This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 34: Weird evil

"This group of players are all slime novels ( Find the latest chapter!

"I'm a professional game player! How to cheat Krypton, how to line up with eight million Yin soldiers, how to walk on the edge of ghs and art, I know everything!"

"That's good, I can rest assured that you are such a rogue. You can play the content of the game as you like, but there are three conditions. One is that the higher the head, the better, the other is that it can fully promote social interaction, and the third is that it can attract people to the New North Wind. city."

"It's okay! To be honest, I jealous every day when I look at the disappearing hairline. It's a pity that such a good program can't create an open world. By the way, how much support is given to me?"

"I'm a layman in the game, so you can see for yourself."

Installed the registration device for the ghost system of the gold medal plan, took off the clothes and brought the gold medal plan to the AI ​​space.

While groping inside, the saliva of the gold medal plan never stopped.

"Hey, it's incredible, this is amazing. Can I use all the AIs?"

"Everything is okay. But there is a chaos space inside that you can't use. That thing is used to satisfy the enlightenment seventy-five years ago. The specific principle is that after the player raised a question seventy-five years ago, the question will automatically be included. In the chaotic space, so as to avoid external interference. Because of the chaotic space, we can ask questions and get answers without any upper limit."

"I don't understand, but I was shocked."

"Also, if there is a lack of material, just tell the missing hairline..."

The gold medal planner’s eyes lit up like a searchlight instantly: "He made it for me personally?"

"No, he will help you ask a question. The process of answering this question will naturally produce a lot of material, and you can use it directly."

"In reality, it would be nice to have this stuff."

"Yeah." He took off his clothes and said, "Forget it, it's not better. No, I'm just complaining, it doesn't matter. Okay, the time lapse here is different from the outside world, and the speed will be slower. You can Take it easy."

"It's clear."

Entering the AI ​​space, the gold medal planner continued to observe everything around him in a novelty.

By his side, Harlowward kept following the gold medal planner every step of the way.

"You take the liberty to ask, what kind of game are you going to make?" Harlowward asked.

"The top game. No matter how fun it is, it is not as fun as the game I am playing now."

"What game are you playing now?"

"That's it."

Harlowward felt that there must be a problem with one of his logic processing functions and voice functions.

Why does it feel like we are not chatting on the same channel?

The gold medal planner contemplated for a long time, and then stretched out his hand to summon a notebook that he used to use.

Stroking the notebook, the gold medal planner found that this notebook was exactly the same as the one on his desk, and even the slight scratches on the back left were restored exactly.

"This game is dark enough, and even such details have been restored. No wonder it has not passed the trial for almost a year. It has always been closed beta."

With another wave of his hand, the environment around him immediately transformed into a peaceful mountain village, and he was in a simple to the limit villa without even a chair beside him.

Sitting down on the pure white carpet, the gold medal planner looked at the scenery outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows, emptying herself, emptying, and emptying again until she couldn't feel herself.

It wasn't until he felt that he and the whole world were about to merge into one, when things were forgotten, did he capture the trace of inspiration that bloomed from the depths of his heart, and began to derive a game from this inspiration.

Seeing the gold medal planner started typing quickly on the laptop, Harlowward asked curiously: "Did you think about making any game?"

"No, I thought about what game to copy."

"...Can I say despicable?"

"There are ready-made ones, it’s a lot of trouble to use your brain. There are a lot of games in the world, and it’s also a skill to copy. When copying, add a little bit of material, add a little innovation, make a little new skin, imitate the recently popular operating system, and add Some compulsive styles enhance fashion. The world view is my own, and I can do anything. In short, I must have compelling styles... Niu Ben! I'm really good. But there seems to be something shortcoming. Hello Ward, help me see."

Harlowward quickly read the plan of the gold medal plan, and then was surprised to find that he actually wanted to play a little bit.

"In my opinion, this is already pretty good."

"No, almost. By the way, evil things have invaded this place. Is there anything left behind?"

"We are. Some parts of our character are made up of evil things, which give us a human-like way of thinking, making our thinking more chaotic, more unpredictable, and more emotional."

"Then can you imitate an evil thing?"

"I will try it."

A few seconds later, a telephone appeared in Harlowward's hand.

The dialing method of this old-fashioned telephone is still rotary, and you can feel a sense of age when you see it.

It was not close to it, and it was not connected to the phone line, but not long after it appeared, it began to pierce and ring.

In the empty room, the telephone ringing was extremely harsh, which made the gold medal planner know that it was an evil thing imitated by Harlow Ward, and it also made him feel a sense of fear.

What frightened him even more was that he actually had an urge to pick up the phone.

The impulse was small at first, but as the phone rang continuously, he found it more and more difficult to contain this impulse.

"Hello Ward, is this the evil thing?"

"Well, evil creatures feed on fear, and they show a variety of forms and have very peculiar laws. I just visualized some of the evil creatures here, but I don't know what kind of results it will cause."

The gold medalist stared at the trembling old-fashioned phone: "Let me ask, what will happen if I answer this call?"

"I don't know, I can't simulate this result. But I can guarantee that even if something goes wrong, I can kick you out quickly without any harm."

"I can rest assured that."

After getting the assurance, the gold medal planner first tried to restrain his urge to answer the phone, until this desire reached the culmination, and then picked up the phone.


"Dear customer, we regret to inform you that your credit balance is insufficient. Please recharge in time. When you are finished, please press 1, and please skip to the spot to check the recharge method."

"What is this stuff?"

"You have ten seconds left, 10, 9..."

The gold medalist looked at the microphone, but had to jump in confusion.

"Thank you for your cooperation. The top-up methods include on-site payment and remote Please hold your breath for ten seconds for on-site payment, hold your breath for 20 seconds for remote payment, and press 1 to end."

The gold medal planner held his breath for twenty seconds, and then heard the opposite electronic female voice continue to say: "You have chosen to pay the fee remotely, please follow the prompts to continue..."

Following this operation step by step, the gold planner found that the order on the other side of the phone was getting more and more outrageous.

In the beginning, it was just a simple jump and holding his breath, but as the steps increased, he found that the conditions needed to proceed to the next step became more and more demanding.

Later, some inhumane measures began to be added, but he still failed to find the other party's so-called payment method.

Finally, the bruised gold medal planner couldn't bear it, and directly chose to drop the phone.

The moment he hung up the phone, his connection with the AI ​​world was completely interrupted.

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