This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 6 Chapter 8: Chief, you count you and me

"This group of players are all slimes (!

Angry Birds still wants to continue to ask, for example, how are those coolies, how are Golding and his party, where are Ai Li and the others waiting now.

But Emma is only fifteen years old, and she doesn't know much. Most of them are heard from her parents, so she doesn't know much about it.

She only knew that the world was not like this before.

At that time, the world was still very peaceful, and the royal family was hidden in the eighth hell, and it would not be as rampant as it is now.

And now, the entire world has fallen into the shadow of evil, and some of the rich and powerful have shrunk into the eighth hell, enjoying the protection of the royal family, but they also need to pay huge taxes.

The human world is also not peaceful. The evil invasion there is even more serious. Some humans can only go to **** to seek refuge. At present, almost one-tenth of the population has become fallen.

After listening to the current environment, a knock on the door suddenly sounded outside the house.

"Open the door, Emma, ​​we are back." An elegant man's voice rang.

Hearing her father's voice, Emma didn't act, but poured herself a cup of slime tea, and then asked: "So fast, how is the evil thing handled?"

"It's solved, it's just an ordinary gadget. We found a frozen monster on the road. We can eat something good tonight."

"That's great."

"Open the door, it's cold outside."

"The door is not locked, just come in by yourself."

"We have something in our hands. Come here and do a favor."

"Then how did you knock on the door?"

The knock on the door suddenly stopped.

After a while, a more intensive knock on the door sounded, followed by a repeating sound like a repeater.

"Open the door..."

"Open the door."

"Open the door!"

"Open the door to me!"

In the thrilling knock on the door, Emma still drank tea unhurriedly, as if the outside affairs had nothing to do with her.

The knock on the door continued into the day.

Emma didn't say it was okay until Dawn Demon God's light was completely illuminated.

The Angry Bird immediately rushed out and found that there was no one outside the door, only a line of footprints on the snow extended to the hut.

And on the door of the hut, dense **** handprints completely covered it, people can't believe how it would end if the door was opened last night.

Emma looked at the door for a moment, and then said to the three slimes: "I also encountered an evil thing for the first time. I didn't expect it to be like this."

"You are very calm. Unlike me, my pants are almost wet. No, I don't wear pants." said the African chief.

Emma was amused again.

Wiping away the tears from the laugh, she dragged out her hoverboard, and then let the three slimes come up.

Driving the hoverboard, she said to the three slimes: "My parents said that if the daybreak hasn’t come back, then they might be in an accident. At that time, I will flee to the north in the opposite direction, where it will be safer. ."

"But I feel we are heading south now."

"Yes, I don't want to be obedient. There will be a avenue on the road in a while, and you can leave here through the avenue."

"But we don't want to be obedient."

Emma stopped.

She tilted her head and looked at the three slimes on the hoverboard, and suddenly each hugged and kissed.

"Thank you, you guys are so cute."

"You really have a vision."


The three slimes are not too heavy to add up, which makes the speed of the hoverboard not too slow, carrying snowflakes all the way to the south.

Here, they saw a simple small village.

There are thin fields outside the village, and inside the fields are planted with hardy plants full of sharp teeth, but it is strange that no farmer can be seen.

The village is also quiet, as if everything is asleep.

Emma jumped directly off the hoverboard, and then took out all kinds of scattered gadgets from her pockets, and assembled them together into a delicate small magic wand.

Facing the curious eyes of the players, Emma turned the pink wand in her hand, and then said: "The relic in the former Demon King City, the portable wand, contains four solidified three-layer magic, divided into offensive , Bonuses, healing, and specials. After use, you need to replace the magic stone. It's a bit expensive, but it's easy to use."

"When did we develop this kind of prodigal thing?" the African warchief asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, you still need to replace the magic stone, Master Lu will hit it every time you see it."

While the players were chatting, Emma was ready.

She activated the rune loop of the magic wand, put on the windshield, and then said to the three players: "I have peeked at my parents' book, so I know some knowledge about evil things. At present, the village is a little abnormal, indicating that there is a high probability that there is something in the village. Evil things have invaded and cannot be entered casually. Evil things are rooted in our fears, and use our fears as energy to extend special laws. Who of you is more timid?"

The African chief mimicked a hand, and then raised it high.

"Okay, it's you."

Grabbing the African Warchief, Emma thrust her wand into the body of the African Warchief, and then activated the wand when the opponent screamed.

There was a loud "bang".

The screaming African chief flew directly into the middle of the village, and tumbling a few times before stopping at the well at the mouth of the village.

A long distance away, Emma asked loudly: "Don't worry, I used two bullets. Assistance and treatment, you should be fine now."

"I'm okay," said the African warchief in the distance, "but you will definitely have something to do in a while."

"No? My parents said that your slimes like this game the most."

"What we like is to shoot others out, not ourselves! The exception is Angry Birds!"

"I should have killed you just now!" The angry bird cursed with the African chieftain across the air.

The African warchief sighed helplessly, and then showed his racial talents, and it all came.

Anyway, I have shot in, what else can I do?

"What should I do now?"

"I think about it, the first step is to gather information, the second step is to start probing, and the third step is to correct errors. If you die, then change to a slime. My parents said, what you are most afraid of is Dead, and it didn’t take long to come out alive."

"How much do your parents know us!"

Although the player will not really die, and it will be a big deal to go back to the line after death, but the African chieftain is afraid.

He is counseling!

As a weak boy who might be frightened and screamed when watching "Crayon Shin-chan", it is really embarrassing for him to explore this kind of resident evil village alone.

I can only bring another tool man over

"Brother Bird~" The weak boy, the African chief, began to act coquettishly with false voices.

"It's disgusting!"

"Will you come and stay with me?"

"Fuck off!"

"Hate, don't you be so shy~"

"You say one more thing and I will kill you!"

"Brother Bird, UU reading"

"No way, I'm going to kill him!"

The angry bird rushed towards the African chief in anger, but just as he approached the opponent, he was fixed by a strong man locked in by the African chief, and then there was another male plus male.

"Come here, let's take a big adventure." The African chief said to the angry bird under him with a grinning grin.

"Chief, you count me!"

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