This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 41: Best news

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"Can I disagree?" Pan De asked in a low voice.

"Yes, goodbye."

The inexplicable voice was unexpectedly easy to talk, which directly caused Pan De to leave this space.

After sleeping until dawn, Pan De recalled his dream last night while eating breakfast, always feeling that he had missed something important.

After eating the yellow straw dipped in sulfur, he was about to take a tour of his territory when he heard a scream.


Withdrawing his saber decisively, Pan De quickly rushed in the direction of the scream, and saw the evil thing by the sulfur pool.

The opponent looked like a group of little people pinched out with a yellow rubber, his face seemed to have been burned by flames, and his facial features were not in his fixed position.

The two eyes are arranged up and down, the mouth grows to the left side of the face, and the position of the ears is still normal, but both ears grow upside down.

This evil thing had a childlike smile, but wherever it walked, the originally solid ground immediately turned into a water-like liquid.

The scope of this special effect is quite large, and even houses not far away are affected, sinking continuously on the liquid-like ground.


Accompanied by childlike laughter, this evil creature walked towards the demon closest to itself.

His speed is not fast, it looks like he is walking, but every step he takes, the special effect he produces will be enlarged.

If it is not handled in time, then sooner or later he will sink the entire Sulfur City underground.

Depressing the fear in his heart, Pan De quickly jumped in front of the rubber man and swung seventeen swords at a meteor-like speed.

The concealment of the gods caused all the restrictions to be invalidated, and the sword saint who lost the restrictions can only be regarded as a quasi-sword saint, and its strength will be greatly reduced.

Not only the restriction cannot be used, but the sword light that relies on the restriction can also not be used.

Some talented Juggernauts will use sword aura instead, but Pan De is not included in those Juggernauts.

The longer he practiced swords, the more he realized that he was an ordinary demon.

Although you are a rare quasi-sword saint among half-goats, after seeing a real genius, he clearly knows that his talent is nothing to a real genius.

But even so, he never gave up swordsmanship.

It's enough to protect the people you want to protect, it has nothing to do with talent.

After the seventeen swords, the rubber man in front of him was directly cut into eighteen segments, and then they fell to the ground one after another.

It's just that the cut rubber man did not lose the ability to move, but was divided into eighteen independent individuals, each of which was the same as before, and the speed became faster.

Their effects also began to superimpose rapidly, and the surrounding houses began to sink at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was a tendency to spread to the entire dungeon.

"Damn, can't you just attack directly? So what should I do? Cut it a little bit more."

"Master Pan De, can I give it a try?"

Hearing this voice, Pan De turned his head and saw a little boy standing not far away, looking at Pan De with no expression.

Although he was asking Pan De for instructions, he had already acted when Pan De noticed him.

Stepping on the melting ground, he walked directly to the rubber man's side, then picked up the two rubber men and crumpled them into a ball.

After re-merging, the two rubber men directly began to twist and deform, and they returned to one.

The boy's movements were very fast, and within a minute, all the rubber figures were crumpled into a ball by him.

The effect of the melting of the ground began to slow down, and the speed of the recovered rubber man returned to its original level, still walking towards the little boy closest to it with a silver bell-like laughter.

"Hurry up, I'll deal with it!"

However, the little boy ignored Pan De's suggestion and took out a frog with two heads from his pocket.

Carrying the frog's hind legs, the little boy threw the frog directly towards the rubber man, immediately folded his arms, and hugged the frog tightly in his arms.

After getting the frog, the rubber man stopped his activities and sat motionless on the spot.

By its side, the ground continued to melt, causing him to sink continuously on the ground, eventually sinking into the ground with the frog in his arms, and falling all the way to the ninth hell.

"Okay, it's done. Master Pande, please start the aftermath."

"Wait a minute!" Pan De raised his hoof and stopped in front of the boy. "You are... Winston, right? Fourteen years old this year. Both my parents have died. I usually do odd jobs for a living, right?"

"Yes. You know me well, do you like little boys?" Winston asked, tilting his head.

"I like it, no, I don't like it, anyway, my likes are normal likes."

"Are there any unusual likes?"

"Yes, and many. This is not the point. The point is, how do you know how to deal with that evil thing?"

"Dream about it last night."

"Dream? Did you hear something like the phrase ‘Do you want to understand the meaning of life? Do you want to be truly alive?’"

"Yes. Master Pande, you are a little sick. Although you don't know how you can do it, can you not peek into my dreams? As a fourteen-year-old boy, I think I need to get a little privacy."

"Although I have a good temper, it doesn't mean you can insult me ​​at will. Come and come to my room."

"Do you need to wear clothes?"

"What the **** is your living environment! Shut up and come over to me!"

Bringing Winston to his room, Pende filtered the sulfur from the water, and then put the water in front of Winston.

"Well, tell me in detail, what did you dream about last night?"

"I dreamt that I came to a white room. Someone asked the question just now. I wondered if there should be any harm in setting it up, so I honestly chose to agree."

"Later, I found a message from a guy named Gold Medal Planner in front of a mirror, and learned some ways to use dreams."

"Gold medal planning, this name is a bit weird."

"Then I opened the door and went into the first room, and then I died. The cause of death seemed to be a bit handsome."

"You are really It is a reminder on the mirror, which is recognized in dreams. The mirror seems to help analyze the possible causes of death. Some are accurate, some are not reliable. Then, I will It was fun to play for one night. There is an unknown evil in every room there. It is fun to analyze and master the method to defeat the opponent."

"In other words, did you learn how to beat the rubber man in the room?"

"No, there is no rubber man in the room, but after playing for a night and dying hundreds of times, I still summarized some basic ways to fight evil. And there will be a message on the wall to help. The guy’s comment was a mess, but the other comment on taking off his clothes was very good. What’s wrong with you, Lord Pan De, did that sentence poke your XP?"

"You kid, can you shut up!" Pan De rubbed his red eyes, "I just heard the best news in fifteen years."

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