This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 48: The action of "Augustus"

"So, after that, they put on a weird posture, on the bed...Can I skip the next thing?"


"Seriously, mother, the details are the soul of this book. And when you study, you should pay attention to your feelings and imagine yourself as the character in it, so that you can read it better. Don't just go to bedtime stories just because I am a child. Perfuse me."


   "I haven't told anyone about bedtime stories, but I still feel that bedtime stories shouldn't be like this."


   "The children of other people's families are like that, then you should be the mothers of other people's children!"


   After finally reading a book, the blood demon **** felt that his blood tank could no longer hold up.


  Why do the sons of calamity let their mother **** do this kind of thing?


   And Eva frowned and recalled the previous story, and then commented: "There is no internal taste."


   "What else do you want? Do you need some condiments, sprinkle it on my head and let you lick it?"


   "Not enough yellow storms."


   "Isn't that enough? The devil who can play the most is not as good as the demon in this book. What are you looking at? What are you looking at?"


   "Forget it, tonight is almost the same, my dad is about to start the night rounds. Thank you, mom, you can give me a request, and I will meet my discretion."


   "Then you can..."


   The Blood Demon God originally wanted Eva to assist him in completing the tasks assigned by Zelatan, but he hesitated again.


   It is his mission to draw the power of order and find the coordinates of another world in the legend.


   But after completing this task, he needs to use his own existence to solidify this coordinate, which means that he will completely die.


   From the moment he was born, he was ready to die, and it took a long time to digest this inevitable destiny.


   But this kid...she shouldn't.


   She has a broader future, and she does not need to dedicate her life to her mission.


   She is free and dazzling. Although she is only a demon, she has a vast future that she has never had.


   shook his head lightly. He looked at Eva and said, "Can you wait for me tomorrow? I want to read you some stories that children can read."


   "Um... control it within a few minutes."


"I will."


   The Blood Demon God then disappeared in the room.


   When he opened his eyes again, he had returned to his own body.


   looked at the power of order around him, he felt that these powers were getting less and less, which meant that the order of the jailer’s jurisdiction was slowly declining.


   This is also good.


   He can spend more time with his daughter.


   Closing his eyes, his consciousness crossed the starry sky and came to the edge of the world.


  Edge is just a conceptual statement, non-god beings will not realize the existence of this edge at all, because the place where they are located is infinitely far away from here.


   The world is a bounded and infinite existence, and only gods can cross this infinite distance and reach the edge.


   Through the edge of the world, he can see the endless chaos beyond the edge, and the edge of the world isolates this layer of chaos, so that chaos cannot erode the world.


   Take out the power of order that he has accumulated, this power is like a bright beacon, making the surrounding chaos boiling.


   They began to hit this edge of the diaphragm, and flocked to the condensed order in the hands of the blood demon **** like moths rushing to the fire.


   Although only a small amount of chaos can pass through the edge and come to his side, this chaos is still eroding his existence, making him as a **** also feel endless pain.


   At the moment when the chaos is stirred, he can see through the shady curtain of the chaos, peep into the outside world, and find the legendary coordinates in just a few nanoseconds.


   And when the coordinates are found, he needs to be in the chaos, completely absorb the coordinates, solidify them, and send them to Zelatan.


   Therefore, the day when the plan is completed is when He falls.


  If it is the usual, he will only silently bear the pain of chaotic invasion, and will not react at all.


   But now, He feels so hard every minute and every second.


   He wants to come to tomorrow quickly.


   He wants to see his daughter soon.


   After all the order used to disturb the chaos was exhausted, he dragged his broken body back to his temple, and then began to breathe, continuing to gather the strength needed for the next time.


  At this time, he found that there was another demon in his temple.

   "Augustus, when did you come?"


   "It didn't take long, did the plan go smoothly?" "Augustus" asked.


   "Fortunately, it has reached the final stage."


   "Augustus" silently looked at the blood demon god.


  The Blood Demon God is also looking at Augustus.


  Although the information on his body is still the same as before, the blood demon **** feels that Augustus seems to have undergone a different change.


   Now he is very serious about the plan, and even invited a group of outside slimes to help realize the plan, but it seems that the more he does, the more mistakes he makes.


   He could feel the restlessness and dissatisfaction that lingered on the other side, but the other side showed nothing.


   After a while, "Augustus" spoke.


   "Many of the assassins I sent to Master Lu's stronghold have lost contact."


   "Is it destroyed?"


   "No, it should be a rebellion. Obviously our jailers are the orthodox of the blood realm. Obviously we have a stronger strength, but they just disobeyed the jailers' management and rebelled."


   The Blood Demon God didn't know what to say, so he could only be silent.


   "And the group of slimes is not right. They are doing my order very well, but they can take things to the other extreme when they complete my order. I feel I was cheated."


   "It's okay, we still have time."


   "No, there is not much time. Master Zelatan has already cracked the core extracted from Golding's body and gained stronger power. If I don't hurry anymore, I will... I will..."


"Wait a minute!" The Blood Demon God quickly interrupted "Augustus", "How did you know these things? I didn't feel that a second demon thought this way, so where did you get it from? These messages?"


   "Augustus" was taken aback.


Looking at the **** demon **** staring at him seriously, he suddenly shrugged and said to himself: "It seems that I am too into the show. I didn't expect that he would even imitate this little problem that he likes to talk to you. ."


"who are you?"


   While speaking, the blood demon **** immersed in the blood pool immediately started to act.


  Although he was huge in size, his speed was equally agile. He directly pinched the "Augustus" in front of him in his hand and crushed his body forcefully, leaving only his head in his palm.


   "Augustus", with only one head left, didn't have any painful expression. He just frowned and said, "It seems that I am not mature enough. If it were my seniors, I should be able to hide it for longer."


   "So, who are you?"


   "Zelatan's loyal subordinate, one of the royal family members. In theory, we should be companions, but I don't think your tool is my companion."


   The Demon God of the Blood Territory wanted to continue to question the other person, but he immediately discovered that a foreign body was invading his body.


   The crushed flesh and blood began to climb along his arms, pouring into his chest like black vines, and flowing to every corner.


   What's more terrifying is that his divine power has no use for these flesh and blood, and it cannot be stopped at all.


   "How can can you blaspheme a **** like this!"


"It's nothing more than tools. When creating you, UU Reading Master Zelatan left behind some back players, and every royal family can take over you when necessary. Including your power, your memory, your Everything."


   The Blood Demon God felt that the memories in his mind were turned out one by one, and even touched his best memories.


   Although that memory was only two nights, it was still his most precious memory, and it was something more precious than the previous experience.


   But now, this memory has been read and played with wanton, and the other party even laughed in surprise.


"Interestingly, your clone has evolved into a demon, and it's still in Master Lu's territory. What a wonderful orderly power, why don't you directly erode her? Ah, that's it, you are addicted to the kind of motherhood Feel it, you are starting to look like a demon."


   "Stop! Don't! Give me back that memory!"


   "Tools must look like tools, you don't need those extra things. Delete these things, return to the essence of your tools, and then go and devour that little girl."




   Amid the heartbreaking screams of the blood demon god, the blood of the black royal family poured into the origin of the blood demon **** and began to swallow the memory here.


Listening to the violent screams, "Augustus" closed his eyes intoxicated, waved his hands like a conductor, and said softly: "Have you heard, Master Zelatan, this is my most beautiful hymn to you. ."

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