This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 7 Chapter 48: Who is alienated

  In the cell, there is a pile of white rotten meat with no visible prototype.

   This mass of rotten meat looks like it melted multiple demons and then mixed together wantonly.

   Several mouths were twisted and merged into a ball, a large number of white arms spread out like branches, and merged with the rotten meat below.

   Numerous murmurs came from these mouths, and they can only be heard clearly when they are close. They repeat only one sentence: "Kill me."

   "What's going on?" Angry Bird asked in horror.

   "I don't know, but it looks like they used to be the Holy Light." The brave candidate below said, "What happened to them?"

   The King of Slime immediately jumped from the candidate hero, squeezed through the iron door of the cell, and came to this pile of rotten meat.

   took a bite of the rotten meat, he silently tasted the other person’s taste, and then solemnly said: "They are the devil with the restriction valve on, but they are very strange..."

   "What's wrong?" the angry bird asked.

"There is a problem with the way the restriction valve is opened. The restriction valve is like a small switch in the brain. Generally, it can be opened in two ways. One is that they are naturally more determined and have strong independent thinking ability. With a high probability of opening the limit valve, the ability to think independently will be obtained.

"The second is for me to manipulate the brain to open the restriction valve. But they are the third. There is a drug in their body. This drug can dissolve the restriction valve, but it will also destroy the relevant area, which leads to these The devil's body collapsed."

   "So, why did you engage in the restriction valve in the first place?" the angry bird asked dissatisfiedly.

"It has a great use. In order to keep the fire, that is, we, the God of Flame must have a large number of demons to help maintain our related equipment. However, this task may continue for tens of thousands of years, and the success rate is extremely low. In order to be able to forget despair , A group of demons voluntarily added restriction valves to themselves, thus turning into machines that only know work."

"At the same time, it also has a screening effect. Some natural leaders and thinkers will break through the restriction valve and stand up, and they will become the new managers, taking over and continuing to manage this dungeon from the older generation. So. In other words, where is the problem?"

   After seeing the doubts of the Slime King through the live broadcast, the players outside with Satan Leaf also discussed it.

   took off his clothes and watched the live broadcast, but his focus was not on Angry Birds, but on Satan Ye's performance.

   After collecting and analyzing the intelligence, Satan leaves pondered for a moment, and then said: "If the information of the King of Slime is correct, then the management of this dungeon will be a little suspicious."

"Summarizing the existing information, first, the dungeon is the back hand of the **** of flames, in order to protect the brain cells and pass on their own memories. This is the original goal of the dungeon. Second, the supply of brain cells is destroyed. The first-generation demons who protected the brain cells died, presumably because they were abandoned, and those first-generation demons sacrificed themselves in order to maintain the supply."

   A player nodded: "I think this speculation is okay, continue."

"Yeah. Three. Alienation was originally a good thing. Alienators are good backups for management, but now they are demonized. Alienated ones will be put in prison or thrown into the stomach for treatment, etc. , Here is a suspicious point. Why are some aliens thrown into the stomach while others are locked up in the cell? Moreover, the treatment of the Holy Light is different twice. What is the reason for this?"

   This sudden question made the players think about it.

   Watching the live broadcast and taking off his clothes already has the answer, but he still wants the players and Satan Yee to think for themselves.

   If all the answers are given, it can indeed greatly reduce the time for thinking, but it does not help everyone's growth.

   Satan leaves are very important people in the future. The faster the opponent grows, the more help they will be in the future.

   Moreover, he believes that the opponent can rely on himself and the players around him to find answers to questions and grow.

Sure enough, after tens of minutes of thinking, Satan Ye suddenly realized: "That's it, I understand. Those who are thrown into the stomach are not real alienators, they are just a cover, just to deepen the impression of other demons. Only. The real alienators will be locked in here, and the suspected alienators will only be thrown into the stomach for treatment."

   "The alienators who are in prison have other uses, so they finally become like this. Then, what do they need real alienators for, and why do they become like this?"

   "Hormone!" the resident doctor said suddenly, "Angry Bird, ask the Slime King, what is in the body of the mutated alienators?"

A few minutes later, the angry bird replied: "Check it again, and there are some more ingredients that can inhibit the body from breaking But this kind of ingredient is very small, and it should be produced by the body in order to resist the collapse. Can temporarily suppress the appearance of the collapse."

"Then I understand." Satan leaves nodded, "These aliens are all artificial, and it is not others who make them, but the management here. Management is all aliens, but after self-alienation The same problems have appeared, but these problems may be smaller and slower, but they still exist."

"In order to delay their collapse, they started hunting down alienators and extracting hormones from the opponent to delay the collapse. However, with time, the rate of collapse became faster and faster, and they had to start creating alienators on their own. The truth is here. Then this truth can also explain why they stopped supplying energy to brain cells, because this place has been reduced to a place for them to continue their existence, and the appearance of the King of Slime will bring this place back on track. ’S interests are contrary to.”

   After hearing the truth deduced by Satan leaves, the players became silent.

   Who is the alienator?

   took a deep breath, Satan Ye said to the players: "Now is not the time to be silent, it is time to rescue this place. Angry Birds, ready to join Longbow Gu Yue and them. The decisive battle is about to begin."

"Roger that!"

   The angry bird who got the news quickly commanded the alternate hero.

   They picked up the Slime King who was still thinking, and began to converge towards the designated place.

  Although they were very careful along the way, did not a group of dischargers who appeared suddenly noticed their movements.

   These glowing jellyfish began to release arcs in the air, and three huge figures of annihilators appeared above their heads and slowly flew towards them.

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