This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 10 Chapter 78: God evil

Cui En knelt down immediately, facing the consensus of the twelve lord gods.

However, the weapon master didn't pay attention to Cui En at all, his eyes always fell on the swordsman, as if there were only himself and the swordsman.

"You are fine. You can reach the realm of the gods under the blockade of the gods. You are really good. In order to reward you, I will promote you to my **** servant. From now on, you will be in my temple. Move it."

Hearing these words, Cui En widened his eyes and looked at the swordsman in disbelief.

The difference between the main **** and the gods is like the difference between the gods and the gods.

They have supreme supernatural power, and few people have been admired by them for thousands of years, and each of them is a legend.

Moreover, most of them were taken away by the main gods after death, and the main gods would pay attention to them if they were alive, which is even rarer.

The Lord God of Weapon is a very critical Lord God, which can be seen from his empty temple.

Being able to become a **** servant has a mid-level divine power from the beginning, which is equivalent to another way of conferring gods, which makes Cui En extremely envious.

But to his extreme shock, the swordsman refused.

He inserted the Shura sword in his hand into the ground and smiled and asked, "I refuse. And are you strong?"

"I am strong." The weapon master said with a smile.

"Then Sword Saint Swordsman, challenge you."

"Juggernaut Weapon Lord God, accept your challenge."

The weapon master stood up, and the long sword like flowing water formed in his hand, turning into a shining long sword.

Stroking his old friend, the weapon master said: "It is disrespect for you to fight you with the power of the gods. Therefore, I will use my power as a swordsman and my weapons."

"Anything else?"

"Don't die. But it doesn't matter if you die, I will bring you back."

"Don't worry, it won't."

Next, Cui En only saw a white light.

It was something beyond his understanding, the dividing line between genius and mortal, and an existence he could not surpass in his entire life.

At this moment, Cui En finally understood what a genius is and the fact that he was actually just a mortal.

He could only stare blankly at the swordsman being defeated by the white light, leaving this space and returning to the city of sin.

He understood a lot, but he didn't seem to understand anything.

After recovering, he hurriedly searched for the swordsman, and then found the swordsman in another room.

he died.

The smile on his face is quite relieved.

"Hey, don't die at this time!"

After running back to the once-in-a-lifetime treasure room, Cui En looked at these treasures regretfully, and finally reluctantly chose a treasure.

[The tears of a crying girl].

The crying girl is a crying god, and his tears are treasures that can be as famous as the panacea, and have the effect of healing all injuries.

However, his tears are very rare in the human world. After all, it is also one of the few materials for brewing divine wine, and usually only the gods can enjoy it.

Holding the container in his hand, Cui En squeezed open the swordsman's mouth, and dripped tears into the swordsman's mouth.

The opponent's injury has improved, but he hasn't survived.

Squeezing the swordsman's mouth again, Cui En poured in a second tear.

After a dozen or so times, after half of a bottle of tears was used up, the almost icy swordsman finally coughed and opened his eyes with difficulty.

Cui En felt relieved.

Putting the container away, he wiped the sweat off his head, and said with a wry smile: "It's alive, it scares me to death."

The swordsman who died once has returned to his previous state. He touched the scarring wound on his chest, and said with a smile: "Now we don't owe anyone anymore."

This adventure gave each other a comradely friendship, and each other's eyes were warm and scorching, which raised the temperature of the room by several degrees.

Just as they were about to open their mouths to consolidate their brotherhood, the door was suddenly pushed open, and Lu Fan and Satan Ye, who were riding the weak chicken man, rushed in and shouted: "Don't get involved here! Hurry up and get ready to run away. ."

"What's the situation? I just resurrected!" The swordsman couldn't help asking.

"Peter is here!"

Suddenly, the entire Sin City trembled.

Looking down from the hole made in the wall, they saw that at the bottom, a huge mouth was devouring the entire city of sin, and Peter had completely merged with this mouth, constantly transforming the substance of the city of sin into Own energy.

His way of eating is very heroic. Every time the mother of all things opens and closes, it will bite down a floor, then chew it and swallow it.

These substances will be transformed by the mother of all things and eventually become part of Peter's body, making him look even bigger.

"Has he become a god?" Satan Ye asked quickly.

"No, it failed. Now he should be something like a god, that is, he has no self-will at all, and only knows what to swallow." Lu Fan replied.

"Isn't it dangerous?"

"It's hard to say, but it's still a bit dangerous because he merges with a mother of all things."

"Then what shall we do?"

"Don't panic, I have a way. The **** of dreams!"

The **** of dreams who was called again just glanced at the gods under his eyes, and shook his head frantically: "Brother, no! I can't deal with this stuff!"

"It's useful for me to keep you as a god, and I will only cost the rice more expensively!"

"Have I eaten your rice! Oh, well, I really ate it."

"There is no way. I originally wanted to accumulate a little more [Creation] points to open the door, but now I can only open it ahead of time. You, protect me! Satan leaves, after you command, hold on for at least three days."

"I felt hanging for three minutes!"

"No matter, I can't die anyway, please do it yourself."

"Come back, you ordinary slime!"

Lu Fan rushed to the top floor, stood at the spire of Sin City, and began the opening ceremony.

A large number of [Genesis] points are burning at this moment, and the laws of the different planes are turned into a substantial flow of fire at this moment, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

In the countless complicated flames, Lu Fan directly used the streamer that points to burn, began to sort out the rules here, and build a way to go back.

Satan Ye looked at the gods below who were constantly eating away at the city of sin. started thinking crazy.

At this time, he found the once-in-a-lifetime treasure room next to him and saw the treasures inside.

"Why is there such a good place here, take it up and arm it."

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime treasure room, and everyone can only get it once in a lifetime." Cui En explained.

"So...understood! The **** of dreams, follow my command!"

"Why do you listen to you?" the **** of dreams asked, clasping his nose, "I am also a **** anyway, why should I be commanded by you?"

"Nothing unusual!"

"Brother Zhongling Zhongling, what you say is easy to cut, don't call that adult. Come on, what do you want me to do?"

"Everyone wakes up and takes them to the arena. Then tell them that Luna is in danger and we have to go back to rescue her. Cui En, distribute treasures to them. Can't you get in? You won't stand at the door if you can't get in! Hurry up, Let's take action!"

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