This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 8 Chapter 42: Winston's Journey

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"so it is."

Winston listened to Pande's explanation in detail, and then nodded: "In other words, this game is probably developed by your previous companions. Why did they do this?"

"To cultivate our awareness of evil things?"

"If their IQ is the same as yours, this answer should be correct. What is their level of intelligence?"

"...Better than me."

"How strong?"

"a lot of."

"How much is it to the roof?"

"...More than that."

"Then I can rest assured." Winston exhaled. "If they only reach the roof, then they will definitely not be able to make the climate."

"Winston, I don't know if it's my misunderstanding, I feel you have been targeting me."

"Not at all, please rest assured, I'm just being honest. Of course, it may also be related to my subconsciously wanting a talented city lord to lead me. You are a doer, and you will be beautiful if you give you orders. It’s done, but it’s a bit of a hassle to leave you alone."

"Is this a compliment?"

"It's a compliment. In fact, I agree with you. If their intelligence is really that high, it should not be their fundamental purpose to let us recognize evil things. They should have a deeper reason. I want to do it again. Go play this game. When I really defeat an evil thing, I should be able to see some of the other's thoughts. In other words, I am going to bed, can I be considered as my work during this time?"

"...Yes, I will calculate your salary according to the highest standard."

"Thank you then. I will sleep one first. Three, two, one, zzzz..."

Winston just stood up and fell asleep, incredibly fast.

In his sleep, he came to the white room.

In the austere almost empty room, Winston's face was a rare smile.

"Very well, let me see what purpose you are hiding. Mr. Gold Medal Planner, Mr. Undress."

Stepping into the next room, he began his journey of suffering.

He didn't wake up from his sleep until the dawn of the Demon God's light dimmed and the workers began to return.

Although he slept for a whole day, Winston was sluggish when he woke up.

He ate something exhausted, then looked at Pan De who was waiting aside and asked, "Do you know where the New North Wind City is?"

"New North Wind City? I remember the driver of the Yexiao Chamber of Commerce mentioned this place, as if it was a city that hadn't been established for a long time."

"Please allow me to visit them. I finally defeated an evil thing and got an interesting thing. I want to verify the authenticity of this thing and observe what kind of place it is."

"Okay, I'll accompany you..."

"No, you don't go. This may also be a trap. It doesn't matter if I don't have Sulfur City, but it's very serious without you."

The earnest Winston made Pender serious.

He thought for a moment, and then said to the other party: "Well, I allow you to go there. Next time the Nightlord Chamber of Commerce comes here, I will ask the other party to pick you up. I will prepare some dry food for you on the road. Don't worry. By the way, what did you get in your dream?"

"Extra-large caramel pudding, made with fine eggs and maple syrup, placed in a basin as big as a hill. No, just imagine I'm going to drool."

"You have already flown! Next time, don't take risks because of your own desires!"

A week later, Winston boarded the transport truck amidst Pande’s chattering and embarked on a journey to the New North Wind City.

Because Sulfur City was not rich, he only carried two days' worth of dry food, a letter to Master Lu, and besides, he didn't even have a weapon for self-defense.

The driver received a small sum of royal coins from Pende, so he generously allowed Winston to sit next to him and allowed him to drink a sip of sulphur wine.

In this regard, Winston declined.

He was about to vomit every day after smelling the smell of sulfur, and he really didn't want to taste this kind of thing that would bring a burning sensation to the stomach.

"Unfortunately, sulphur wine is the best drink to relieve fatigue. I heard that the golden sulphur wine flowing out of the fountain from the royal family, even a homeless man can drink to his fullest."

"Sulfur that settles will block the passage. I can't figure out why they put this thing in the fountain and let it be drunk for free."

"The children nowadays are not romantic at all."

"If romance is free, I don't mind trying it. Is it fun to run long distances?"

"It's very boring." The driver took a sip of sulfur wine. "All you have to do is run from one place to another without anything in between. Sometimes you are driving a car to sleep, and you may not be able to sleep after you wake up. I bumped into something. But it’s getting better recently. There are more people like you who come to take a ride to the New North Wind City. Is there a rally there?"

Winston suddenly became interested.

He sat up, looked at the other person and asked, "Can you explain it in detail?"

"You boy, when I was not interested in anything before, I immediately became excited when I heard about the New North Wind City. Okay, it just happened that I was bored. It's a very interesting place, and there are a group of interesting slimes in it."

"What is a slime?"

"Ah, I forgot, you new generation of kids have never seen slimes. You can imagine a pile of liquid that can move, but they have their own will, and they can act and even punch your jaw. ."

"This is so magical."

"Yes. But after actually seeing it, you will feel quite natural."

"What is the New North Wind City like?"

"It's a bit shabby, but the supplies are still abundant. Especially the slime tea there, which is very popular in the eighth hell. In addition, some fruits are also very marketable."

"Wow, then they must be good. They don't have the ability to grow plants."

"Who said no. Besides, there is..."

In the driver's introduction, Winston was getting closer and closer to the New North Wind City.

The next morning, Winston was woken up by the driver in his sleep.

He got out of the transport truck ignorantly, and watched the truck ride away after loading and unloading goods, only to gradually wake up in the cool morning breeze.

Looking around, he found himself standing in front of a castle.

This castle should be second-hand, and craters can be seen in many places, which are traces of previous wars.

Outside the castle, simple tents are set up here, and spread out with the castle as the center.

The round white tent looks like blisters. The material of the tent seems to be refurbished with bed sheets. Although it is crude but spotlessly cleaned, it looks pleasing to the eye.

As the morning light gradually turned on, teenagers of various ages walked out of the tent and began to brush their teeth with the distributed toothbrushes and comb their hair with a simple animal bone comb to wash away the morning fatigue.

Not far away when I saw Winston who didn't say a, someone came over and asked curiously: "Newcomer? What is your name? What is the highest score?"

Points are a special value in the game.

Every time you kill an evil thing, every time you pass through a room, you will get points of varying amounts.

Points will be cleared at death, but the highest points will always be kept as a record, and participants are allowed to write their names.

Hearing the other party's question, Winston immediately understood that the other party was also a person who had entered a dream state.

After considering it, he told the truth: "Winston, one thousand seven hundred points."

"God." The other party cried, clutching his chest, "You are Winston! Can you leave me an autograph!"

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