This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 68: The new fool

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The life of a walking dead was harder than he thought.

He has no sense of taste, no sense of smell, there is only a vague light and shadow of things over ten meters, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Relying on his own will, he controlled his body with difficulty and walked toward the north.

He wants to confirm the safety of his wife and children.

His journey was not uneventful. Although the walking corpse did not need to eat, his body was much weaker than when he was alive, and a child could completely destroy his body.

Moreover, the north is still the territory of mankind, there are a large number of soldiers guarding it, it is too difficult to want peace.

I don't know if it was luck or something else was taking care of him. He actually dragged his body to avoid the guards, and went deep into the north step by step.

Following the mark left by his wife, he went out at night and walked along the mark little by little.

Every time he found a dead body, he would walk up carefully to see if it belonged to his family.

Every time I check it, his heart will stop beating a little bit. Finding a similar-looking body will make him full of despair, and hope again after discovering that it is not.

In order to find the mark, he was almost found several times, and had to hide on the side of the road and pretend to be an ordinary corpse, so that he escaped the pursuit.

As the journey progressed, he found that his body became more and more dilapidated.

His body had begun to rot, his right leg rotted from the bite, and eventually broke from the knee and fell to the ground.

He had to replace his body with various branches so that he could barely walk on.

The body's nerves were completely necrotic, even if a wild dog gnawed a piece of meat from him, he didn't feel anything.

The only motivation to support him is his family.

His brain also began to decay, and the memory of the past slowly faded, and the only thing left was the faces of his family and the dedication to make sure they were safe.

When he finally arrived at his destination, he didn't know what kind of miracle he had created.

A miracle accomplished by will and determination.

When he climbed a hill and saw the refugee camp in the distance, he was stunned.

In the refugee camp, he saw a familiar figure.

A figure that he will not forget even if he turns into dust.

Throwing away his crutch, he roared and rushed towards the opponent, the cloak used to disguise was also lifted, revealing his face that was about to be completely rotten.


Hearing the roar, the other party turned his head and saw himself.

However, unlike his own excitement, the opponent's eyes were full of fear, and he couldn't move because of fear.

Charged along the **** and the country, he finally saw the opponent, and saw his current appearance in the opponent's horrified eyes.


I am already dead…

At this time, the girl who finally broke free from fear screamed and shouted: "Brother, help!"

A sword light flashed past, directly cutting Jin from the waist.

Spinning and rolling down in the air, he saw the attacker.

Is his son.

The opponent is now full of anger, and he is a circle larger than before, and he has the temperament of a tempered veteran.


It turns out that I have been dead for so long.

Then she...

Is it my daughter...

Where is she?

Reluctantly turning his head, he saw a middle-aged woman coming out of the tent.

Although the corners of his eyes had wrinkles and his body had become a bit fatter, Jin still recognized at a glance that it was Luna.

you are still alive…

Very good…

That's great...

The safety of his family filled his heart with happiness.

The belief that supported him to come here was finally completed, causing his long-deteriorating body to lose the last support, and his consciousness gradually died out.

And the last scene he saw was Luna pushing away her son's protection and rushing over, holding his long rotten hand, and hugging him tightly in her arms.

"You're back, Jin." The other party sobbed.

(Well, I'm back.)

After that, his consciousness ceased.

"Jin, what's the matter with you?"

Jin raised his head blankly when he was awake, and was surprised to find that Luna was beside him.

The long dream just now is fading, the dream is being forgotten, and in the end even the forgetting itself will be forgotten.

"I had a dream, a long dream."

"That must be a very interesting dream. Because you laugh while crying."

"Well, it should be. Luna, I have something very important to say: Please marry me."

Above the dream, several figures are floating there.

They are the existence beyond the dream state, and the people in the dream state can't feel their arrival at all.

After watching Jin's dream, Lu Fan couldn't help but clapped gently.

"It's a good script, is the director tricking it?" Lu Fan couldn't help asking, "His style has changed so quickly, I'm a little uncomfortable."

The weak chicken man on the side shook his head: "No, you didn't see the original plot. You guessed it at the beginning of the script and you can never guess the end. After all, you would never expect that Fahai would come out to engage in the great Wei Tianlong in the end."

Lu Fan imagined the scene for a moment, and the feeling of a B-grade film came oncoming.

Pointing to the bottom, Lu Fan continued to ask: "Then this is..."

"Let me explain it." The **** of dreams like a Christmas tree appeared here, smiling and bowing to Lu Fan, "Because your needs are more urgent and there are more numbers, so we can only set the beginning. We can only prescribe a general outline for the future plot, and the specific details are determined by their own brains and their own will."

Pointing to the bottom, the **** of dreams continued: "For this Jin, we only set the beginning part and some key points, but later he can walk to the end and reunite with his relatives, it is entirely because of his own will. ."

"That's it, it seems that he is more determined than we thought. He did a good job, and I have gained a lot of points with this person alone. Seven thousand people are doing it at the same time, and we are not far from getting out of trouble."

"Thank you for your compliment." The God of Dreams said again, "This is not an area that I know. It takes a lot of divine power to come here, so I can't stay for too long. I will leave it to the weak chicken man to assist me in the future. You solve it."

"Okay. The last question, I see every dream, as long as the childhood sweetheart or wife appears in Luna's shape, why?"

"Because Luna visits the Land of Dreams the most frequently, she is the one we know best. Every time she comes, she will play various shameful games with the Anjieer she has imagined. Many fairies have learned badly. Now they are all playing shameful games."

The weak chicken man on the side instantly became energetic, and asked excitedly: "Can I join?"

"The size is wrong."

"I can change it!"

Seeing the current appearance of the weak chicken man, Lu Fan pulled the swordsman who came in with him: "Watch him, UU read and kill him if he makes a mistake."

"Relax, I have experience."

After sending away the **** of dreams, the group continued to observe the dreams of others.

Under the effect of their dreams, they continued to experience all kinds of happiness and despair, and the intertwined emotions made Lu Fan's accumulated points continue to increase.

In addition, watching other people dream is also a very interesting entertainment.

Each time these treasure hunters who act as batteries complete their dreams, their own thresholds will increase.

Therefore, after the reincarnation, their next part will usher in higher levels of happiness and higher levels of despair, thereby stimulating them to provide more points.

Moreover, the cycle of dreams is very fast, often a reincarnation in more than ten minutes, making Lu Fan feel that this method of scoring is really cool.

Just when they ate hot pot and sang songs, waiting for the day when the points were enough to go back, a sober treasure hunter suddenly heard the president's call.

When he came to the president's room in confusion, he knocked on the door and asked: "President, do you have any orders?"

The door opened slightly from inside.

Seeing what was inside, the treasure hunter's pupils suddenly enlarged, and then immediately wanted to escape, but hundreds of sticky tentacles sprang out from the inside quickly, dragging the treasure hunter at the door into it.

In the sound of violent chewing, Peter's voice rang gloomily: "Not enough."

And in their original world, the Death Demon sitting on the throne also showed a grim smile: "Yes, it's not enough."

The fire swayed around him, and the shaking torch imprinted the shadow of the death demon on the ground, as if countless tentacles were dancing crazy together, swaying crazy dance steps.

The poison of the foolish **** is spreading.

Now, it's the turn of the devil of death.

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