This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 63: 1 way north

Latest website: Brandt watched the other party screaming and being dragged away, then he was skillfully wrapped around his neck and hanged directly under the pipe outside.

All his things were split, and even the corpse was sent to the temple to be used as material for summoning tentacles.

Standing blankly on the spot, Brandt suddenly shouted and asked: "You just killed him like this!"

"Otherwise?" The girl vomited a smoke ring expertly.

"What if I'm wrong, what if he just lied by accident?"

The girl sneered, and pointed to the black wall next to her: "Look there."


"Look closer."

Brandt stepped forward suspiciously, only to discover that the wall should actually be white, but it was filled with names in black.

Shaking the ashes, the girl casually said: "Isabella, Tal, Tensasi...These are your predecessors. In addition, there are a large number of innocent people. We don't care wherever we go on this wall. Bring them all, so that you don’t forget the previous lessons."

Stepping forward, the girl gently stroked each name, and continued: "Do you know how many people come from above through various channels every day? Three thousand. Even if our accuracy rate can reach 99.9%, still People from the three royal families will come in. Each of them is looking for Christine and then killing her. If they can’t find it, they will turn to find a way to destroy the exile. This group of people is because To die for this thing."

"What you see is only a small part of the exile, but it already has a population of 30,000. If our review is unfavorable, then any spy may kill everyone. Do you think I will bet on that small probability Huh?"

Patted Brandt on the shoulder, the girl smiled and said, "This is a cruel job. We can't be a little sloppy, do you know that? Well, if you want to leave..."

"I do." Brandt said suddenly.


"I said I did it! I want to make the correct rate reach 100%, and I want to avoid all of this! So, I did it."

The girl stared at Brandt, and then smiled: "Okay, I am optimistic about you."

Brandt began to work more seriously, reviewing every piece of information for a long time to make sure that there were no problems before giving his opinion.

Everyone who lied, had flaws, and whose details and experience did not match, would be dragged out, and then hanged directly.

At the beginning, he would still panic and tremble.

But a day later, he slowly blended into his identity and began to make every judgment seriously.

The girl silently watched Brandt's judgment, only asking a few questions occasionally, and stopped asking more after getting answers.

Just three days later, after Brandt finished the day's work, the girl stopped him.

"Okay, Brandt."

"Well, what do you mean?"

Several black-robed priests appeared abruptly, then pressed Brandt on the table and cut his hands backwards, and tied his arms behind him with twine.

Standing opposite Brandt, the girl said blankly: "Master Christine's instructions have been given, and we have found sufficient evidence. You have a reason to be suspected."

Brandt's pupils dilated sharply, and he shouted, "I don't have one."

"Sorry, as we said, there is a reason for suspicion, and we will not let it go. But for the sake of your hard work during this period, I can arrange a suitable death for you. You don't confess you What is the purpose of it?"

"I said it all, I didn't."


The girl sighed: "Hang him."

Bluntly, Brandt was dragged by the priest to the side of the pipe, the rough rope wrapped around his neck, and then he pushed it down violently.

Brandt watched the turbulent sewage getting closer and closer, and the rope on his back shrank suddenly, causing him to bounce a few times in the air, and then he stopped moving.

After a few seconds, the lower pipe stretched out a few arms and pulled Brandt directly in.

Untie Brandt's body rope, the girl slowly walked up, and said to the blank-faced Brandt: "Sorry, I tried you in this way. I learned a lesson from a friend of restraint. Sometimes it’s unreliable, so you need to test it with various means. People have the simplest thoughts before they die, and they are the most suitable for testing."

Brandt stroked his neck, and he was relieved when he found it was fine.

Staring at the girl, he gave a wry smile: "So, everything before is a temptation?"


"Those dead people too?"

"Our people pretend. After all, the examiner is a very important position. We can't just hand it over to a novice."

"You are mean, Miss Christine."

The girl raised her eyebrows and laughed.

Under Brandt's gaze, the girl's body shape slowly changed.

She rose a section out of thin air, her long golden hair flashing like broken sunlight in the dark.

The facial features on his face slowly moved and integrated, finally revealing a beautiful face that fits the identity of an elf.

After smoking a cigarette, Christine said to the left and right: "Okay, take him to the temple."

By bypassing the tortuous pipeline, Christine took Brandt all the way to the temple, and said to Brandt: "This is the headquarters of our Demon Sect. The Demon Sect was established seventy-five years ago. The founders include The previous generation of Demon Kings, Lucifer, Golding and me. Now, I invite you to join the Demon King Cult. Would you like to?"

"I... I don't want to."


"I don't believe in anything, after all, they didn't come to save me when I was in the most difficult time."

After a pause, Brandt asked nervously: "This is not a part of temptation, right?"

Christine smiled and shook her head: "No. It doesn't matter, we never force anyone. But I have an extra task. Would you like to listen to it?"

"You can say it, but it's my business whether or not to do it."

"Very good. We received a secret report. A group of Slimes under the Demon King is developing Wonderland. I need someone to go there and get in touch with them. If they want to do something, we can also cooperate. This task I need a guy who is smart enough and rational enough, and you are my favorite candidate. Are you willing to help me with this task?"

Brandt instinctively wanted to refuse, because he heard the great danger from this task.

How to leave the royal city is a problem, and how to pass the barrier between **** is another problem.

Except for the royal city, there are a large number of evil things in other places, and every second is facing the threat of death.

But recalling Christine's enlightened eyes before, he suddenly became curious about these slimes.

After hesitating again and again, he finally nodded: "Okay."

"Thank you, let's go now. I have your luggage ready, so take it with you."

A tentacle appeared under Christine's call. The tentacle wrapped Brandt and activated its own space movement ability to transport Brandt out to the eighth hell.

"I wish you peace," Christine whispered.

Brandt, who was wrapped in tentacles, felt a trance before him. When he recovered, he had already reached the eighth level of hell.

Looking at the yellow sand around him, he said dissatisfiedly: "At least find me a better place. How can I get to this position?"

(Go north.)

"Ah, thank you. Wait, who are you?"

(Your significant

After asking this question, Brandt's eyes began to move quickly.

His body slowly collapsed, and a slight smile appeared on his face.

Scratching his hair, he said to himself: "It's easier than imagined. I didn't expect to get a new identity directly. And the effect of this restriction is even better than imagined. In the land of surprises, You continue to be my umbrella, Mr. Brandt."

His eyeballs continued to turn again, and stopped abruptly after a while.

After returning to normal, Brandt scratched his head in confusion, always feeling as if he had heard something just now, and it seemed that he hadn't.

"Have you hallucinated? Forget it, I feel that there should be something in the north, then go north."

Carrying his luggage, Brandt stepped on the yellow sand and walked northward.

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