This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 47: what is that

"This group of players are all slimes (!

"Holy Light 666, you are back, are these three slimes new compatriots?"

"Yes, great mentor."

"Alienated slimes are rare, I have only seen one, and their intelligence is low, and they soon die out. Well, these three...throw them into the toilet, and then take out the slime every once in a while, they The slime is quite useful."

"Old devil, don't you think about it anymore?" Long Gong Gu Yue asked.

"...Speaking! Then leave this one and throw the other two into the toilet."

"How obsessed you are with the toilet!"

After finally letting the other party understand that the two slimes who were petrified because of the death of the society were the same as him, the instructor finally gave up the tempting idea of ​​letting the slimes clean the toilet.

He instructed Holy Lighter 666 to lift himself up, set fire to the yurt, put on a heavy cotton coat, and carefully looked at the three slimes in front of him.

At this time, Long Gong Gu Yue discovered how old the demon in front of him was.

The opponent is already skin and bones, and the total weight of his whole body may be less than 30 jins. It seems that a gust of wind can blow him away.

However, the other person's eyes were still fascinating, and he had experienced the strong winds and waves in his eyes with the stubbornness and firmness that ordinary demons did not have.

"Think I'm the youngest?" The instructor asked with a smile.

"is a bit."

"Don't look at me old, I actually have three times every night."


"...Is this joke too old?"

"From the time you mentioned the toilet frequently, I knew what you wanted to say."

"Next time I have to change to a new joke. Okay, let's end the chat, are you not the devil here?"


"What's the purpose?"

"Rescue our brother who is besieged here, and by the way abduct some alienated Miss Holy Light sisters for fun."

The Holy Light 666 on the side immediately backed away a few steps in the direction of the instructor.

"That's good, our hobbies are very close." The instructor said unhurriedly.

Holy Light 666 began to move towards the door.

"I'm talking about the first half, of course, I don't deny the second half."

Holy Light 666 has shrunk to the door.

"Okay, we won't molest my children. It's rare to see demons outside, and I feel like I have more words. If you want to rescue your companions, I can provide a small amount of help. But correspondingly, we also need Your help."

Pointing to a corner of the room, the instructor motioned to Longgong Gu Yue to bring the things there.

Dragging things out of the corner of the room, Long Bow Gu Yue found that it was a box.

The outer shell of the box has been worn out, and the original appearance cannot be seen. It can be seen that many years have passed.

Using his eyes to signal Gu Yue Longbow to open, the old demon took out the contents of the box with trembling hands.

"I used to have many companions, and I also had my own mentor." The old demon said softly while taking things, "but in the end I was the only one left. Then, I also became a mentor."

There are many things in the box, and most of them are inconspicuous gadgets.

There are dolls made of hair and small tools made of clay.

Looking at these things in remembrance, the old demon took out the last item.

This is a key made from the bones of an unknown demon.

Stroking the key, he said to Longgong Gu Yue: "This is the relic of my mentor. He disappeared with the elites of the time when he performed the last mission. The only one who survived went crazy and died. This key has an incredible function. It can open the door and lead to the manager’s room."


"Well, the demons who manage this dungeon, they live in a mysterious high-level, manage everything here, and eliminate all alienators. Our ultimate goal is to kill them. But our power is still too weak, so We also need to rescue another compatriot. Here, there is a prophecy handed down from generation to generation that the will of the God of Fire is still in the body of a compatriot. We can help you rescue your brother, but I need you to help me Find him and eliminate the management together."

Longgong Gu Yue froze for a moment, and then said: "Are you talking about someone who can alienate the devil? That's okay, we have found him, and he is with my brother."

The old demon stopped.

He squinted at Longgong Gu Yue, looking at each other with clear eyes.

After a while, the old demon smiled: "I have decided, and you will get our full assistance."

"Including Miss Sister?"

"Including Miss Sister."


"Anything is fine."

The Holy Light 666 at the door wanted to cry without tears.

When Longbow Gu Yue and the old demon agreed on a rescue plan, Angry Birds was playing a game in the cell of King Slime.

There is part of the memory of the God of Flame in the body of the Slime King, so he also knows some ancient gameplay of that era.

The angry bird looked forward motionless, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Are you sure that the first demons at that time liked to play like this?"

"You speak, you lose!"

"Isn't this a one-two-three wooden person! The gameplay at that time was really barren, so why not play backgammon with me!"

"What gameplay can be more fun than this game!"

"Baojian said this before, and then he was beaten in the face."

The rules of Gobang are not difficult, so the King of Slime quickly learned it.

They drew a chessboard on the ground, and then one with O and the other with X, and it was not a long time for them to play happily.

Just as the battle between the two slimes was gradually anxious, the door of the cell was opened, and someone was pushed in directly, kicked the angry bird who was thinking, and kicked it directly to a position on the chessboard.

"Hey, what are you doing, I will soon win!" The angry bird roared, "That just didn't count, I regret it!"

"No way!" The Slime King quickly jumped to a position, and then cheered: "Okay, I won."

"Damn it, I was killed by a novice. It's you, the alternate brave! You know if you're doing business, you know you're here to disrupt the situation, right?"

The brave candidate who was pushed in looked at the two slimes speechlessly.

His wrist was also entangled by a black unknown object, which seemed to be a living thing, and directly blocked his psychic energy, leaving him with no strength at all.

However, even this kind of thing cannot block his special ability.

Quietly waiting for the guard to leave, he directly activated his special ability, found the loopholes in these things, and then easily pulled out his hand.

Helping the other two slimes to lift the bondage, he said helplessly: "Fortunately, I was specifically caught, and then came to rescue you. Is this your attitude toward the savior?"

"Thank you, I will help you with a few words when you are dissected."

"...Forget it, I didn't expect you to thank me anyway. What about Wuming?"

It took the Angry Birds a long time to understand that the other party was talking about the Holy Light who was captured together.

"I don't know, we are locked in different places. Didn't you see her on the way here?"

"No, come out, bitch, I need your help."

"Who are you scolding!"

The angry bird cursed and entangled the brave candidate, transforming his form into bone spurs.

"Let’s go, my companion’s reinforcements have arrived. I have already told each other my position, and they are preparing to rescue us. King of Slime, good news, the alienators have a stronghold, which is full of Alienator."

"Really, that's awesome!"

The Slime King cheered and jumped onto the alternate hero, and then asked, "Then what shall we do next?"

"Create chaos and contain the demons here. And use the power of the alternate brave to escape at any time. Go out first. I need to see what can create chaos here. Alternate brave, go!"

"What do you think of me?"

The alternate brave sighed and waved the angry bird, UU reading easily cut the cell in front of him.

Outside the cell is a long and narrow corridor, and each cell seems to contain other alienators.

Some of the prison cells seemed to be alienated holy lighters. At this time, the inside was very bright, so that everyone in the group could see the things inside.

After looking at the contents, the group couldn't help taking a breath.

What is that?

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