This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 77: Swordsman's Road to Shura

While Lu Fan and his party rode up the weak chicken man to retreat, the battle above was also constantly going on.

Hundreds of sword lights appeared constantly in the air, each of which would shred the surrounding rooms, even penetrated the barrier of the Sin City, and flew directly into the void outside.

Every sword light will smash the indestructible obsidian on Blackstone, cutting off a piece of skin and flesh, revealing the **** flesh underneath.

Cui En was able to fight this monster level at first, but after fifteen minutes of intense fighting, he was directly hit on the ribs with a fist from Black Stone, spitting blood through the eleven floors. .

Holding his aching chest, he staggered back to the upper level, and found that the same blood swordsman was still laughing wildly, and he was still fighting the life and death battle with Black Stone.

"What he actually said is true. He really released the water before."

The Black Stone at this time has grown into a giant.

Every time the body surface is broken, more obsidian will grow out of his body, allowing his body to grow further in an inhuman direction.

Now, he has become a huge black giant, with three pairs of arms growing from behind him, and flying towards the swordsman at the same time.

Blackstone's profession is a boxer.

With the blessing of the hunter's gloves, Cui En's facilitator swordsman has also become the target of being hunted, which further enhances the strength of Blackstone.

As the vice president of the Treasure Hunter Association, Blackstone also signed a restriction with the God of Vengeance and obtained his special ability.

[Dead beast].

The more blood he loses, the stronger his strength will be. As the injuries on his body continue to accumulate, his physical fitness will continue to improve, eventually reaching an unthinkable state.

Seeing countless sword lights spinning and destroying on Black Stone, Cui En quickly shouted: "Swordsman, have you forgotten? Black Stone gets stronger and stronger! Don't fight, delay for a while and then change for me!"


As soon as the swordsman in the air finished speaking, there was a slight flaw in his body.

Although there is only one thousandth of a second, this is an irreparable mistake in the duel of the strong.

He was bullied by Black Stone, and eight heavy fists exploded on him, blasting it out instantly.

At the moment the swordsman flew past Cui En, Cui En quickly caught the opponent, but was still carried along the way and smashed more than a dozen walls, and finally stopped in a piece of rubble.

Climbing out of the rubble, Cui En pulled out the dusty swordsman, coughing and saying, "What I said...cough...can't you fight like this?"

The swordsman kicked Cui En out with a kick, alternately blocked his nostrils and sprayed the blood out of his nose, and snorted dissatisfiedly: "You are really long-winded."

"I'm saving you!"


Taking out his sword, the swordsman found that it was already full of jagged teeth and could not be used.

Touching his sword regretfully, he cherished the sword back into the storage ring before asking, "Where is this place?"

Cui En also looked around and found that the place was full of various weapons and debris.

After the identification, Cui En said: "The 72nd floor. We have explored this place before. It is a treasure house once in a lifetime."

"I don't care how many times you have been here, I just want to know if the weapons here can be taken away?"

Facing the swordsman who had reversed his rationality, Cui En felt a breath of ancient beasts, which made him a little afraid.

Organize the language as soon as possible, he said: "Yes, but everyone here sees different weapons, and you can only choose one weapon or treasure here in your life. Which weapon can be chosen is luck."

"I remember your job is an appraiser, tell me, which weapon is the strongest?"

"...I suggest choosing the sword of the Juggernaut."

"What I want is the strongest, don't you understand!"

After a moment of silence, Cui En pointed to the corner of the wall with a long sword that released ominous black light: "That one, the legendary Shura sword, is also the sword of backlash. After you hold it, you will be controlled by the desire to kill. You can't fall in love with it. Anyone, but you will also gain great power."

"What happens if I fall in love?"

"Then you will be cursed by Shura, and you will spend your entire life in battle and killing. Your body will not be improved unless you defeat someone who is stronger than yourself. This curse is not only this life, it will even affect the coming World. I suggest you be cautious."

"Isn't that awesome! This is what I want!"

Stepping forward, the swordsman grabbed the black long sword directly into his hand and admired it with intoxication.

"The length of the sword is one meter three, the thin one has almost no thickness, but it will not be destroyed when hung, and it is energetic and other concepts. This thing is really great!"

The moment the swordsman held the Shura sword, Cui En could hardly describe what he saw.

He saw a **** road unfolding in front of the swordsman, full of thorns and screams.

The branch of the demon that had been annihilated by the gods, the afterimage of Shura appeared behind the swordsman, and laughed eagerly for blood.

After that, everything in front of me seemed to be slow motion.

After the swordsman obtained the Shura sword, the wall of the treasure room was torn to pieces, and the eight-armed black stone rushed in from the outside, roaring towards the swordsman.

But after seeing the swordsman, Heishi was stunned.

The appearance of the afterimage of Asura gave him a huge sense of crisis, and he had never been so close to death.

But his loyalty to the chairman made him refrain from the urge to escape and forced his body to continue forward.

In the process of rushing forward, he kept lighting up his own magic lines, burning his own potential, making his body bigger and bigger, and the obsidian crystals on his body further increased.

When he came to the swordsman, he was already a giant ten meters tall and covered with spars.

Roaring and throwing a fist at the swordsman, he almost burned his life to the point of launching the most brilliant offense in his life.

What responded to him was the sword light of the swordsman.

At this moment, Cui En seemed to see the true meaning of swordsmanship.

The walls, gravel, and even the air sharpened at this moment and turned into swords in the hands of swordsmen.

"Everything is a sword..."

In the face of this power comparable to the gods, Black Stone was almost vulnerable.

The huge body turned into powder in an instant, that was the price to challenge the sword master.

After the body was wiped out, the only remaining head of Blackstone fell from the air and landed exactly beside Cui En.

The terrifying vitality after demonization kept the black stone alive with only one head left.

Putting Blackstone's head away with the starry night cloak, Cui En was about to look at the situation of the swordsman, but the opponent swung his sword directly, forming a sword mark in front of Cui If you don't want to die, don't cross it. Cross that line. "

As soon as Cui En wanted to ask why, he felt a sense of sword intent.

The surrounding space was compressed and distorted at this moment, and the surrounding scenery instantly turned white into a pure white world.

A man with a fuzzy face was sitting not far in front of them.

Although he couldn't see the expression, Cui En still felt that the other party was smiling.

"It's been a long time since I saw a sword saint who can reach level 8. Although you have used foreign objects, you still have great potential. Welcome to my temple, swordsman."

Looking around, Cui En recalled the other party's information as if he was electrocuted.

The main **** of weapons.

Why does he call us?


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