This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 36: Siberian Husky

Brother Pure Love can only see the other party into the shadow, but there is no way.

"Strange, it seems that the opponent has more than one special ability. The ability to integrate into the shadows, and the beginning of the game she said should also correspond to an ability. So does it mean that a famous player among the new players has the special ability to transfer other people? What about the ability?"

Although pure love brother XP is a bit weird, he is not a fool.

After deducing this information, she quickly prepared to go back to find Ome Supreme, and then suddenly found a problem.

How did she get in?

She is now in a ten-meter-square room, which should be a warehouse. Various textbooks and test papers are piled up like a mountain, and the air is still filled with the unique smell of ink.

Looking back, Chun Ai looked at the closed door behind him, vaguely remembering that she came in from that side, but now there was a strange thing on the passage, and she didn't know how to open it.

Opening it rashly may trigger a strange trap, so she is not going to break it directly, but wants to go offline and contact Qingmei Supreme for support.

But when she was about to go offline, she was stunned again.

How to operate offline?

She remembered that she was just a player, and she was currently playing a super somatosensory VR game called "Dungeon and Devil", but she couldn't remember what to do when she was offline.

"It's not right, how did I go offline before? Is my memory so bad? No! What is memory!"

Brother Pure Love almost instantly realized what the other party's so-called game was.

She is forgetting.

The opponent's skills seem to make her forget things slowly after contact.

For example, the rectangular road blocking thing in front of her, she must have known what it was before, but under the influence of skills, she completely forgot the purpose of this thing.

As time goes by, she will forget more and more things until she forgets everything completely.

"What kind of **** skills? Is planning to play this way to prepare for the defendant! But this skill is also good. After some gameplay is forgotten, playing it will be the same as the new one. I am such a little genius! What is the little genius?"

Pulling his thoughts back quickly, Brother Pure Love felt that he had to leave here as soon as possible to find the highest green plum.

Realizing that he might forget that the green plum is the highest, Chunai immediately found the pen in the warehouse inventory and wrote three sentences in the secret part of his body: "I must believe these three sentences. The green plum is not easy to be the highest. Die. Don't trust anyone but him."

After writing these three sentences, the effect of forgetting appeared again.

She stared blankly at the pen she was holding in her right hand, and couldn't remember how it was used.

Reluctantly tossing the pen aside, she directly slammed into one of the walls, leaving a circular mark on the wall.

Escaped the room, she rushed outside quickly, preparing to find Qingmei Supreme for help.

But when she rushed to the bar hall and just wanted to call someone, she was once again at a loss.

Who is the tallest Ome?

Jumping onto the podium in the bar, she mimicked sharp claws, rubbing them on the blackboard behind the podium, making a harsh rubbing sound.

After focusing everyone's attention on herself, she shouted: "The green plum is the highest!"

"What's the matter?" a slime jumped out and shouted.

After reading his message, Pure Love didn't talk nonsense, and threw a few daggers directly at the other party.

This slime was directly pierced by multiple daggers and firmly nailed to the ground.

Its appearance began to distort, and finally transformed into the appearance of Ji Lang.

"How did you know it was me!" Ji Lang asked in surprise.

"I'll tell you? I'm very strict! But what does it mean to be very strict?"

"It's just that you can easily tell the secret in your heart."

"That's it, it's actually very simple. Qingmei's highest strength is not bad. This trick can't kill him. If he can be killed, it's definitely not him!"

"So that's it. I'll be more serious next time."

Ji Lang's figure disappeared again.

Brother Pure Love stepped forward, preparing to pick up the dagger on the ground, but then found out that he didn't seem to know what this thing was doing.

"Even the use of weapons has begun to be forgotten, this skill is really fucking."

Just as Brother Pure Love was about to think about what to do next, a barmaid came over and asked with concern: "What's wrong with you? Can you still get up?"

"I'm fine..."

Before I finished speaking, I saw the barmaid unconsciously picking up a sharp eviscer and piercing her body.

The other party didn't seem to realize what he was doing at all, and the surrounding customers also subconsciously avoided the maid piercing the boning knife of the pure love brother, as if that thing did not exist at all.

"The interaction of multiple abilities makes this group of people completely unaware of what they are doing? This group of new players are quite good at playing. What are the new players?"

A knife in the chest is nothing to Brother Pure Love.

After all, slimes have no such thing as weakness, they don't even have a brain, and there is no fatal injury or something.

With this boning knife, Qingmei Gao directly knocked the maid out, and then ran to the other side, yelling, "Qingmei is the tallest."

"I am!" shouted a tauren who happened to pass by.

Brother Pure Love was about to throw the dagger, but at this moment, she suddenly changed her move and knocked the tauren into the air.

The tauren who was installed on the wall went into a coma on the spot, while a slime jumped out of the cover and looked at the tauren who passed out and said, "I thought you would kill him directly."

"I'm not stupid. Killing the devil at this time will ruin our reputation! Who are you?"

"Finally even forgot I, I am your faithful partner Ji Lang." Ji Lang said with a smile.

"That's it."

Brother Pure Love looked at the three sentences he had written, then activated his skills, appeared behind Ji Lao, and chopped it down.

Ji Lao's body was split into two from the middle, and was beheaded by Brother Pure Love on the spot, but his body also slowly disappeared and was reborn.

"Infinite resurrection is good for myself, but it is not good to see others use it. What is resurrection?"

Standing in place, Brother Pure Love found that he had forgotten more and more things.

But the green plum never found the highest, and the longer he was in a state of forgetting, the more disadvantaged he would be.

When realizing that he was about to enter a desperate situation, Brother Pure Love took a deep breath and gave himself one last command.

Destroy it.

Rushing to the nearby wall, she directly cut the wall into pieces with a dagger, and then rushed towards the next wall without looking back.

Directly dismantled the bar, she quickly turned around, and then dismantled it from the other side.

She is now completely a slime-type husky, she has forgotten everything, and she has only one option to demolish the when she almost demolished the bar, one The voice finally rang behind her.

"Brother Pure Love, what are you doing?"

Brother Chunai subconsciously activated the skill, moved behind the opponent and then shot the sword, but this sharp sword was caught by the opponent.

After that, Qingmei Tsao lightly plucked the head of Brother Pure Love, and tore off a yellow palm-sized piece of paper.

"What is this on your head?"

At the moment when the things were taken off, Brother Pure Love remembered everything.

The sequelae of a lot of exercise appeared, causing her to fall softly in Qiaomei's highest arms, and whispered: "You are finally here."


Qiao Mei looked at the bar that had turned into ruins and the pure love brother lying in her arms blankly, completely unable to understand what had happened.

"I went to the toilet, so I won't be so angry, am I?"

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