This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 43: Changes in strongholds

"Augustus" observed the sand table in front of him, his eyes very solemn.


   On the sand table, a wave of rebel forces have been uprooted, and the area under the management of the jailers is gradually expanding.


   But at the other end of the sand table, the shadow of a **** demon **** floats there, and the power of order emerges by his side in the form of turquoise clear water.


   Although the territory is expanding, and the various interesting gadgets created by the group of slimes are enhancing the overall strength of the jailer, he found that the power of their order has not increased, but has decreased a bit.


why is that?


   He can be sure that the group of slimes has no secrets, and even enjoys fighting.


  According to the group of slimes, I have never played so happy in my eight lifetimes.


   So, why?


At this time, the jailer Alani pushed in and said to the meditating "Augustus": "My lord, the group of slimes has asked for an increase in funding. They said they need more artificial magic stones to satisfy them. Firepower."


   "Do they have a phobia of lack of firepower! The man-made magic stones we collected have been half empty by them, and they still want it!"


   "They said they knew this, so they provided you with a taxation plan. I've seen it, and the feasibility is very high,'s a bit crazy."


   "Then do as they say, have they changed anything recently?"


   "No, all discussions were conducted in front of me, and nothing was discussed in private at all."


   "That's right. By the way, I heard that Master Lu is also actively active recently. Has the spy sent out mixed in?"


   "Already mixed in."


"That's good."


   stood up, "Augustus" imitated the previous movement, touching Alani's hair affectionately.


   "Alanie, you are my most trusted jailer, so I give you the task of monitoring the group of slimes. Don't let me down."




   With the report, the half-cat Alani left the first room, and then found the slimes who were in a meeting to discuss.


   "I have provided the plan to the first seat according to your instructions, so, can you let me go?"


   Alanni with tears in her eyes looked pitiful, and it was hard to imagine that this was the expression that a jailer in charge of the blood domain could make.


   They looked at Altria with dissatisfaction: "Sister A, let’s get the magical powers."


"Well, I'm almost happy anyway, I won't be looking for you tonight. The recent wars and fights have also been very enjoyable, and the magic stone is so good to fight. Master Lu is too stingy. I usually want a magic stone. It's the same as letting him die. Take off my clothes and I will only fight. What happened to the plan?"


   took off his clothes and gestured with his eyes, a group of players immediately switched to offline mode and began to discuss in the q group.


   "Brother Stripper, how is your plan implemented?"


"Not bad. Augustus seems to still retain the concept that territory is order, completely ignoring the influence of people. The result of this is that the territory is expanding, but the overall level of chaos is increasing. Save land and leave people, people and land are all Lost."


   "Are you so sure that Augustus has a problem?"


   "Yes, maybe only 50% before, but recently his performance makes me feel at least 90%."


   "Then we should enter the final stage, can we contact Master Lu."


"Not yet. Master Lu should have gotten our hint. His salted fish is smarter than you think. Although he has been salted fish, his premise is to ensure that he is absolutely in an advantageous position. Salted fish, that's a wonderful way to fish."


"...Brother Stripper, you have added too much filter to Master Lu. If the little policewoman and Master Lu fall into the water at the same time, which one do you save first?"


"I will kick you off first. In short, the plan of'bad victory' is being implemented steadily. Augustus seems to want to bring order to the blood realm, so we must use our methods to bring order. I don't Know what he wants in the end, but if the enemy agrees, we will oppose it. Is there anything else I need to ask?"


   "Yes, who are we going to fight today! Is there enough firepower! Can you get a new wooden puppet!"


   "Enough attention, enough attention, the more intense we fight, the faster the end of the jailers will come."


   On the other side, in Lu Fan's new stronghold.


   This stronghold is undergoing new changes every day, and it is developing in a very peculiar direction.


   Under the meditation of the players, refugees who were beaten by the horrible artillery of slimes flowed here and settled here.


   In the blood domain, the players and demons will be greatly limited in their strength, but the players rely on the plants grown by the farmer players and the demon crystals implanted in the plants to overcome this.


   This kind of feeling is like being stuck in the agricultural society on the one hand, and on the other hand has stepped into the space age, no matter how you hit it, it is crushed.


  The first thing the refugees who came here found was that there seemed to be a lot of bookstores.


There are a large number of books coming out every day. As long as you can write and knock on the door accurately, you can sell well even if the text is rough. Some books selected by the purchasers in the castle will receive special attention and promotion, and even get Lu Recommendation written by an adult.


   "This book is pretty pornographic."


   "No brain but cool, I give five stars."


   "Simple and simple writing can write the entangled plot of Oedipus, I like it very much."


Since they will get a large amount of magical power as a reward after being recommended, writing books has become one of the most popular jobs in the new base. Catering to Lu Fan’s preferences is also what they rack their brains every day to do it. Key issues.


   An assassin among the refugees carefully observed the surrounding scenes, and silently remembered all this.


   Although they are called assassins, they are not enough for them to spy on the enemy, gather intelligence, and assassinate this kind of thing unless they are given enough magic power, otherwise it will not happen.


   After observing the surrounding environment, the assassin of UU Reading had to sigh that it is very energetic.


   It is said that Lord Lu is a demon from the outside world. The restrictions of the blood domain seem to be of no use to him. This causes him to spontaneously produce a large amount of magic power by not doing anything every day, which is more than enough to provide the operation of the entire stronghold.


   With the support of not bad magic power, the demons in this stronghold do not have to worry about the lack of magic power at all, and can do better for Lu Fan.


   Under this model full of positive feedback mechanisms, the current scale is normal.


   "Such a terrifying magic content, this Lord Lu is really a terrifying guy, no wonder the jailers take it so seriously."


   After simply observing the form, the assassin decided to visit his predecessors first.


   When he mentioned his predecessor, a nice arc appeared on the assassin's face.


   According to the mark left on the wall, the assassin found the residence of the senior.


   She first arranged her clothes to make her look more natural, and then knocked on the door respectfully, preparing to surprise her long-awaited senior.


   "Here, is my recommendation available? What comment did Master Lu give me this time!"


   Seeing the disheveled, bearded senior who opened the door, the assassin felt that something in his heart collapsed.


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