This Group of Players Are All Slimes

Vol 11 Chapter 71: Drunkenness

"Welcome, sirs."

In the humble city lord's mansion, Pan De's sister, Pandora came out to greet him immediately after learning that Pan De was back.

Compared with fifteen years ago, Pandora has not changed much, but there are more children behind.

Seeing Pan De coming back, these children immediately jumped up excitedly, riding on Pan De and frolicking.

Pan De also likes these children very much. Every one of his children is named, and he is very happy when he plays with them.

Staring at these children, the little master asked: "Pand, which of these children are yours?"

"None of them." Pan De sighed. "The restrictions I signed cannot allow me to have children. But even if we are not related by blood, I still treat them as my family."

"Oh." The little master nodded clearly, but he hesitantly asked immediately, "Is there something I don't know if it's appropriate to say it?"

"I also have something to say." Lu Fan also added.

"It's a coincidence, me too." The boss didn't change it and came up.

Pan De quickly withdrew half a step: "Then don't talk about it! I know your personality very well, and I will never say anything good, so just shut up."


After drinking a little water, Pande looked at Pandora: "Pandora, what's the matter with that black opal? When did he come over?"

"It didn't take long for you to leave here, they came. They first bought the goods that the Supper Chamber of Commerce did not take away, and exchanged them with the food we urgently needed. Then he exchanged jobs with the right to mine the mine, and Three months' salary was advanced in advance."

After a pause, Pandora looked at Pande hesitantly: "And there is something I don't know if I should say it?"

"You too! Forget it, just say it."

"Someone is discussing to replace you, and there are quite a few demons who agree with this opinion. They think that Black Opal that can provide them with food is a better choice."

"How many people are there?"

Pandora lowered his head, and after a long silence, he whispered: "Everyone and the devil except me."

Pan De looked at the low building outside the window with a very plain expression on his face.

After a while, he suddenly smiled: "It's good, isn't it? Winston also said that I am not a lord, and it is a miracle to be able to get to this point. It is also good to let other people become lord, so I You can focus on swordsmanship."

"elder brother…"

"It's okay. I have no problem. I will announce it directly tomorrow. It's normal. It sounds like the Merchants Association has a certain relationship with you. Then there should be no problem for the Merchants Association to continue to manage Sulphur City, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Lu Fan nodded: "It shouldn't be there."

"That's okay, I'm finally free, so be it. Pandora, join me to entertain all the guests, take out my treasured wine, and we won't be drunk tonight."

"Okay!" the driver of the Obsidian Band exclaimed excitedly.

Although Pan De said he was going to make a big fuss, what he brought out was still a bit shabby.

Moldy ham went straight to the table, and the sulphur-smoked vegetables had a disgusting color.

Goat's milk is fresh, but its origin is doubtful, so few people dare to touch it.

The only thing worthy of praise is the sulphur wine. Fresh sulphur is combined with clear water full of sulphur compounds. After forty-nine days of fermentation, the final result is a wine that makes people forget it.

This wine has a strong smell and a special taste. Even Brandt, who is a human, feels that it tastes good, and can't help but drink a few more glasses.

Others were even more drunk, and the voices of several people could even be heard in nearby factories.

In the middle of the reception, the drunk Pande staggered out of Sulphur City, climbed to the top of the house, and fell asleep deeply.

I don't know how long it took, and he felt that his surroundings were getting hotter and hotter, and the smell around him was getting more and more fragrant.

"Strange, what's the matter?" asked the drunk Pan De.

"Roast whole lamb."

"Oh, save me a leg and add more cumin, that fragrance."

"Don't worry, I will definitely keep it for you."

Pan De closed his eyes with satisfaction, but the last trace of reason told him that the situation is not quite right now.

Sitting up suddenly, he stared at the two slimes next to him, "What are you doing?"

"Roasted whole lamb." The little master said drunkly.

"Where is the sheep?"

"Aren't you?" The boss stopped drinking a bottle of sulfur wine.

Pan De violently violently extinguished his own flames, and then reluctantly said to the two slimes, "Is it okay not to do this?"

"Oh, are you still angry?" The blushing little master jumped onto the half-cooked Pan De, "If you are angry, hit me, idiot."

"Mr. Little Master..."

"You can't do it like this." The boss didn't change it and moved in. "It's hard to run the dungeon for 15 years. If you give it away, this half-goat is super inferior."

"It was the same back then. This guy was also super inferior to the last Wolf. If it weren't for us and Master Lu, he would kneel at that time."

"Now it's so free and easy, it's obviously not brave enough."

The two drunk slimes drank their mouths at their full stinky level, and they spoke out the past and the present one by one. Each sentence produced a crit effect on Pande’s heart, and kept the fragile heart from tearing. Become fragments.

Even the half-goat, who is cowardly by nature, was angry at this time.

Catalyzed by alcohol, Pan De, the half-goat man, grabbed the little master's wine, dried a bottle, and then ignoring the flames escaping from his body, he jumped into the tall house.

"Let's go!" Pan De shouted.

Two slimes who were about to become drunk jumped to Pan De's side, raised the bottle aloft and asked in a loud voice, "What are you doing!"

"Knock them to death! The house is high, start!"

"start up!"

Pan De shouted in excitement, but the house under the seat Gao Gao did not respond.

Looking awkwardly at the two slimes whose emotions were gradually anneal, he whispered: "I won't drive a high house."

"Then you just slapped a hammer! Go and find someone who can do it!"

"Ah, UU reading I will."

The drunk driver of Maozi jumped off from above, kicked Pan De in the driving seat, and asked while drinking, "What are you going to do, boss?"

"Did you see the factory over there? Kill them!"

"Understand, let's go!" The driver raised his glass in excitement, "Let's make a big fuss!"

The house Gundam began to tremble violently.

This huge war machine was finally activated, and every part was transformed into a war form, dying toward the factory being built.

A large number of man-made demons are as small as ants in this war weapon, and huge factories are destroyed in front of the war weapon like building blocks.

Under Pan De's command, the four drunks laughed and ran over every corner of the factory until they rushed into the clearing in the middle of the factory.

At the moment of driving into the open space, the magic circle on the ground suddenly glowed, and the house above Gao Gao disappeared without a trace.

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