This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 44: Wolong and phoenix chicks

"Calm down, calm down, everyone, you should find Doraemon at this time and use the time machine to go back in time and kill the hypnotist."

"Everyone knows that Doraemon is a virtual character. At this time, the dragon should be summoned!"

"I think it's better to be a lady's dress and then sign a contract with Chobe to become a magical girl."

"Are you not afraid of being corrupted by the Tentacle Witch?"


Seeing that a group of players had a tendency to stray from the floor, the super college-level fraudster immediately opened the ban on the audience, and only solved it after five minutes.

Asked the hypnotist to throw the chat history into the group, and the super college-level fraudster tapped his tongue after reading it.

It's a bit difficult.

The unknown is the weapon of the new players. Now they are all stabbed by the hypnotist, and the rest needs to be re-arranged.

Especially after knowing that there are only four hundred new players, old players basically don’t have to worry that new players will use frontal collisions to interfere. They can even ignore the presence of new players and forcefully march to the Northeast Grolin. .

After all, all conspiracies and tricks are vulnerable to absolute strength.

"Trickster, what should I do? Use your brain that is inferior to taking off your clothes and think of a way!"

"It's difficult...there's no way, I can only use some methods I don't like very much. Which team has a temple near it, it's best to be the devil's."

"I have a hidden temple here, can I use it?"

"Yes. Get ready to visit each other, gain the other's trust, and then pull this **** into our camp. I didn't want to contact the **** so quickly, but now it seems that I can only do this."

"Don't worry, leave it to the two of us!" The player named Wolong said excitedly.

"Who are you with?"


"...Seeing your names, I'm ready to think about it."

"Don't think about it, we have already arrived, that god, we are going to come in!"

"...Don't! You guys wait!"

The cry of the super high school fraudster was not passed on to the other party.

Because these two players are too weird and self-confident, most new players can't stand these two guys, so they can only act in pairs.

I thought that this could contain their terrible destructive power, but I didn't expect to be stabbed at this moment.

The so-called temple of Wolong and Fengcu is located in the hot spring city near the miasma forest.

The city used to be full of hot springs, but a violent crustal movement changed the topography here and all the hot springs dried up.

In order to save the city, the city lord had to sign a contract with the God of Health, allowing the priests of the God of Health to do business and politics here, and even divide most of the land to the other side.

After a series of acquisitions and annexations, the priests of the God of Health have already controlled most of the land here, and even the appointment and removal of officials requires the approval of the temple.

In addition, the priests of the **** of health possess very precious healing magic arts, which can treat most patients through magic arts, which also leads to an endless stream of wealthy people who come here. Everyone is a moving fat sheep, which can be well. Kill a fortune.

With money and power, it can be said that Hot Springs is completely forbidden by the **** of health.

The temple is the largest building in the city. The shape of this building is like a huge pyramid. On each floor, priests of different levels provide medical services here. The more money you pay, the more you can go to the top to receive services.

Of course, the poor are not without opportunities. Every year at the birth sacrifice of the God of Health, the priests of the God of Health will select a few lucky ones for free to receive all-round treatment services. This also causes some poor people to come here to wait. If you sell your qualifications after winning the election, you will be the middle class in the future.

These few days are not a special time, but there are still a lot of rich people here. The priests just wanted to rest after a day of exhaustion, they saw two slimes jumping in in the afterglow of the setting sun.

"That so and so, we are here to negotiate terms with you, hurry up and let us in." Wolong shouted in the spacious and bright hall of the temple.

"Brother Wolong, I think your statement is not very polite." Feng Chu solemnly reminded from the side.

"Oh, okay, then hurry up and invite us in!"

"It's better now."

The low-level priest in charge of the reception looked at these two talking slimes and didn't know what kind of service they should provide.

As long as there is money, even the Hell Lords who do no evil will receive them, but no one has told him how the slime should receive them.

After hesitating, the low-level priest still asked in a standard tone: "Are you rich?"

"Why, I still have to recharge VIP! Then you open a recharge entry for this game! Tell you, I earn a few hundred yuan a month, my dad earns a few hundred yuan, and my mother earns a few hundred yuan, which adds up to a month. It's hundreds of dollars. I can still give the first charge of 6 dollars."

"Brother Wolong, your family's income is so high? You deserve to be a high-quality human family." Feng Chu said admiringly.

"To each other."

Looking at these two crazy talking slimes, the low-level priest probably understood what the other party was sick with.

Nervous system disorders lead to the body's uncoordinated brain hypoxia and cause low IQ disease.

Originally wanted to throw these two slimes directly, but his good professionalism made him squat down and asked again: "Are you rich? Gold coins are round, bright things."

"This one?"

Wolong spit out a storage ring and took out the gold coins inside.

Demon King Lu Fan’s hobby of gold coins is not as strong as magic stones. In addition, there is a gold mine near the city of the **** of flames. There is a lot of gold in it. Even if the old players take a batch away, the rest is Allows new players to have enough funds for secret activities.

The sound of hundreds of gold coins falling to the ground was like the sound of heaven, which made this junior priest also be amiable.

He cordially bowed to the two slimes, then hugged the two slimes, and said gently: "Two, please come with me, I promise you will get the best service. May I ask what you want. ?"

"We want to communicate directly with your **** who is the **** of health."

"The asking price for this service is not low."

"Madeshi, Lord is rich!"

Seeing another gold coin hit the ground, the corner of the junior priest's mouth reached the root of his ears.


The indicators for this month can be completed ahead of schedule.

Such silly and wealthy customers are really rare.

He immediately winked at the colleague next to him, who nodded knowingly, and went to arrange a lot of expensive diagnostic measures.

"Two people, please, we have arranged a direct communication project for you."

"Really, the **** of health is so kind. Wait, what's going on in this room! Wait, why does this young lady wear so little? Wait, does direct communication mean this! No, I want go home!"

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