This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 44: New requirements

Seeing the younger generation suddenly appeared in front of him, the senior stood at the door in embarrassment, and then stiffly asked, "Did you eat it?"


Seeing that the younger generation did not respond, the older generation could only bite the bullet and explained: "This is a popular greeting here. Lord Lu, the ruler here, often uses this sentence as an opening statement, and we learned it later. Unfamiliar people say eat. If it’s cooked, you can take the opportunity to eat it together."


   The junior still didn't speak.


   She stared at her senior indifferently, and suddenly stretched out her hand, tore off her senior's fake beard, and strode into the room when the other party shouted pain.


   There is no training place at all, there are no hidden secret doors around, and there is even no emergency escape route.


   Besides, the layout here looks pretty good. Some awkward but durable furniture is placed here, and there is even a pot of flowers on the windowsill, and she knows that flowers are not cheap here.


   stepped forward, the female assassin fiddled with the flowers in the pot, and suddenly sneered.


   "The essence of an assassin lies in a simple living environment, tempering his will with a bad way of living, who said this?"


"…it's me…"


   "Who used to catch those assassins who tried to enjoy them every day when they were in the assassin camp, and chop off their heads for seven days?"


"still me."


   "Who tore up the anonymous love letter in public and said that he didn't like those boring things?"


   "It's you who wrote... it's not right, it's me."


   The female assassin sighed.


   sat down in front of the senior, her legs crossed, her arms folded, her sleeve-length and fit legs leaked from the edge of the cloak, and it seemed that she could release the spring scenery with a slight shake.


   But Senior Assassin didn't want to appreciate all this, but slowly moved to the desk, trying to hide something.


   When Senior was about to arrive at the desk, a dagger flew out of the female assassin's cuff with a silk thread, penetrated the manuscript that Senior tried to hide, and drew the manuscript directly in front of him.


   The speed of the female assassin is surprisingly fast. With this hand alone, Senior feels that he is one level behind the opponent.


   and flipping through the manuscript, she sneered again.


   ""The Overbearing Assassin Fell in Love with Me", "The Days When I Lived with an Assassin", "The Years When I was an Assassin", "Don't Love Me, You Will Get Hurt"... The writing is quite broad."


   "The trick is to play."


   "How is the sales?"


   "So-and-so, hurry up and work around this number a month."


   Seeing the fingers made by senior, the female assassin's pupils dilated a little.


   "Sure, one month is equivalent to ten assassination targets."


   "So so, the best sellers are probably this number."


   "Hiss~ No wonder you want to do this business, the money is really fast."


   Senior hesitated, but still said: "Money is another matter, the key is dreams. I have always liked writing books."


   "I like to think hard all night, I like to write on paper, I like to edit a story, as long as my words can support me. So, I will soon sink into here."


"I have a lot of like-minded people here, and there is no taboo about order here, as long as you have a skill, then you can get reused. After waking up, I will not be troubled by other things, I just need to devote myself to writing Just in the middle."


   After speaking out all his heartfelt thoughts, Senpai felt a little more relaxed.


Pour a cup of tea for herself and her younger generations, and she sent the tea to the younger generations: "I admit that my skills are unfamiliar, and I admit that I am depraved, but I will not excuse anything. According to the rules of the assassin camp, destroy it. I, then take my head back and seal it in cement. But I only have one request, let me finish writing the last book."


   The female assassin was holding a teacup, frowning at the rising and falling tea leaves in the teacup.


   Finally, she drank the tea and chuckled lightly.

"Very well, you found something you like. I found out before that you are a powerful assassin, but you never seem to be very happy. Now I understand that you have been trapped in the cage where you used to be, as if It’s like a bird in a cage. It’s really nice to see the brand new senior."


   "When I return to my life, I will tell the instructor in the camp that you have been destroyed by Master Lu. Goodbye, no, I should never see you again."


   put down the tea cup, she glanced at her senior with nostalgia, and then resolutely left.


   Goodbye, my first love.


   But just at the door, she suddenly felt her feet soft, and the whole demon couldn't help kneeling on the ground.


   turned her head angrily, she yelled at the embarrassed predecessor: "You poisoned!"


   Senior scratched his head: "I thought you would kill me directly, after all, your character is quite serious. I didn't's not to blame me, right?"


   "You bastard! I changed my mind, I want you to die, I want you to die!"


   "The blood domain can't die."


   "I don't care, you are dead anyway! I want to kill you, no matter what method I use, I will..."


   The female assassin fainted under the influence of the poison before she finished her words.


   While the opponent was in a coma, the senior assassin quickly took out the tools, tied the female assassin tightly, and threw it on the bed.


   She wanted to pack her things and escape immediately, but seeing the tied female assassin and the other's beautiful face, she suddenly changed her mind.


   The **** female assassin fully inspired her and gave her the idea of ​​the next book.


   She experimented all kinds of binding techniques non-stop, and then hurriedly left here with her brain full of inspiration, not even daring to ask for the rent deposit.


   After renting another apartment at a high price, she locked herself in the room for seven days, and finally wrote the new work.


   came to the editorial agency with red eyes. She photographed the new work on her editing desk and proudly said: "This is definitely my pinnacle. I can guarantee Master Lu will be full of praise."


   The other party flipped through the manuscript, and his eyes suddenly lit up.


   Only a moment later, he shook his head regretfully: "I like it very much, but, sorry..."


   "What's wrong? Has the wind direction changed recently?"


"No, I'm going to be in charge of another department. You will be assigned to a new editor. The other party is very enthusiastic. Although she is a bit layman, she said that she likes your book very much. I think you should work well together. Of. UU Reading"


   "Really, it's a shame. Wait, why do I feel wrong, my assassin tells me that running is the best now."


Putting down the manuscript, she immediately ran towards the door, but before she could move to the door, a dagger flew from behind, and the silk thread hanging from the back was flexibly wrapped around her for several times, and then she was tied firmly. Up.


Her junior came from behind, grabbed the other's long hair and pulled her senior up, and then said to the horrified senior: "Senior, I have been looking for a long time before I found you, and finally thought of using the bookseller as a method. You. Can't run away so quickly."


   "Let me go! Look for the guard, this woman is a lunatic!"


   "Did you have fun playing on me that day? Would you like me to try it on you?"


   "You were awake that day? You are so resistant to poisons! Let me go, can't I apologize?"


   "Apologizing is useful, so what do you want the Avengers to do? Let's go, Senior, I won't let you fall asleep tonight. Hahahaha!"


   The old editor watched these two demons leave, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "It's nice to be young."


  At this time, another editor hurried over and said to the old editor: "My lord, Mr. Lu has another batch of new demands?"


   "Oh, what does he want to watch this time?"


   "Children's books."


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