This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 33: Do you want to play games

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The magician came to Dylan's side sickly, looking like he was over-indulging.

The Angry Bird didn't look much better either, he was limp on the ground like a dead dog, and the whole slime seemed to be rubbed hard by the rolling pin for a long time, the weak chicken jealous.

It's a pity that such a good dough doesn't cut a few knives and then go to the pan.

"What happened to them?" Dylan asked suspiciously.

"The result of forcibly using psychic weapons. The magician's special ability is [Refract], which can completely replace the image of one person with the image of another person, even if it is impossible for the gods to see through."

"We still have a companion who can forcibly open the psionic weapons, but there are powerful side effects, and the magician is now enduring the side effects."

"When I was idle and bored before, I tried to make some players with psionics use the psionic brand, and recorded the psionic weapons of all players. Among them, the magician can perfectly reflect the characters he once refracted. Ignore space and time, and can display part of the opponent's strength for a short time."

"Although the greater the difference in strength between the two, the smaller the percentage of strength, but it should be no problem to deal with the number 3. Of course, as a container of refraction, there will be side effects afterwards, and the spirit may be sluggish for a while. time.."

"Take off your clothes, I didn't expect you to like to persecute me~" the angry bird said weakly, shaking his body.

"Sorry, I will compensate you later."

"I want to bathe the prince in the sea with the mermaid~"

"I can't figure out whether this'bubble' is physics or a metaphor for a while. Forget it, I will satisfy you if I have a chance. Let's go to sleep for a while."

"I want to sleep with Sleeping Beauty~"

"If you don't sleep, you really want to sleep forever. Get out of bed!"

Dylan thought about it at this time, and then asked: "In other words, what was just now is not an illusion, but the real Lord of the Devil."

"Yes, but not exactly. But overall, it should be."

Dylan has been puzzled by taking off his clothes.

However, he probably understood that this was a hole card prepared by the slimes, and he immediately felt relieved.

What else can be more reassuring than having a thigh.

What's more valuable is that this thigh is thick and strong, and the requirements are very easy to meet. Although the slime under his command is strange but upright, he is a very good ally.

"Then, if Lord Lu is summoned, the royal family will not..."

"Don't even think about it." He took off his clothes and said helplessly, "This is just a hole card. It's not a big deal to ask the Demon King to come over, but it is the big one to transport it in a black box. We don't have many evil coins, so this A hole card cannot be abused. We can only say that we promise not to take the lead in using Lord Demon King."

"When did the devil become such a thing?"

"Isn't he always this kind of thing? The royal family should start to deal with the Demon King's news now, and then they will temporarily stop because of fear of the Demon King, but they will still use various small means to test us. But no matter what Said that this is a valuable window of development, and we must effectively use this window to further expand our influence. What is your next plan?"

"Food, and at the same time further expand the promotion. On the one hand, we need the director to continue to disgust the royal family, on the other hand, we also need to make our unique attraction. However, after the population is too large, evil things will also come by hearing the news, so we need Pay attention to precautions in this regard."

"Agree. It's the beginning of spring, so the importance of food can be lowered appropriately. Let me think about it. When the food problem is solved, what do people care about most? Weak chicken man, what do you think?"

"GHS?" the weak chicken man asked after thinking.

I thought that this answer would make him hang directly, but took off his clothes and just nodded: "The need for reproduction is really important, but we can't make them do this every day. 3l, what do you think?"

"Life and death?"

"It fits your personality well, but it's also a problem that nobody will die in the end."

Just as I took off my clothes and thought, news of the hacker came.

"Take off your clothes and you are done. The Fire God City has been restarted, and you can now access it at any time."

"Great, how do I access it?"

"The concentration of ghost spores in the dungeon of the God of Fire is very high, and most of the area here has been connected to our ghost network, so you can directly log in to its internal network here at any location in the ninth hell. The AI ​​here It has also been preserved. The most important Internet **** is here. You can talk to him in detail after you connect. There are still some functions that are restarting, and they will be restarted slowly."

Downloaded the login program sent by the hacker, took off his clothes to let others think first, and then immediately logged into the AI ​​network of the Flame God City.

In the blink of an eye, he found that he had come to a familiar town again, and he would have reached the boy once again.

In front of him, a man with tattoos was waiting for his arrival.

After seeing that he took off his clothes, the man looked complicated and hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Thank you for your kindness. I heard the hacker say that he was going to delete all of us, but you kept us."

He took off his clothes and didn't remember that he had such an order, but he immediately understood that this was a hacker's strategy.

One sings a white face, the other sings a red face, and I'm here to get a good reputation. You are worthy of being a talent who wanders in the dark world but has been living until now.

Write down this account first, and repay you if you have a chance.

He quickly sorted out his thoughts, took off his clothes and asked, "Where is the **** of the Internet?"

"I am, or not. The God of the Internet exists in each of our AIs, and we are all his clones. Therefore, if you want to kill the God of the Internet, you must format each AI."

"It turned out to be like this, so can you call the shots?"

"Yes. You can call me Harlowward."

"Helloworld...Yes, this is a programmer. Can you show me what functions do you have?"

Looking at the AI ​​display seriously, I took off my clothes and found that it was a virtual world. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

It can define the rules of the world by itself, and it can define the physical system. Since the disappeared hairline created this network in the beginning to answer its own questions, it has also evolved a style where everything can be customized.

The generation of a new AI is also quite simple. As long as a command is issued, a new AI can be created, and everything inside can be customized.

"Um...extremely, this thing is in some respects even worse than the zero demigod space. The disappearing hairline is indeed a genius. Okay, I get it, I have a task to give you next. ."

"Follow your orders."

He took off his clothes and left the world directly, and then found the gold medal planner who came with the director.

"Planning, do you want to make a game?"

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