This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 5 Chapter 49: Abnormal Blood Demon God

Eva was in a good mood the next night.


   After dinner, she took the initiative to clean up her tableware, hugged her father, and then happily ran back to the room, leaving only Raphael with a blank face.


   She waited until her father fell asleep on the bed with her eyes wide open, and then immediately opened the concept and ran out of her room. The loud noise when she went out could be heard throughout the apartment.


   She has confirmed that Lu Fan is not here tonight.


   Recently, more and more people are writing books, leading to the emergence of special coffee shops and newspapers for writers, and even special tutoring classes for explanation.


   However, Lu Fan is not interested in these things. He is more concerned about the update of several authors he likes. After all, it stands to reason that they should write a hundred thousand words a day to comfort themselves, but they have not written anything for two days.


   But when Lu Fan expressed that he wanted to ask the authors if there were any problems, and thoughtfully that he could help solve them, he found that the authors had hanged in fear.


   Although the blood can't kill the devil, it still takes a while to recover if the cervical spine is broken.


   This made Lu Fan wonder if they were simply afraid, or if they wanted to delay the change.


   But it’s okay, he is going to these authors to help them treat tonight, by the way, talk about life, talk about the future, and finally talk about the consequences of not being able to hand in the manuscript tomorrow.


   While Lu Fan’s family was going to chat, Eva came to Lu Fan’s study and turned in.


   The blood demon **** composed of light is already waiting here.


   He smiled and looked at Eva who turned in, and then asked: "What do you want to hear today?"


   ""A Hundred Ways to Play with Tentacle", I've wanted to read that book for a long time."




   Eva took out the dried meat and sweet water used as spirit stones from the inner pocket of the cloak, and listened attentively.


   But after ten minutes of listening, she didn't feel right.


   too detailed.


   According to her understanding of the other party, the Blood Demon God should have skipped at least hundreds of positions just now. It is impossible to read every part in detail.


   interrupted the other party, and Eva asked cautiously: "Can you read the paragraph just now?"


   "No problem, **in her **..."


   Eva took a breath.


   She is absolutely sure what is wrong with the blood demon **** on the opposite side, otherwise it is impossible to say such a sentence calmly.


   But she didn't say anything, but stood up and pretended to say indifferently: "I think you read it incorrectly. The original text shouldn't be like this. I will find the book for you to take a look."


   "You lie. The voice in your heart is saying that you haven't seen the original work at all."


   Eva turned her head and saw that the corner of the **** demon's mouth was still smiling, but this smile was as cold as a statue, without any emotion.


   She is sure that there is really something wrong with the Blood Demon God.


   The method she worked out before to deal with the blood demon **** is useless, and the problem that the other party will blush when they hear the content is cancelled.


   Then she was also sure that her current thoughts must have been read by the other party.


   "Yes, I saw it."


   The black liquid dripped from the eyes of the blood demon god, like two **** tears hanging on her face.


   The Blood Demon God, with his back to the window, blocked her escape passage, and the light coming in from the window stretched her shadow very long.


   In the backlight, Eva could still see the smile on the face of the blood demon god, but that smile became more and more distorted and crazier.

   tilted her head, her head gradually tilted, turning like a needle at the same time, and finally fixed at three o'clock.


   "Come back and be a part of me."


   A bewitching voice sounded in the room, which interrupted Eva's consciousness briefly.


   bit her tongue fiercely, and Eva decisively began to adopt the second strategy.


   She began to think crazy about various plans, some of which contradicted each other, and some of them were close to each other.


   While generating information crazily, her body also moved.


   Only a small part of the plan in her mind is true, most of which are redundant information, and her body will only execute this part of the real information.


   Although this method is difficult to practice, she still practiced with her teeth and finally mastered it.


   She would not pin her safety on the mercy of a demon god.


   But I didn't expect it to be used so quickly.


   When the idea in her mind was to escape from the door, her body did the opposite.


   first took out all the things in the cloak and threw it at the **** demon **** in front of him, and then jumped strongly towards the side wall.


   The moment she jumped out, the shadow on the ground turned into a cage, and it closed fiercely at the door, but it went empty.


   Just when Eva touched the book hidden in the wall and was about to sound the alarm, she suddenly noticed that the distance between herself and the bookshelf had changed.


  Obviously, as long as you move a little bit further, you can touch the bookshelf, but this tiny little distance seems to become as far away as the sky, and you can't touch it.


   "You don't think that the gods have only this little ability." The blood demon **** stretched out his hand and tore the corners of his mouth so that his smile could be even more exaggerated.


"Really looked down upon. I am the Blood Demon God, a **** who specializes in finding coordinates. My understanding of infinity has allowed me to create infinity in a tiny location. You don't think it, it's just that With the random thinking in your mind, you can resist the gods. UU Reading"


   "I really don't think so." Eva nodded, "God knows everything, but you should know what I know. If there are things that even I don't know, will you know?"


   "What do you mean?"


   The myth of the **** demon hadn't been finished yet, a shadow appeared here out of thin air.


   At the moment he appeared, the **** demon **** who had just been invincible was quickly turned into light spots by continuous slashes, and these light spots continued to shatter until they turned into more thorough particles.


   "Next time you peek a book, at least choose the right partner."


   Picking up Eva's cloak on the ground, Lu Fan threw the cloak to Eva, and then asked suspiciously: "How do you know there are mechanisms?"


   "I don't know, but I think with my father's cautious character, he should do this. So I took a gamble."


   "Your luck is good. He just didn't notice your thoughts. No, the gods should know everything. He should have deliberately ignored your thoughts. Why is that?"


"do not know."


   While Lu Fan and Eva were thinking about this issue, the shadow of the **** demon still stayed in place.


   When the two demons were thinking about why the blood demon **** did this, the group of shadows kept gathering, and then rushed towards Eva.


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