This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 64: Fate is wonderful

Latest website: On the hot yellow sand, a giant mountain-like giant is sprinting in the sand.

He looks like a half-goat, but few half-goats can grow so tall, so it looks very conspicuous.

He carried a small house on his shoulders. The house was made of wood and smoked with sulfur.

Lena, who was wearing only three pieces of cloth, sat by the window of the house, spread her legs indecently, sticking her tongue out like a husky.

Staring at the endless yellow sand outside, she said dissatisfiedly: "How long will it take to get to the place of surprise?"

"It's about a day," 3l said, staring at the card in front of him.

"3l, don't play cards with the chipmunks. How about getting me refreshed on my lap? The cold body is very comfortable to hold."

"Your hands and feet are not clean."

"We are all engaged, why are you still shy?"

"It's just an engagement. I won't get married until I really beat you."

"Cut... ascetic men are really annoying."

On the 3l ground, the chipmunk stared at the situation on the court earnestly, while Winston and Emma were limp on one side like two dead dogs, motionless.

After a few minutes, the chipmunk finally made a choice: "Activate the restriction, parry, and then use the sword light."

"Concept cut, flaw attack, interrupt, then sword light. Alright, you are dead."

The chipmunk stared angrily at the card in his hand, and muttered dissatisfiedly: "I still have a psionic weapon that is useless."

"It's useless if you use it. Your footwork skill level is not enough, and you can only get a spike if you hit it. But you have improved this time, and it's no longer a rush to play cards."

They played an improved version of Juggernaut.

During these fifteen years, Lu Fan’s earliest introduction of "Paisheng" has been carried forward and extended into hundreds of variants.

Juggernauts have "Swordsman Card", magicians have "Mage Card", and even Succubus has "*** Card", which is a bad card type that can make people feel insignificant just by playing a name.

Many cards are also attached with special effects magic, which is a good way of entertaining.

And if you study it carefully, playing cards can also improve your combat skills, so it is very popular in hell.

After learning about this, Lu Fan immediately began to amend the Patent Law and the Intellectual Property Protection Law, and decided to use these two laws to cut every card player out.

Just as Yishi Yihua was playing cards in full swing, 3l suddenly stopped and looked out the window: "Did you hear the call for help?"

"It's too hot, I don't want to listen at all." Lena panted on the windowsill.

"Very close, not far from us. I think we need to take a look."

"Forget it, the desert is weird. You don't know what's in it. Just to be on the safe side, I don't recommend that we leave here."


After a long journey, they finally saw an oasis in front of them.

The half-goat giant ran to the oasis happily, put down the house and drank half of the water in one breath, then lay on the sand and shouted: "Hey!"

"Pande, are you still a swordsman like this? There is no sense of elegance at all."

"You turn me into a giant and try to run a few hundred kilometers!"

"It is common sense to speak politely to the master, right?"

"It's also common sense not to abuse your own disciples!"

3l and the three children were also taking water by the water, feeling that they were alive.

Seeing that it was almost lunch, 3l dropped seeds in the soil on the edge of the oasis, and several **** plants began to take root and sprout quickly, and then pieces of bread were formed.

Take off the bread, 3l divides them among others, and then starts playing cards with the chipmunk gnawing on the bread.

They set off from Sulphur City and New North Wind City respectively this time, with the goal of reaching the Surprise Land and discussing the next development matters with the slime.

Although there is still a hinterland that is not occupied, the land of surprise is nominally owned by the slime, and the other two castles are currently independent in name, so it is necessary to discuss the next development direction and cooperation together. Way.

But everyone knows that this is just a cutscene, and the slime will not treat them badly.

It was almost time to rest. 3l was about to let the three girls soaked in the water set off, and then they heard the call for help.

"Strange, I heard it again."

Following the sound, 3l came to Pan De who was taking a nap, and after going around for a while, he buckled an inhuman-looking guy out of the gap in Pan De's hoof.

Looking at the person with dry and cracked skin and yellow sand all over, 3l said to Winston who had heard the news: "Winston, get ready."


Winston stepped up expertly, turned the other party's pockets inside and out, and then spit: "Poor ghost."

3l looked at this guy helplessly, feeling that the moral level of Sulphur City was worrying.

"That's not it."

"Um... I get it. I didn't expect 3l to be okay with this bite."

Winston skillfully stripped off the opponent's clothes, and then made a slow motion to 3l.

3l is even more speechless.

"He is still angry."

"I know, so I let you get hot."

"... bring water and bread!"

"Cut, a man without a sense of humor."

After drinking full water, he continued to dry three breads. The young man in front of him stroked his bulging belly comfortably, and said sincerely: "Thank you, I am almost dying. Thank you for helping me cover me with sand. It would be better if you could return the clothes to me. This is Brandt, how about you?"

Randomly reported a few pseudonyms, 3l asked: "Why are you in a coma in the desert?"

"I don't remember anymore. I just felt like I was hit by something, and then I passed out. If it weren't for you, I would be dead. It's a pity that my money is gone, otherwise I will definitely use it to thank you. "

"You're welcome." Winston accepted the other party's gratitude unceremoniously.

3l glanced at this **** who was almost innocent of guilt, and decided that when she came to a place of surprise, she must be given to the leader to train her.

Not too lazy to expose the other party's bad behavior, 3l asked: "Where are you going? If you drop in, we can take you a ride."

"Thank you so much. I am going to the place of surprise. I heard that it is under construction, so I am going to see if there is any future."

3l and Winston looked at each other, feeling it was a coincidence.

"Come on, UU reading, let's go together."

One more person is nothing to the giant Pan De, so 3l is also willing to compensate the other party to a certain extent.

In the wooden house, Brandt quickly mingle with the three children.

He was educated in Wangcheng and usually likes to read books. Coupled with the influence of various TV shows in Wangcheng, he has the feeling of a big city in terms of vision and conversation.

3l was also observing Brandt silently, and then found out that the other party was a good person who was just as good as the outside.

He has a sense of justice, good conversation and knowledge, and he is only a little older than the three children, so there is no harm in letting them get in touch with him.

On the second day, Pan De, carrying six people, finally came to the north of the Land of Surprise.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Brandt, who came out of the King City, couldn't help but said: "This is the place of surprise? It's really... great!"

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