This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 69: Each other's planning

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"Why don't you let me play games with the fairies, I will dress well."

The weak chicken man murmured as he walked through the narrow passage, and bit on the [Water Point Map] to record the situation here.

He dare not use his magic easily now, and he might blow up half a floor if he is not careful.

However, his special skill [True Eye] is still there, combined with this special treasure [Water Point Map], you can record everything you see on the map for later exploration.

In addition, the [Water Point Map] also has a special ability to automatically return to the previous user after the user dies. This is very convenient for players who die by themselves and have a heartache when their equipment is exploded.

When he was adventuring in the sea of ​​blood before, the weak chicken man had already visited Sin City once.

However, at that time, he was used by Ms. Terra as a universal joke machine. Every day, he was racking his brains to satisfy the default old woman, and there were not many investigations here.

This time he found out that this place is really big.

The entire city of sin was extended by a certain artifact, which has the ability to absorb surrounding matter and then transform it into a part of itself. The True Blood City that entered here because of the paradox was absorbed by this artifact and merged into a part of itself.

There are intricate passages everywhere here, and a large number of rooms will be generated disorderly on each floor. There may be treasures absorbed by artifacts or unknown monsters behind the door of the room.

Now the mediocre harvest plan has begun to be implemented steadily. Although I don't know why this mediocre demon king will come to rescue, but the weak chicken man feels that it is no harm to trust the other party once.

Now, the weak chicken man knows that he has nothing to do, so he just came here to search for resources.

Anyway, the time ratio here is different. Playing here for a year is equivalent to playing outside for a day. If such a good thing is not used to do things, there is definitely something in his mind.

Before, Cui En had led the remaining treasure hunters down to explore, but the more you go down, the more possible dangers and all kinds of weird things will be.

After all, this is a place where some of the laws of the alien plane are integrated, and all kinds of strange things are endless, causing them to face great sacrifices when they reach the ninety-fifth floor, and they don't dare to move forward anymore.

Now, the weak chicken man has come to the 103rd floor.

Being able to come here is not because his strength is too good, but because of the assistance of the True Eye, which allows him to clearly see the things behind the door.

"Behind this door...five bronze statues, they don't look too dangerous. Let's put a hamster in and take a look."

After groping in the backpack behind, the weak chicken man took out a bottle.

This plastic bottle is the craftsmanship of the city of hot springs. They used to stock up a lot of these items when they pretended to be a merchant, and now they just use it.

In the plastic bottle, there is a yellow hamster.

This is the fruit of the hamster tree carefully cultivated by the farmer players. Each fruit is a lively hamster. The black technology and various damages to human relations make the weak chickens feel the terrible farmers again. .

After opening a crack in the door, the weak chicken man threw the hamster bottle in, then closed the door hard, and then began to observe the situation inside with his own real eyes, and synchronized the situation to his live broadcast room.

The hamster bottle that was thrown in fell to the ground and rolled slowly, finally rolling into the middle of the five bronze statues.

These five bronze statues have different shapes, and their respective professions can be easily judged from their clothes.

Warriors, mages, priests, archers, assassins.

Their height is normal human, their expressions are very natural, as lifelike as a living person.

When the hamster bottle fell in the middle, the weak chicken man who looked closely at the five statues did not find anything unusual.

"It's a normal room, you should be able to go in."

But just in case, the weak chicken man is still ready to observe.

Pulling the rope behind the hamster bottle, he slowly pulled the hamster bottle back, but the more he pulled it, the more it felt wrong.

The bottle that was light just now is getting heavier and heavier, and it seems that the hamster inside is sinking a little bit.

When he pulled the hamster bottle back completely, he was surprised to find that there was no change in the plastic bottle, but part of the hamster inside had turned into bronze.

However, the hamster did not notice his own changes, and was still scurrying around in the plastic bottle, but the speed was significantly slower.

"So that's it, can you turn living creatures into bronze rooms. Wait a minute, does that mean..."

Looking at the five statues inside, the weak chicken man looks more and more feels that they are alive.

After an excitement, the weak chicken man felt like he walked in with the rhythm of abandonment.

"This map copy is really weird. There are no-noise traps everywhere. I really don't know what the planner thinks. I feel that this group of planners are blizzard immigrants. They don't want to make people cool when they do things. It's cool."

Bypassing this room, the weak chicken man continued to explore.

When he left this room, he did not find a dozen tentacles emerging from where he was just now.

More than a dozen purple grape-like eyeballs hung on the tentacles, and more than 20 human ears were hung under the tentacles with silk threads, making the tentacles look extremely strange.

The weak chicken man's inference and monologue were all clearly heard by the tentacles. After that, the dozen or so tentacles opened the door of the room and went straight in without any hesitation.

These tentacles immediately changed to bronze under the effect of the special rules of the room, but every time they changed, a new tentacles got in from outside the door until no more tentacles were transformed.

The tentacles turned into bronze were quickly wrapped up by the new tentacles, and then cannibalized until they all disappeared.

Combining this part of the bronze tentacles, the new tentacles became harder, but the speed was not affected much.

They felt the brand-new abilities with unsatisfactory meaning, and then followed the weak chicken man to a deeper level.

And at the root of the tentacles, in Peter's room.

Hundreds of treasure hunters are hung on the wall like fat pigs in a slaughterhouse.

They are still alive, but to be alive is a torture for them, and death is a relief.

The upper part of their heads was cut off, and the white brains of UU Reading were exposed and connected by tentacles.

At the end of the tentacle link, Peter sits on a throne made of scarlet tentacles, playing with a black dagger in his hand.

These people are all sacrifices he prepared to resist the demon **** of death, and each of them is a guilty person carefully selected by him, and he will take care of it himself.

During these seven years, he could hear murmurs every day, wanting him to completely convert to the devil of death and become a backhand for the painful clown.

"I can resist," Peter said to himself.

He is Peter, the president of the Treasure Hunters Association, and was once a legend.

Even if the Death Demon had selected him, he felt that he had the ability to resist the death demon's brainwashing and refused to be part of the opponent.

But a person's strength is too weak, so he needs more strength.

The power from the original world was impossible. The Demon God of Death is an existence comparable to the Lord God. After all, everyone in the world is mortal, and countless deaths have cast the current status of the Demon God of Death, making his existence unshakable.

He needs other strengths.

Coming here this time is a challenge, but it is also an opportunity.

Unknown artifacts absorbed a lot of material here, countless evil things exist here, and each one can become a source of his power.

Let the treasure hunter chosen by him be eroded by evil things, and then killed by himself, then because of the power of the candidate brave, he can easily obtain the power of these evil things, making his power stronger and weird.

"Wait, Pain Clown, Death Demon, wait." Peter on the throne murmured softly.

"I'm waiting." The Death Demon also whispered in a distant place.

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