zieg, do you want to drink tea, I will pour a cup of tea for you?"


   "...Do you think I dare to drink this time?"


   "Don't worry, it's just some poison, you can't die anyway."


   Lu Fan looked at the two demons suspiciously, wondering when their relationship became so good.


   took the egg carefully, and Lu Fan asked, "Is it okay to just take it with you?"


   "No, it should be done as I said. Siren's eggs require a lot of magic power to incubate, so the hatching speed will become faster around the powerful demon."


   "That's it... wait! It's drawing my magic power, it's getting bigger, it's starting to crack its shell, it's about to be born!"


   Raphael was at a loss, then pale.


   He hurriedly snatched the egg from Lu Fan, but he was still a step slower.


   An egg that was originally only the size of a pigeon egg has grown rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it has grown to a height of one meter in a short time.


   Seeing the cracks emerging from the eggshell, he immediately drove Lu Fan and Zige out, and then shouted through the door to Zige: "Bring my wife here!"


   "I don't have a wife!"


   "My husband is fine too!"


   "I'm going to find my husband now! No, I like female demons!"


   "I like it too! But now is the time to talk about this kind of thing!"


   "You'll have a chat first! Forget it, I'm going to find a wife! Master, do you have a wife here!"


   "No! I'm too nervous, I should be looking for my wife!"


"I don't like my friend's wife!"


   "Why don't you like my wife so beautiful!"


   "Well, I can like it."


   "You actually like my wife!"


   "You make me like it!"




   Lu Fan looked at these two obviously confused demons, reluctantly found Raphael's home, and then brought Raphael's wife over.


   sent in Raphael's wife who was almost paralyzed. Lu Fan waited outside the door for a while, and finally heard the cry of a baby inside.


  Although it always feels weird, Lu Fan still told the devil to prepare hot water and towels, although he didn't know whether these things he saw in movies and TV shows were useful.


   The pornographic books he read also contained ways to deal with this situation, but Lu Fan always felt that the practice of rushing in and killing everyone inside at this time was not in line with his identity.


   "What should normal demons do at this time?" Lu Fan said to Qige who was on the side.


   "Kill his family?"


   "Yes, this is very devil. But I think we should do something that is not very devil."


   After Raphael had handled all the things inside, the demon who became father again opened the door happily, and then let Lu Fan and Zige walk in.


   holding a wrinkled baby girl, Raphael's face is full of joy.


   He excitedly showed the baby girl in his arms to Lu Fan and others, and said excitedly: "Master Lu, Qige, look, how beautiful her eyes are."


   "Is he blind or am I blind?" Zieg whispered.


   Raphael ignored Zige's complaints, still happily holding the baby girl and laughing, but did not notice that Lu Fan and Zige's eyes were getting more and more serious.


   casually found an excuse to leave here, and Qige and Lu Fan found a quiet place.


   "Master, you should have seen it too."


   "Well, it feels very familiar, very similar to a person I knew before. He is the son of disaster."


   "That's right, the child of the god, and also the child of the clone of the blood demon god."


Zieg stared at Raphael who was holding the child in the distance: "The children of disaster are called children of disaster because they were born as the incarnations of gods. They were born for various reasons, and some may be gods. Some of the incarnations may also be an inexplicable idea of ​​the avatar According to my understanding of the **** demon god, this avatar will not be his backhand. It is very likely that the avatar gave birth to part of his own. Consciousness, and the result of active choice."


   "What are you going to do?"


Zieg was silent for a moment, and then shook his head: "The son of calamity is dangerous. This incarnation may grow further, and then plunder the power of the blood demon god, and may even replace the opponent and become the blood demon god. As the blood demon **** Former priest, my correct choice should be to kill her."


   In the absence of the opponent's consciousness, Lu Fan's sword light fell silently on Qige's neck, and his head could be cut off with a little effort.


After   , as long as the opponent's body and cement are mixed together to form a city wall, then there is no need to worry about this guy coming out to make trouble for hundreds of years.


   But Zieg’s next incident saved him.


I saw Qige smile slightly, and then said to Lu Fan: "Master, I have learned a lot from you during this period, one of which is to have the necessary strength. Before the future emerges, we need to deal with some People, keep the necessary tolerance for certain things. This time, I decided to follow your example."


   The sword light disappeared silently, but Zieg still felt it.


   He touched his neck, and then asked suspiciously: "Master, I felt like I was walking around on the edge of death just now."


   "That is your illusion, think about what kind of gift you should prepare."

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