This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 8: Save the world, start from the Internet cafe night

When night fell and the other students returned to study in the evening, the three junior high school students climbed over the wall and hid in the storage room when no one was paying attention until school was over.

After school, they did not come out directly, but waited until everyone left and the security guards got out of the storage room after the first patrol was over.

I handed the flashlights from the storage room to the other two people, took off their clothes and looked at the starry sky outside: "It's about nine to fifty, and the security guards will be patrolled at twelve o'clock. On duty tonight It’s Lao Liu, the other is careful, and he will observe it carefully when he sees an abnormality. In addition, the other is a veteran, the three of us should not be able to beat each other, so try not to be discovered by the other."

"There are cameras in the school, but only in the Finance Department and the principal's office. Just avoid these two places. Other places are free to move around. Let's go to each of our classrooms and conduct a detailed search."

"Boss, wait a minute." Ji Ruoxia raised his hand and said in a low voice, "How do you know so much about this place?"

"As a student, isn't it normal to understand the layout of the school?"

"What you said makes sense, but I don't feel very right. What do you think of school as a place?"

"The first scene of a perfect crime."

"It's built, for the safety of my life, I won't ask. Forget it, I'll just ask one, why should the school be searched?"

"Because we all wake up at school, the school is likely to have a direct relationship with why we came here. Searching here is the first step."

"Then what are we searching for?"

"do not know."

"...Why can you say such things so calmly."

"Because I don't like not knowing how to understand. I just know that there is a problem here, but where there is a specific problem, we still need to explore. Okay, Li Lili, do you have any problems?"

Li Lili shook his head: "I can't think of it, but I feel you are right."

"That's all, let's get started."

Carrying flashlights, the three of them walked towards Ji Ruoxia's classroom together.

He easily opened the door lock, took off his clothes and went to the other side's desk and chair, and began to observe the situation here.

There was no problem with the desk, and no problem was found after pouring out the contents, but when looking through the other party's textbook, the problem was discovered.

Most of the other party's textbooks only have a cover, but a lot of the content in it is white paper, with only a few scattered pages recording the content.

"It turns a little, so most of them don't know." Ji Ruoxia said plainly.

"Interesting." He took off his clothes and rubbed his chin. "I'm sure I have read every textbook. In theory, I should be able to see the follow-up content. That's why the world is not dynamic, but when we perceive this At the moment of the world, the world is fixed."

"So, I understand." Ji Ruoxia nodded.

"You know a hammer!"

He took off his clothes and shook his head, then walked to the blackboard, and took out the white, green and red chalk.

I drew three intersecting circles on the blackboard, took off his clothes and pointed at the circles and said, “This world should be constructed from our memories. I don’t know why we are sucked into this world, but the question should be We will unlock it after we find a way to leave."

"When we are sent into this world, the world is generated according to our memory. Everything beyond the scope of this world will be defined as a blank, and this blank will not be filled by our follow-up observations."

Ji Ruoxia listened to the cloud, while Li Lili listened very seriously, but he was serious not because he understood the content, but because he felt that the young man in front of him was smarter than he thought.

It should be no problem to follow the other party.

After finally waiting to take off his clothes and finish speaking, Ji Ruoxia raised his hand and asked, "Teacher Wang, what's the use of these contents?"

"It's convenient for me to infer what the shady wants to do. There are so many explanations. First, the other party just feels fun, don't laugh. The gap between people is very big. Some guys who like to have fun are likely to do this. But this The possibility of explanation is the least."

"Second, the other party wants us to be trapped here. This answer may not be true, because if it has the ability to trap us directly, then it should also be able to kill us directly."

"The third is the most likely explanation I think is that the shady is observing us. They are observing every detail of our lives, so as to understand the logic and methods of our actions, understand our way of life, and better Imitate us. The content that extends from our memory is only the appearance, they want to see our handling methods and logic in this situation. So I infer that the shady should be aliens."

The sudden conclusion shocked Ji Ruoxia and Li Lili, and then it seemed possible.

Ji Ruoxia was particularly excited.

He got up and laughed three times: "I knew I was unusual. I really want to save the world."

"You are so pissed, you come to analyze!"

"It's built, I'll just pretend it, Teacher Wang, you continue."

When Ji Ruoxia sat down again, he took off his clothes and continued, “If you analyze these possibilities, there are several ways to leave here. The first is to lie flat and wait until the other party collects enough. I should leave after the information, but this is tantamount to betrayal, so I don’t choose."

"The second is to confuse each other by doing things that we would never do from today."

"Is there a third kind?" Li Lili asked, raising his hand, "I feel that both of these are too long."

"Yes. The third method depends a bit on luck, so wait for support."

"Whose support?"

"Companion. I suspect that we are already companions before losing our memory. Then I have reason to believe that we have other companions. Then I can wait for the support of my companions and take the next step after the support arrives."

"I think this method is ok." Ji Ruoxia nodded, "Don't be idle while waiting. Let's go to the Internet cafe to open a black bar. I will use Shadow Devil Six in Dota."

"I listen to classmate Wang." Li Lili also said immediately.

"Yes." I took off my clothes and agreed, "Since the shady is probably observing our behavior, then this can be considered a combination of the second method and the third method. Let's set a time limit, three months. If the rescue has not arrived in three months, then we will proceed to the next step."

"Understand, let's get up! I know an Internet cafe that can access the Internet without an ID card. I know the boss, and it's cheap to pack a burglar."

In this way, the three teenagers stepped out of the fence again and headed toward the Internet cafe that Ji Ruoxia said.

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