This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 9: Death chase

That night, Ji Ruoxia died.

He hit "Legend" and slayed the dragon. The social brother on the side wanted to buy it for five hundred yuan but he didn't do it. So the social brother went back and took his baby to cut his throat.

Although this old social man was quickly fallen to the ground by Li Lili, Ji Ruoxia was still dead.

Looking at Ji Ruoxia's corpse lying on the sofa, Li Lili tried hard to make herself grief a little bit, but found that she couldn't inspire such emotions, so she wanted to laugh a little.

Watching the side take off his clothes, he said puzzledly: "Strange, why don't I feel sad at all, but I really want to laugh?"

"You tell me, so am I." He took off his clothes and nodded.

"Strange, I'm the same." Ji Ruoxia came up with three bottles of Coke, staring at his corpse suspiciously, "How did I die?"

"No impression?"

"No. Strange, it's 5 o'clock now, I thought it was only 4 o'clock."

When the new Ji Ruoxia appeared, the original body was slowly disappearing until it turned into a bubble and disappeared without a trace.

The other people who witnessed the murder seemed to have seen a ghost. The stingy boss even forgot to collect the Coke money, and it took a long time to remember that they should be driven out.

Sitting on the steps in front of the Internet cafe, the three of them divided a bottle of Fat House Happy Water, and poured half of it.

With a loud hiccup, Ji Ruoxia, who knew the cause and effect, patted her thigh fiercely: "I'm invincible! I can't die if my throat is cut, just ask who else! Who else!"

When she took off her clothes, she looked at Ji Ruoxia suspiciously: "If you think about it carefully, don't you really remember what happened before your death?"

"Really. And I really killed the dragon? I can talk about this for a lifetime."

"Don't worry about slaying the dragon for now. Recall carefully, when was the last time you were conscious?"

"I remember very clearly. At the time I was going down the hole, and I noted the time for efficiency, so it should be 4:25. But now it is 5:25. This death should have caused me to lose an hour of memory."

"Well, I understand. Li Lili, can I trouble you to die once?"

Li Lili didn't hesitate at all.

He jumped three meters high, grabbed the edge of the window sill above his head and quickly climbed up to the tenth floor, then jumped down, and smoothly completed the dimensionality reduction process for himself on the ground.

In less than half a minute, a brand-new Li Lili walked out of the corner and stared at himself who had become a pie: "Strange, why did we come outside? Were we still in the Internet cafe just now?"

Let Ji Ruoxia explain this to Li Lili, take off his clothes and continue thinking.

After waiting quietly for an hour, he nodded and said: "This world is extended from our memories, and all its logic is determined by us. In other words, we in the future can't really die."

"What are you waiting for, save the world."

"Don't worry, don't you think your previous death was a bit weird?"

"Boss, here are all my own people, don't pretend to be X, just say something straightforward."

Taking off his clothes and looking at Ji Ruoxia, the other party immediately lifted up the coke costume grandson and went.

He sighed, took off his clothes and continued: "It's like this. We just awakened and you had a murder. Of course, it can be explained by chance, but my instinct tells me that this matter is not simple. The situation is that you died once and Li Lili died once, so I should die once next."

As soon as the voice fell, a gust of wind blew over their heads.

A billboard was blown by the strong wind and then fell down.

The alloy billboard in a few hundred kilograms just fell on top of the undressed head, directly smashing the opponent into meat sauce.

After that, I took off my clothes and experienced a feeling of resurrection.

He heard a slight sound in his ear, which sounded like a login sound in a game.

In the next second, he found himself standing in the shadow not far from where he died.

Coming out of the shadows, he saw that the bloodstain under the billboard was slowly disappearing, just like Ji Ruoxia's corpse, disappearing without a trace.

After confirming the time, he took off his clothes and found that he had really lost an hour of memory, and finally a smile appeared on his face.

"That's it, as I thought, he was anxious. The more anxious the other party, the more it means that this path is correct. Our unexpected actions have interfered with the other party's plan, and the other party has begun to take advantage of this. Foreign objects, come to let us return to the other party’s arranged trajectory. Our death is not a real death, but every time we die, we will lose an hour of memory. The other party is using this method to keep us dying until we Forget the fact of awakening."

"After we completely forget the fact of awakening, they must have other arrangements to re-take us on the established path, and finally search for the content in our memory."

"Then what should we do?" Li Lili asked.

"Don't die. If my guess is correct, from now on, death attacks against us will become more frequent. Ji Ruoxia, you are the eyes of this team, Li Lili, you are our weapon. We need to prepare everything. The possible offense will not be until the support arrives or the opponent can't hold it. First, think of a way to get out of the city. There are so many things in the city that can kill us."

"That should be quite simple." Ji Ruoxia said indifferently, UU reading "It's not that I'm blowing...

Suddenly, he took off his clothes and rushed forward, pulling Ji Ruoxia to his side, and a dump truck madly rushed to their previous position, smashing the wall to pieces.

The drunk and drunk truck driver jumped out of the car, carrying a steel pipe and shouted, "My car...who hit it?"

"When will I be sentenced for drunk driving?" Ji Ruoxia shouted immediately.

The stout truck driver stared at the three people in front of him, his brutality reminiscent of wild beasts.

Dragging the steel pipe, he rushed towards the three of them quickly, and then he was touched from the side by Li Lili who had been prepared.

He supported the opponent's arm with his right hand, and when his chest was raised, he heard a clicking sound. The driver's arm produced an abnormal curvature, and the white bones were torn out. It was painful just to look at it.

Afterwards, Li Lili put his left hand on the opponent's chin, spit out a little, the driver's head twisted to one side, and then collapsed to the ground.


"Is it dead?"

"No, but I've been fainted for a few days at least. Get in the car and let's go."

Pulling Ji Ruoxia, who was still in shock, the three squeezed into the truck and Li Lili acted as the driver.

Quickly stepped on the clutch, geared up the accelerator, the sparse truck hit in front quickly started, drove backwards from the lane, and accelerated toward the outside of the city.

And not long after they had just driven on the road, a tanker truck approaching from the opposite side suddenly slipped and rushed directly to their truck, smashing into each other severely.

For a time, the flames flew everywhere.

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