This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 9 Chapter 46: Panacea

"How did you meet these two slimes? We were very hidden when we left."

"I don't know either." The spy looked helplessly at the two slimes on my shoulders. "I just went out to investigate and found these two slimes on my shoulders when I came back."

"...Forget it, kill them."

An assassin drew out the dagger from his waist and simply cut the two slimes into pieces.

Staring at the slime slime falling on the ground, Boss Duran felt a little wrong.

Unlike the slimes I saw in between, these two slimes seemed particularly fragile and could be solved with a little bit of strength.

After killing two slimes, the boss of Duran was about to let everyone set off at once, and suddenly heard the cries of faint resentment.

"It's a terrible death~"

The whole body of Duran's boss stood up.

He looked around in a panic. He didn't see anything, but he could hear the voice right beside him, close at hand.

"Boss, on your head!"

Immediately grabbing his head, Dulan boss directly grabbed a round and teary slime.

Regardless of the possible consequences, the boss of Duran violently crushed the slime to pieces.

Shaking the mucus on his palm, he looked at his subordinates with a sullen expression: "Don't worry, it's all hallucinations. Let's go."

"It's so miserable for me to die too."

Another tragic voice sounded, and Boss Duran directly broke the defense.

He turned his head and found that another slime appeared on top of a subordinate's head.

Pulling off the matchlock gun at his waist, the boss of Duran shot the slime to pieces, and then said to the dumbfounded subordinate: "Go, go quickly."

"Where are you going?" A voice sounded to his right.

"Run away! Wait, who is talking to me, I have never heard this voice!"

Turning his head, boss Dulan found a slime looking at him sadly.

The boss of Duran was completely desperate.

With a long sigh, he held the slime and rushed directly into the next room.

Putting this slime on the bed respectfully, he half-kneeled and asked sincerely: "Excuse me, what do you want to do?"

"I don't want to do anything, I just want to get justice for my chrysanthemum!" Wolong shouted angrily.

"Me too!" Feng Cub who didn't know where he got out also shouted.

"Who is your enemy?"

"The God of Health!"

Boss Dulan hesitated, and weighed in his heart which one would offend the Demon King or offend a god, which one would be more serious.

Judging from the current situation, these two slimes are obviously entangled with themselves. If they don't subdue, the other party may entangle themselves until the end of the world.

Moreover, the opponent is still Lord Demon, and a little carelessness is likely to arouse the devil's disgust, and it is very likely that he will be pulled out to continue to whip the corpse if he is dead.

But if you stand on the side of the devil and provoke a god, then it may not have too serious consequences.

Anyway, these two slimes just want a statement, just satisfy them, there should be nothing wrong.

After thinking clearly, he said to Wolong: "Okay, I'll do this for you. But after it's done, we won't matter anymore. Do you understand?"

"We didn't have a relationship! Or what do you want? I warn you, I am a minor, and if I am underage, I will get into the game if I shoot it casually!"

"I'm really curious sometimes, what are you slimes thinking. Forget it, what do you want to say?"

Wolong thought.

After a while, he pushed Feng Chu next to him: "Brother Feng Chu, how do we engage this **** of health?"

"Murder and punish the heart!"

"Then how to worry about it?"

"A salary is drawn from the bottom of the pot!"

"How to make a cauldron?"

"Banmen get the axe!"

"It's clear."

Wolong gave the other side a positive thumb, and the other side nodded intentionally.

Jumping out of the bed, Wolong said to Dulan’s boss: “Help us prepare a room. The decoration needs to be white. The name is called Wolongfengchi Hospital. There are also hundreds of bottles. Let’s prepare something and come back tomorrow morning. !"

"By the way, help prepare three breakfasts by the way. You don't need to prepare yours and save some money for you. It's just Jiangzi, see you later."

The two slimes left in a hurry, leaving only the bewildered Duran boss.

However, he led his subordinates to quickly find a suitable place, and simply decorated the inside according to the instructions of the two slimes.

The next morning, the two slimes returned.

When they came back, they took out the things they had collected from the outside from the storage ring.

In the curious eyes of a group of people, they saw that the slime had taken out the black wood eroded by the miasma, the brown iron ore, the stone washed by the river water, and the fresh little ghost meat.

They took out huge wooden mallets and stone mortars, threw them into them casually, and then sang around the stone mortars while smashing them hard until these things were completely fused into a pile of black mucus that was indistinguishable from the original appearance.

Mixing these black mucus into a large amount of water, they packed the odorous liquid into a bottle, and that's it.

"Dangdangdang! The panacea has been successfully blended!"

Wolong stood on the table, proudly holding the bottle high, while Feng Chu scattered the torn paper flowers on the side to celebrate.

"What do you call this?" The magician who heard the news frowned and asked.

"A panacea! A low-end magician like you certainly doesn't understand it. This is the first time you have seen this high-end, high-grade thing."

"I have used it once." The magician took it, "That was a long time ago. I was trapped in a dungeon with a few other adventurers, and the lord of **** said that she was satisfied with her and she let us go. In order to be able to escape, we used this thing for a companion so that he can better satisfy the other party."

"How is the effect?" Duran's boss asked curiously.

"The demons in half of the city are all dead, and the scene was very chaotic for a while. Forget it, don't care about these details, we escaped anyway."

"I want to know the details, but I'll talk about it next time. Believe me, this thing is a panacea, it can't be wrong!"

The magician originally wanted to laugh at the other party, UU reading, after all, the elixir in alchemy is comparable to the alchemy stone. It is the dream of every magician in the direction of alchemy. How could it be so easy? Configure it.

But after seeing Wolong's confident expression, he suddenly had some doubts again.

What makes the other party so confident?

Could this thing really be a panacea?

This suspicion just came into being, and it continued to expand in his heart, eventually occupying all of his thoughts.

Gradually, he felt that what the other party said was right. This black color that couldn't change, and something that smelled like old garbage, seemed to be a panacea.

Before he knew it, he had accepted the setting that this thing was a panacea, and he believed in it.

Wolong's ability worked.


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